bcTableName | input-output | character | Database table name. When left blanc, the name of the main table of the class dataset will be returned. |
ocPrimaryKey | output | character | comma seperated list of database field names (excluding table name) |
ocAlternateKey | output | character | comma seperated list of database field names (excluding table name) these fields MUST be defined as business field |
ocObjectID | output | character | database field name (excluding table name) of the identity field |
ocObjectStatus | output | character | database field name (excluding table name) of the status field |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
if bcTableName = "fcInstance":U then assign ocPrimaryKey = "Instance_ID":U. else if search ("appinfo/" + lc(vcFcComponentName) + "_key.r") <> ? or search ("appinfo/" + lc(vcFcComponentName) + "_key.p") <> ? then run value ("appinfo/" + lc(vcFcComponentName) + "_key.p") (input-output bcTableName, output ocPrimaryKey, output ocAlternateKey, output ocObjectID, output ocObjectStatus, output vcDummy).