project QadFinancials > class BPosting

business class
inherited from Database Component
business area General Ledger


This component contains all functionality required to create, validate and save postings
It also contains a number of instance-less methods that can be called and that return a default posting that can be modified and completed before storing it.

API annotation

Currency and Amounts
Depending on the GL definition, currency amounts, other than local currency, can be used. The following set-ups are possible (see Maintenance / General Ledget Account / Currency tab) :

* Base currency (LC=local currency) only: the 'Base Currency Only' box is checked. Only amount fields with suffix LC can be filled in and those fields are mandatory.
* Single transaction currency (TC): This is the currency entered in the 'Currency Code' field. The 'Local Currency Only' box must not be checked. The amount fields with suffix TC must be filled in. The amount fields with suffix LC are not mandatory. When the LC Amount fields are filled in, they are used as is. If left empty the system calculates them using the applicable exchange rate.
* All currencies allowed: the 'Base Currency Only' box is not checked and the 'Currency Code' field is left empty. The amount fields with suffix TC must be filled in. The amount fields with suffix LC are not mandatory. When the LC Amount fields are filled in, they are used as is. If left empty, the system calculates them using the applicable exchange rate.

Note: In a local currency posting, the system sets the TC value equal to the LC value.

Amounts can also be entered in statutory currency (CC= statutory currency). Statutory Currency fields are not mandatory. When supplied, they are used as is. If left empty, the system calculates them based on the LC values and the applicable exchange rate.
If the statutory currency is not activated, the fields with suffix CC are discarded.

Debit and Credit fields exist for LC, TC, CC and PC amounts. However, only one of the two can be entered. Normally, amounts are entered with a + sign, but it is possible to enter a negative amount, which is then considered to be a correction.

Exchange Rates

The exchange rate converts TC amounts to LC amounts as follows:

Amount LC = Amount TC * Exchange Rate (TC/LC) * Scale Factor.

The Scale Factor is a decimal number that has to be multiplied by the exchange rate to get the real exchange rate. The Scale Factor format is 9999999.9999999 and it was introduced to extend the accuracy of the exchange rate.

The exchange rate parameters are not mandatory. If no exchange rate parameters are specified, the applicable Financials exchange rates are used.

Note: Exchange rates to convert from LC to CC cannot be specified. The rates defined in the Financials exchange rates table are always used.

public data items

other data items

API queries

API methods

public methods

other methods
