project BLF > class Business Component > method DumpInstanceData


dump all current instance data into an XML file


icXMLFileNameinputcharacterfull path file name to write the instance data to
(when blanc, no file will be created)
icXSDFileNameinputcharacterfull path file name to write the XML schema of the instance data to
(when blanc, no file will be created)
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program1/business.p)

if  icXMLFileName <> ""
and icXMLFileName <> ?
then vhFcStateDataSet:write-xml("FILE":U,icXMLFileName).

if  icXSDFileName <> ""
and icXSDFileName <> ?
then vhFcStateDataSet:write-xmlschema("FILE":U,icXSDFileName).