Actions to take before writing current instance to the database (inside the db transaction!).
Use the field tc_status to test the status of the updated records:
'' = unchanged
'N' = new
'C' = changed
'D' = deleted
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/bposting.p)
/* ====================================================================================== */
/* Execute some extravalidations to ensure sub-ledger and general ledger are in line */
/* ====================================================================================== */
<M-22 run PreSaveValidate (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return.
/* ====================================================================================== */
/* If the system created auto-balancing posting, send notification mail about */
/* ====================================================================================== */
if can-find(first tAutoBalanceMailNotif)
then do:
<M-92 run PreSaveAutoBalNotifMailSend (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return.
/* ====================================================================================== *
* Do the update of the Cross company postings, which are already in the database, but *
* which still does not have relation with the couterpart of the cross company posting *
* ====================================================================================== */
for each tPosting where
tPosting.tc_status <> "D":U,
each tPostingLine where
tPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tPosting.tc_rowid and
tPostingLine.tc_status <> "D":U and
tPostingLine.tcGLTypeCode = {&GLTYPECODE-CROSS} and
tPostingLine.CrossCompanyPostingLine_ID <> 0 and
tPostingLine.CrossCompanyPostingLine_ID <> ? and
tPostingLine.PostingLineCrossExternRef <> "":U and
tPostingLine.PostingLineCrossExternRef <> ?:
/* Check, if the linked CrossCompanyPosting has already cross company details */
<Q-23 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = PostingLineForCrossCyLink (NoCache)
(input ?, (CompanyId)
input tPostingLine.CrossCompanyPostingLine_ID, (PostingLineId)) in BPosting >
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
then next.
/* Get business relation for cross company posting */
<M-9 run CalcCrossCompanyBusinessRelation
(input tPostingLine.Company_ID (iiCrossCompanyId),
input ? (icCrossCompanyCode),
output vcDummy (ocBusinessRelationICCode),
output viBusinessRelationId (oiBusinessRelationId),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return.
/* else: make sure that single record is available in tqPostingLineByPostingLineCrossExternRef */
<M-4 run StartPersistence (output vhFcComponent (ohPersistence),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do :
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
assign vcWhereClause = "for each PostingLine where PostingLine.PostingLine_ID = ":U + string (tPostingLine.CrossCompanyPostingLine_ID).
<M-5 run WriteDirect
(input 'PostingLine':U (icTableName),
input vcWhereClause (icPrepare),
input 'CrossCompany_ID,CrossCompanyPosting_ID,CrossCompanyPostingLine_ID,IntercoBusinessRelation_ID':U (icFieldList),
input 'i,i,i':U (icFieldListDataTypes),
input string(tPostingLine.Company_ID) + chr(2) + string(tPostingLine.Posting_ID) + chr(2) + string(tPostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + chr(2) + string(viBusinessRelationId) (icAbsolute),
input '':U (icIncremental),
input {&TARGETPROCEDURE} (ihClass),
input vcUserLogin (icUserLogin),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in Progress>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do :
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
end. /* for each tPosting, each tPostingLine */
/* ================================================================================================ */
/* Before the real db-commit is done we check that the posting is balanced. When all components */
/* that use BPosting and BJournalEntry are correctly programmed (set vlPostingMustBeBalnced to */
/* true before the transaction gets committed) then this check is redundant. We add it here anyway */
/* because we cannot allow postings to be unbalance due to a programming-error is another component */
/* ================================================================================================ */
for each tPosting where tposting.tc_Status <> "D":U :
assign vdBalanceLC = 0
vdBalanceCC = 0.
for each tPostingLine where
tPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tPosting.tc_Rowid and
tPostingLine.tc_Status <> "D":U :
assign vdBalanceLC = vdBalanceLC + tPostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC - tPostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC
vdBalanceCC = vdBalanceCC + tPostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC - tPostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC.
end. /* for each tPostingLine where */
if vdBalanceLC <> 0 or
vdBalanceCC <> 0
then do :
assign vcMsgExplanation = <M-11 GetErrorExplanation
(input tPosting.tc_Rowid (icPostingRowId),
input ? (icPostingLineRowId),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>.
