project QadFinancials > class BPosting > method ApiStdMaintainTTInitialDefaulting
ApiStdMaintainTTInitialDefaulting: This method is called when creating a posting through an API right before the processing of the input.
This method can be used to default field values to the incoming dataset prior to the acctual processing.
Standard-defaulting in this method:
• Default Company_ID with the current company you are logged on to
• Default PostingDate with PostingSystemDate (and vice-versa so one of them is mandatory).
• Default CInvoiceTaxPointDate with CInvoicePostingDate
• Default PostingYearPeriod based upon PostingYear and PostingPeriod (and vice-versa)
• Default PostingYearPeriod, PostingYear and PostingPeriod based upon PostingDate
• Default PostingText based upon PostingYear, tcJournalCode, PostingVoucher and the date and time.
• Default PostingLineSequence with a sequential value and ordered by tc_rowid
• Default PostingLineText with PostingText
• Default tcDivisionCode, tcCostCentreCode and tcProjectCode in the posting-lines based upon the defaults of the GL-account on the PostingLine
• Default GLIsAutomaticAccount, GLIsDebitAAccount, GLTypeCode and UnitCode based upon the GL-account on the PostingLine (even in case these fields are already filled by the caller)
• Default PostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC and DInvoiceVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC with fields PostingLineDebitTC and PostingLineCreditTC of the parent-record in PostingLine
• Default PostingVaT.tcDomainCode based upon the current domain
• Default PostingVatTaxPointDate with PostingDate
• Default PostingVat.PostingVatInOut with tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut (and vice versa)
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program9/bposting.p)
/* ============================================================================================================= */
/* Add an include in here so we can easily trace the methods that do direct db-access (or via dynamic querying) */
/* As in this method a lot of different tables are accessed we do not specify the complete list here in the call */
/* ============================================================================================================= */
&READTABLENAMES = "Plenty of Finacials tables"}>
/* ============================================================================== */
/* Notes: */
/* 0. In this method we will ony do the defaulting that applies to */
/* 1. No records are available at the moment this method is entered */
/* 2. The records that need to be extended are the tApixxx-tables */
/* 3. Exception handling is done via progress itself (on error undo throw) */
/* 4. Database is accessed directly and variables are defined manually to: */
/* A. Come to a proper performance */
/* B. Ease downgradability */
/* C. Ease installations on released products: This complete peice of code */
/* can be copied into the 'before' hook of the parent-method of this */
/* method by using the customization-technology that we have in the Fin */
/* Addition: Note that only Financial-tables can be accessed directly - for */
/* Operational tables we will have to use dynamic queries! */
/* ============================================================================== */
/* We are naming these manual defined varaiable with an X to avoid interactions with the normaly defined method-data-items */
define variable viXGLSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXDivisionSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXCostCentreSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXProjectSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXJournalSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXGLProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXDivisionProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXCostCentreProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXProjectProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable vcXDomainCode as character no-undo.
define variable viHighestPostingLineSequence as integer no-undo initial 0.
/* ========================= */
/* Go through all postingss */
/* ========================= */
For each tApiPosting on error undo, throw :
/* ================================================================================================= */
/* Avoid unkown-values as this is not allowed although some interfaces (like QXtend) do pass in this */
/* ================================================================================================= */
assign tApiPosting.PostingIsReplacement = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsReplacement = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsReversing = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsReversing = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsReversingBySign = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsReversingBySign = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsZeroValueAllowed = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsZeroValueAllowed = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsSkipAutoAssignLC = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsSkipAutoAssignLC = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsAutoReversal = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsAutoReversal = ?
tApiPosting.PostingIsCorrection = false when tApiPosting.PostingIsCorrection = ?
tApiPosting.tlSaveAsTemplate = false when tApiPosting.tlSaveAsTemplate = ?
tApiPosting.PostingVoucher = 0 when tApiPosting.PostingVoucher = ?
tApiPosting.PostingAutoReversalType = "":U when tApiPosting.PostingAutoReversalType = ?.
/* ============================================== */
/* Fill in default Company_ID when not specified */
/* ============================================== */
if tApiPosting.Company_ID = ? or
tApiPosting.Company_ID = 0
then assign tApiPosting.Company_ID = viCompanyID.
