ilQueryStartedJournalByJournal | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGLByID | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedProjectById | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedCostCentreByID | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedPostingTemplate | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedPeriodByID | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGLByPosting | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGLOpenItemByAll | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedSafConceptByCode | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedSafStructureLine | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedCompanyPrim | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGLByCyBR | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedCompanyProperty | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedCompPropByCode | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGLForPostingLine | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGetCostCentre | input | logical | |
ilQueryStartedGetProject | input | logical | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
if ilQueryStartedJournalByJournal = true then do: <Q-1 run JournalByJournalIDCodeType (Stop) in BJournal > end. /* if ilQueryStartedJournalByJournal = true */ if ilQueryStartedGLByID = true then do: <Q-2 run GLById (Stop) in BGL > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGLByID = true */ if ilQueryStartedProjectById = true then do: <Q-3 run ProjectById (Stop) in BProject > end. /* if ilQueryStartedProjectById = true */ if ilQueryStartedCostCentreByID = true then do: <Q-4 run CostCentreByID (Stop) in BCostCentre > end. /* if ilQueryStartedCostCentreByID = true */ if ilQueryStartedPeriodByID = true then do: <Q-7 run PeriodByID (Stop) in BPeriod > end. /* if ilQueryStartedPeriodByID = true */ if ilQueryStartedGLByPosting = true then do: <Q-8 run GLByPostingValidation (Stop) in BGL > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGLByPosting = true */ if ilQueryStartedGLOpenItemByAll = true then do: <Q-10 run GLOpenItemByAll (Stop) in BGLOpenItem > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGLOpenItemByAll = true */ if ilQueryStartedSafConceptByCode = true then do: <Q-13 run SafConceptByCode (Stop) in BSafConcept > end. /* if ilQueryStartedSafConceptByCode = true */ if ilQueryStartedSafStructureLine = true then do: <Q-12 run SafStructureLineByStructConc (Stop) in BSafStructure > end. /* if ilQueryStartedSafStructureLine = true */ if ilQueryStartedCompanyPrim = true then do: <Q-14 run CompanyPrim (Stop) in BCompany > end. /* if ilQueryStartedCompanyPrim = true */ if ilQueryStartedGLByCyBR = true then do: <Q-15 run GLByCyBusinessRelation (Stop) in BGL > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGLByCyBR = true */ if ilQueryStartedCompanyProperty = true then do: <Q-16 run CompanyPropertyByCompany (Stop) in BCompanyProperty > end. /* if ilQueryStartedCompanyProperty = true */ if ilQueryStartedCompPropByCode = true then do: <Q-17 run CompanyPropertyByCompanyCode (Stop) in BCompanyProperty > end. /* if ilQueryStartedCompPropByCode = true */ if ilQueryStartedGLForPostingLine = true then do: <Q-18 run GLForPostingLineCreation (Stop) in BGL > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGLForPostingLine = true */ if ilQueryStartedGetCostCentre = true then do: <Q-20 run GetCostCentreFromProfile (Stop) in BProfile > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGetCostCentre = true */ if ilQueryStartedGetProject = true then do: <Q-19 run GetProjectFromProfile (Stop) in BProfile > end. /* if ilQueryStartedGetCostCentre = true */