This method allows to overrule the standard display format of a domain.
(used in GetBusinessFields)
Display format is one of the properties on business fields, returned by GetBusinessFields.
icDomainName | input | character | |
ocDisplayFormat | output | character | display format, using the progress syntax |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/business.p)
case icDomainName:
/* Format for LC depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals for the currency*/
when "EFAS_LC":U
then case viCompanyLCDec:
when 0 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
when 1 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
when 2 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
when 3 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
otherwise assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
end case.
/* Format for CC depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals for the currency*/
when "EFAS_CC":U
then case viCompanyCCDec:
when 0 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
when 1 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
when 2 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
when 3 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
otherwise assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
end case.
/* Format for TC depends upon the entered currency but here we just set the default format that will be overwritten whenever the actial transactional currency is entered */
when "EFAS_TC":U
then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99<":U.
/* Fixed-format for Prices - the field in CompanyProperty is no longer used for this */
then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>9.99999":U.
/* Format for Qty depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals */
when "EFAS_QTY":U
then case viCompanyQtyDec:
when 0 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
when 1 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
when 2 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
when 3 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
when 4 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
when 5 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.99999":U.
when 6 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.999999":U.
when 7 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999999":U.
when 8 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.99999999":U.
when 9 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.999999999":U.
when 10 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999999999":U.
otherwise assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
end case.
end case.