/* =================================== */
/* Get the DomainCode and SharedSetIDs */
/* =================================== */
For each Company where
Company.Company_ID = tApiPosting.Company_ID
first Domains of Company no-lock,
each CompanySharedSet of Company no-lock
on error undo, throw :
Assign vcXDomainCode = Domains.DomainCode.
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-GL} /* GL */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXGLSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DIVISION} /* DIVISION */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXDivisionSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-PROJECT} /* PROJECT */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXProjectSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
on error undo, throw :
assign viXCostCentreSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-JOURNAL} /* JOURNAL */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXJournalSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
end. /* For each Company where */
if vcXDomainCode = "":U or
vcXDomainCode = ? or
viXGLSharedSetID = 0 or
viXGLSharedSetID = ? or
viXDivisionSharedSetID = 0 or
viXDivisionSharedSetID = ? or
viXProjectSharedSetID = 0 or
viXProjectSharedSetID = ? or
viXCostCentreSharedSetID = 0 or
viXCostCentreSharedSetID = ? or
viXJournalSharedSetID = 0 or
viXJournalSharedSetID = ?
then Return. /* If this missing then further defaulting makes no sense */
/* =================================================== */
/* PostingDate-PostingSystemDate + PostingYearPeriod */
/* =================================================== */
if tApiPosting.PostingDate = ? and
tApiPosting.PostingSystemDate <> ?
then assign tApiPosting.PostingDate = tApiPosting.PostingSystemDate.
if tApiPosting.PostingSystemDate = ? and
tApiPosting.PostingDate <> ?
then assign tApiPosting.PostingSystemDate = tApiPosting.PostingDate.
if tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod <> 0 and
tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod <> ? and
(tApiPosting.PostingYear = 0 or
tApiPosting.PostingYear = ?) and
(tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = 0 or
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = ?)
then assign tApiPosting.PostingYear = truncate(tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod / 100, 0)
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod - (tApiPosting.PostingYear * 100) no-error.
if tApiPosting.PostingYear <> 0 and
tApiPosting.PostingYear <> ? and
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod <> 0 and
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod <> ? and
(tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod = 0 or
tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod = ?)
then assign tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod = (tApiPosting.PostingYear * 100) + tApiPosting.PostingPeriod no-error.
if tApiPosting.PostingDate <> ? and
(tApiPosting.PostingYear = 0 or
tApiPosting.PostingYear = ?) and
(tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = 0 or
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = ?)
then do :
Release Period no-error.
Find Period where
Period.Company_ID = tApiPosting.Company_ID and
Period.PeriodStartDate <= tApiPosting.PostingDate and
Period.PeriodEndDate >= tApiPosting.PostingDate and
Period.PeriodTypeCode = {&PERIODTYPECODE-NORMAL} and /* NORM */
Period.PeriodIsPostingGLAllowed = true
no-lock no-error.
if not available Period
then Find Period where
Period.Company_ID = tApiPosting.Company_ID and
Period.PeriodStartDate <= tApiPosting.PostingDate and
Period.PeriodEndDate >= tApiPosting.PostingDate and
Period.PeriodIsPostingGLAllowed = true
no-lock no-error.
if available Period
then assign tApiPosting.PostingYear = Period.PeriodYear
tApiPosting.PostingPeriod = Period.PeriodPeriod
tApiPosting.PostingYearPeriod = (tApiPosting.PostingYear * 100) + tApiPosting.PostingPeriod.
end. /* if tApiPosting.PostingDate <> ? and */
/* ============================================== */
/* Fill in PostingText when not specified */
/* ============================================== */
if tApiPosting.PostingText = "":U or
tApiPosting.PostingText = ?
then do :
assign tApiPosting.PostingText = "":U.
if tApiPosting.PostingYear <> 0 and
tApiPosting.PostingYear <> ?
then assign tApiPosting.PostingText = string(tApiPosting.PostingYear,"9999":U).
if tApiPosting.tcJournalCode <> "":U and
tApiPosting.tcJournalCode <> ?
then assign tApiPosting.PostingText = (if tApiPosting.PostingText = "":U then "":U else trim(tApiPosting.PostingText) + "/":U) + trim(tApiPosting.tcJournalCode).