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-2'The posting &1 is not balanced.':255(681307785)T-2#,trim(string(tPosting.PostingYear)) + "/":U + trim(tPosting.tcJournalCode) + "/":U + trim(string(tPosting.PostingVoucher)),string(vdBalanceLC)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if vdBalanceLC <> 0
then assign vcMessage = vcMessage + " ":U + trim(substitute(#T-66'The difference &1 in base currency was detected.':255(249351708)T-66#,string(vdBalanceLC))).
if vdBalanceCC <> 0
then assign vcMessage = vcMessage + (if vdBalanceLC <> 0 then chr(10) else " ":U ) + trim(substitute(#T-88'The difference &1 in statutory currency was detected.':255(480873448)T-88#,string(vdBalanceCC))).
<M-1 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input 'tPosting.PostingOriginReference':U (icFieldName),
input tPosting.PostingOriginReference (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input tPosting.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'QADFIN-1323':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input vcMsgExplanation (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
end. /* if */
end. /* for each tPosting */
/* ================================================================================================ */
/* Before save, we need to check if the postingtax type is WHT. If result is yes, so move the Vat */
/* data into WHT table. */
/* ================================================================================================ */
for each tPosting where tposting.tc_Status <> "D":U :
for each tPostingLine where
tPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tPosting.tc_Rowid and
tPostingLine.tc_Status <> "D":U :
for each tPostingVat where
tPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid and
tPostingVat.TxtyTaxType <> '':U and
tPostingVat.TxtyTaxType <> ? and
tPostingVat.tc_Status = "N":U:
<Q-84 run MfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01 (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tPostingVat.TxtyTaxType, (TaxTypeCode)
input yes, (TaxTypeIsWHT)
output dataset tqMfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01) in BMfgTaxType>
find first tqMfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01 where
tqMfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01.tltxty_wt_type = yes no-error.
if available tqMfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01 then
<M-55 run AddDetailLine
(input 'PostingWHT':U (icTable),
input tPostingLine.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
assign tPostingWHT.Currency_ID = tPostingVat.Currency_ID
tPostingWHT.PeriodMark_ID = tPostingVat.PeriodMark_ID
tPostingWHT.Posting_ID = tPostingVat.Posting_ID
tPostingWHT.PostingLine_ID = tPostingVat.PostingLine_ID
tPostingWHT.Vat_ID = tPostingVat.Vat_ID
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseCreditCC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseCreditCC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseCreditLC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseCreditLC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseCreditTC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseCreditTC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseDebitCC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseDebitCC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseDebitLC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseDebitLC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTBaseDebitTC = tPostingVat.PostingVatBaseDebitTC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTExchangeRate = tPostingVat.PostingVatExchangeRate
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTInOut = tPostingVat.PostingVatInOut
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxDeclarat = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxDeclarat
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxIDFeder = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxIDFeder
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc1 = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc1
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc2 = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc2
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc3 = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc3
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTOwnTaxIDState = tPostingVat.PostingVatOwnTaxIDState
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTRateScale = tPostingVat.PostingVatRateScale
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxCreditCC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditCC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxCreditLC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditLC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxCreditTC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxDebitCC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitCC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxDebitLC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitLC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxDebitTC = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxIDFeder = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxIDFeder
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxIDMisc1 = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxIDMisc1
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxIDMisc2 = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxIDMisc2
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxIDMisc3 = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxIDMisc3
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxIDState = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxIDState
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxPointDate = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxPointDate
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTaxTransType = tPostingVat.PostingVatTaxTransType
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTransType = tPostingVat.PostingVatTransType
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTFromTxzTaxZone = tPostingVat.FromTxzTaxZone
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTToTxzTaxZone = tPostingVat.ToTxzTaxZone
tPostingWHT.tcCurrencyCode = tPostingVat.tcCurrencyCode
tPostingWHT.tcDomainCode = tPostingVat.tcDomainCode
tPostingWHT.tcVatCode = tPostingVat.tcVatCode
tPostingWHT.tcVatInOut = tPostingVat.tcVatInOut
tPostingWHT.tdFullCreditTC = tPostingVat.tdFullCreditTC
tPostingWHT.tdFullDebitTC = tPostingVat.tdFullDebitTC
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTxclTaxCls = tPostingVat.TxclTaxCls
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTxenvTaxEnv = tPostingVat.TxenvTaxEnv
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTxtyTaxType = tPostingVat.TxtyTaxType
tPostingWHT.PostingWHTTxutaxusage = tPostingVat.Txutaxusage.
/* Update Vat Status */
/*assign tPostingVat.tc_Status = '':U.*/
delete tPostingVat.
end. /* for each tPostingVat */
end. /* for each tPostingLine */
end. /* for each tPosting */