project QadFinancials > class Business Component > method GetDomainFormat


This method allows to overrule the standard display format of a domain.
(used in GetBusinessFields)


Display format is one of the properties on business fields, returned by GetBusinessFields.


ocDisplayFormatoutputcharacterdisplay format, using the progress syntax
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program/business.p)


case icDomainName:

    /* Format for LC depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals for the currency*/
    when "EFAS_LC":U
    then case viCompanyLCDec:
        when 0 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
        when 1 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
        when 2 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
        when 3 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
        otherwise   assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
    end case.
    /* Format for CC depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals for the currency*/
    when "EFAS_CC":U
    then case viCompanyCCDec:
        when 0 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
        when 1 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
        when 2 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
        when 3 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
        otherwise   assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
    end case.
    /* Format for TC depends upon the entered currency but here we just set the default format that will be overwritten whenever the actial transactional currency is entered */
    when "EFAS_TC":U
    then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99<":U.
    /* Fixed-format for Prices - the field in CompanyProperty is no longer used for this */
    when "EFAS_PRICE":U
    then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>9.99999":U.
    /* Format for Qty depends upon configuration of number-of-decimals */
    when "EFAS_QTY":U
    then case viCompanyQtyDec:
        when 0  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>>,>>9":U.
        when 1  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>>,>>9.9":U.
        when 2  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>>,>>>,>>9.99":U.
        when 3  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->>,>>>,>>9.999":U.
        when 4  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
        when 5  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.99999":U.
        when 6  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.999999":U.
        when 7  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999999":U.
        when 8  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.99999999":U.
        when 9  then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.999999999":U.
        when 10 then assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999999999":U.
        otherwise    assign ocDisplayFormat = "->,>>>,>>9.9999":U.
    end case.

end case.