if tApiPosting.PostingVoucher <> 0 and
tApiPosting.PostingVoucher <> ?
then assign tApiPosting.PostingText = (if tApiPosting.PostingText = "":U then "":U else trim(tApiPosting.PostingText) + "/":U) + string(tApiPosting.PostingVoucher,"999999999":U).
else assign tApiPosting.PostingText = trim(substring(trim(tApiPosting.PostingText) + " - ":U + substitute(#T-91'Created &1 &2':255(932597315)T-91#, string(today), string(time,"HH:MM:SS":U)), 1, 40,"character":U)).
end. /* if tApiPosting.PostingText = "":U or */
/* ============================================ */
/* Go through all PostingLines of the Posting */
/* ============================================ */
if vcActivityCode = "ExternalCreate":U
then do :
for each tApiPostingLine use-index i_parent :
assign tApiPostingLine.tc_Rowid = string(int(substring(tApiPostingLine.tc_Rowid,2,length(tApiPostingLine.tc_Rowid,"CHARACTER":U),"CHARACTER":U)),'9999').
For each tApiPostingLine where
tApiPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tApiPosting.tc_rowid
by tApiPostingLine.tc_rowid
on error undo, throw :
/* ====================================================================================================== */
/* Fill PostingLineSequence when this is not specified and keep track of the highest value for this field */
/* ====================================================================================================== */
if tApiPostingLine.PostingLineSequence = 0 or
tApiPostingLine.PostingLineSequence = ? or
tApiPostingLine.PostingLineSequence < viHighestPostingLineSequence
then assign viHighestPostingLineSequence = viHighestPostingLineSequence + 1
tApiPostingLine.PostingLineSequence = viHighestPostingLineSequence.
else assign viHighestPostingLineSequence = tApiPostingLine.PostingLineSequence.
/* ==================================================================================================== */
/* Avoid unkown-values as this is not allowed although some interfaces (like QXtend) do pass in this */
/* ==================================================================================================== */
assign tApiPostingLine.tcAllocationType = "" when tApiPostingLine.tcAllocationType = ?
tApiPostingLine.tcDivisionCode = "" when tApiPostingLine.tcDivisionCode = ?
tApiPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode = "" when tApiPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode = ?
tApiPostingLine.tcProjectCode = "" when tApiPostingLine.tcProjectCode = ?.
/* ==================================================================================================== */
/* If the Text on the PostignLine is not filled then use the one from the Posting */
/* ==================================================================================================== */
if tApiPostingLine.PostingLineText = "":U or
tApiPostingLine.PostingLineText = ?
then assign tApiPostingLine.PostingLineText = tApiPosting.PostingText.
/* ==================================================================================================== */
/* Fill the Div, CC and Prj-info on the CI-PostingLines with the defaults from the accounts */
/* Default GLIsAutomaticAccount, GLIsDebitAAccount, GLTypeCode and UnitCode based upon the GL-account */
/* ==================================================================================================== */
if tApiPostingLine.tcGLCode <> ? and
tApiPostingLine.tcGLCode <> "":U
then do :
assign viXProjectProfileID = 0
viXCostCentreProfileID = 0
viXDivisionProfileID = 0.
find GL where
GL.SharedSet_ID = viXGLSharedSetID and
GL.GLCode = tApiPostingLine.tcGLCode
no-lock no-error.
if available GL
then do :
assign tApiPostingLine.tlGLIsAutomaticAccount = GL.GLIsAutomaticAccount
tApiPostingLine.tlGLIsDebitAccount = GL.GLIsDebitAccount
tApiPostingLine.tcGLTypeCode = GL.GLTypeCode.
if GL.Unit_ID <> 0 and
GL.Unit_ID <> ?
then do :
Find Unit where
Unit.Unit_ID = GL.Unit_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available Unit
then assign tApiPostingLine.tcUnitCode = Unit.UnitCode.
end. /* if GL.Unit_ID <> 0 and */
else assign tApiPostingLine.tcUnitCode = "":U.
