project QadFinancials > class BPosting > method ValidateComponentPostJournalRole

validation procedure


Validates the user can post to the journal they are attempting to post to.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BPosting.ValidateComponentPost

program code (program4/bposting.p)

/* ================== */
/* Exception handling */
/* ================== */
assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0.

if can-do({&SECUREJOURNALTYPES}, t_sPosting.tcJournalTypeCode)
then do:   
    assign vhFcComponent = ?.
    <M-13 run CheckJournalRole
       (input  viUsrId (iiUserID), 
        input  ? (icUserCode), 
        input  t_sPosting.Journal_ID (iiJournalID), 
        input  ? (icJournalCode), 
        input  t_sPosting.Company_ID (iiCompanyID), 
        input  ? (icCompanyCode), 
        input  viSessionID (iiSessionID), 
        output vcMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output vlJournalAccessAllowed (olJournalAccessAllowed), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TJournalRole>
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
    then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.

    run gipr_DeleteProcedure in vhFcComponent.
    delete procedure vhFcComponent.        
    if viLocalReturnStatus <> 0
    then do:
        assign vcMsgExplanation = <M-12 GetErrorExplanation
                                     (input  t_sPosting.tc_Rowid (icPostingRowId), 
                                      input  ? (icPostingLineRowId), 
                                      output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>.
        <M-71 run SetMessage
           (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
            input  '':U (icArguments), 
            input  't_sPosting.tcJournalCode':U (icFieldName), 
            input  t_sPosting.tcJournalCode (icFieldValue), 
            input  'E':U (icType), 
            input  1 (iiSeverity), 
            input  t_sPosting.tc_Rowid (icRowid), 
            input  'QadFin-103447':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  vcMsgExplanation (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '' (icFcIdentification), 
            input  '' (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
    if vlJournalAccessAllowed <> true
    then do:
        <Q-68 run CompanyPrim (all) (Read) (Cache)
           (input t_sPosting.Company_ID, (LookupCompanyId)
            input ?, (CompanyCode)
            output dataset tqCompanyPrim) in BCompany > 
        find tqCompanyPrim where 
             tqCompanyPrim.tiCompany_ID = t_sPosting.Company_ID
             no-lock no-error.
        if available tqCompanyPrim     
        then assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-35'You are not authorized to use daybook &1 in entity &2':100(827961670)T-35#,
        assign vcMsgExplanation = <M-38 GetErrorExplanation
                                     (input  t_sPosting.tc_Rowid (icPostingRowId), 
                                      input  ? (icPostingLineRowId), 
                                      output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>.
        <M-63 run SetMessage
           (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
            input  '':U (icArguments), 
            input  't_sPosting.tcJournalCode':U (icFieldName), 
            input  t_sPosting.tcJournalCode (icFieldValue), 
            input  'E':U (icType), 
            input  1 (iiSeverity), 
            input  t_sPosting.tc_Rowid (icRowid), 
            input  'QadFin-240800':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  vcMsgExplanation (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '' (icFcIdentification), 
            input  '' (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -1.        
end. /* if can-do({&SECUREJOURNALTYPES}, t_sPosting.tcJournalTypeCode) */   
/* ================== */
/* Return             */
/* ================== */   
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.