project QadFinancials > class BPosting > method ApiStdMaintainTTCreatetApiSafFromPosting
ApiStdMaintainTTCreatetApiSafFromPosting: method that will create tApiSafFromPosting records for every SAF that is used in the postings of the current instance so they can be used to create these SAFs in the db later on in the flow
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program9/bposting.p)
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
/* ApiStdMaintainTTCreatetApiSafFromPosting: method that will create tApiSafFromPosting records for every SAF that is */
/* used in the postings of the current instance so they can be used to create these SAFs in the db later on in the flow */
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================================== */
/* Create a tApiSafFromPosting record - if it doesn't yet exist - for every Saf that is used */
/* in this posting and that does not exist as a SAF in the db. */
/* These tApiSafFromPosting records will be the basis for creating new SAF records in the db. */
/* With this mechanism we support an in-flight create of SAFs for external postings */
/* ========================================================================================== */
for each tPosting where
tPosting.PostingOriginIsExternal = true ,
each tPostingLine where
tPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tPosting.tc_Rowid ,
each tPostingSaf where
tPostingSaf.tc_ParentRowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid and
tPostingSaf.tc_status <> "D":U and
tPostingSaf.tcSafCode <> "":U and
tPostingSaf.tcSafCode <> ? and
tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode <> "":U and
tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode <> ? and
tPostingSaf.tcSafStructureCode <> "":U and
tPostingSaf.tcSafStructureCode <> ?
break by tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode
by tPostingSaf.tcSafCode
on error undo, throw :
if first-of (tPostingSaf.tcSafCode)
then do :
<Q-7 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = SafPrim (NoCache)
(input ?, (SafID)
input tPostingSaf.tcSafCode, (SafCode)
input tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode, (SafConceptCode)) in BSaf>
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false and
not can-find(first tApiSafFromPosting where
tApiSafFromPosting.tcSafConceptCode = tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode and
tApiSafFromPosting.SafCode = tPostingSaf.tcSafCode)
then do:
create tApiSafFromPosting.
assign tApiSafFromPosting.SafCode = tPostingSaf.tcSafCode
tApiSafFromPosting.SafDescription = tApiSafFromPosting.SafCode
tApiSafFromPosting.tcSafConceptCode = tPostingSaf.tcSafConceptCode
tApiSafFromPosting.SafIsActive = true
tApiSafFromPosting.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(tApiSafFromPosting)).
end. /* if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false and */
end. /* first-of (tPostingSaf.tcSafCode) */
end. /* for each tPosting where */