if GL.GLIsDivisionAccount = true
then assign viXDivisionProfileID = GL.DivisionProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount = true
then assign viXCostCentreProfileID = GL.CostCentreProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsProjectAccount = true
then assign viXProjectProfileID = GL.ProjectProfile_ID.
if (tApiPostingLine.tcDivisionCode = "":U or
tApiPostingLine.tcDivisionCode = ?) and
viXDivisionProfileID <> 0 and
viXDivisionProfileID <> ?
then do :
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXDivisionProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXDivisionSharedSetID
first Division where
Division.Division_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiPostingLine.tcDivisionCode = Division.DivisionCode
tApiPostingLine.Division_ID = Division.Division_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
end. /* if viXDivisionProfileID <> 0 and */
if (tApiPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode = "":U or
tApiPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode = ?) and
viXCostCentreProfileID <> 0 and
viXCostCentreProfileID <> ?
then do :
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXCostCentreProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXCostCentreSharedSetID
first CostCentre where
CostCentre.CostCentre_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode = CostCentre.CostCentreCode
tApiPostingLine.CostCentre_ID = CostCentre.CostCentre_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
end. /* if viXCostCentreProfileID <> 0 and */
if (tApiPostingLine.tcProjectCode = "":U or
tApiPostingLine.tcProjectCode = ?) and
viXProjectProfileID <> 0 and
viXProjectProfileID <> ?
then do :
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXProjectProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXProjectSharedSetID
first qaddb.Project where
qaddb.Project.Project_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiPostingLine.tcProjectCode = qaddb.Project.ProjectCode
tApiPostingLine.Project_ID = qaddb.Project.Project_ID.
end. /* for first Profile where */
end. /* if viXProjectProfileID <> 0 and */
end. /* if available GL */
end. /* if tApiPostingLine.tcGLCode <> ? and */
/* ==================================================== */
/* Go through the PostingVat records of the PostingLine */
/* ==================================================== */
for each tApiPostingVat where
tApiPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid = tApiPostingLine.tc_rowid
break by tApiPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid
on error undo, throw :
/* =================================================================== */
/* If there is only a single PostingVat for this PostingLine and the */
/* tax-amounts on PostingVat are empty then take them from PostingLine */
/* =================================================================== */
if first-of (tApiPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid) and
last-of (tApiPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid) and
(tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC = ? or
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC = 0) and
(tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC = ? or
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC = 0)
then assign tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC = tApiPostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC = tApiPostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC.
/* ================================================================================================= */
/* Avoid unkown-values as this is not allowed although some interfaces (like QXtend) do pass in this */
/* ================================================================================================= */
assign tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsReverseCharge = false when tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsReverseCharge = ?
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsAbsRet = false when tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsAbsRet = ?
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsSuspDel = false when tApiPostingVat.PostingVatIsSuspDel = ?.
/* ===================================== */
/* Fill in defaults in tApiPostingVat */
/* ===================================== */
if tApiPostingVat.tcDomainCode = "":U or
tApiPostingVat.tcDomainCode = ?
then assign tApiPostingVat.tcDomainCode = vcXDomainCode.
if tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxPointDate = ?
then assign tApiPostingVat.PostingVatTaxPointDate = tApiPosting.PostingDate.
if tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut <> "":U and
tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut <> ? and
(tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut = "":U or
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut = ?)
then assign tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut = tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut.
if tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut <> "":U and
tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut <> ? and
(tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut = "":U or
tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut = ?)
then assign tApiPostingVat.tcVatInOut = tApiPostingVat.PostingVatInOut.
end. /* for each tApiPostingVat where */
/* ================================================================================== */
/* Go through the PostingVatDelay records of the PostingLine and avoid unknown values */
/* =================================================================================== */
for each tApiPostingVatDelay where
tApiPostingVatDelay.tc_ParentRowid = tApiPostingLine.tc_rowid
on error undo, throw :
assign tApiPostingVatDelay.PostingVatDelayIsOpen = ? when tApiPostingVatDelay.PostingVatDelayIsOpen = ?.
end. /* for each tApiPostingVatDelay where */
End. /* For each tApiPostingLine where */
End. /* for each tApiPosting where */
/* ============================================== */
/* close queries and delete buffer handle objects */
/* ============================================== */