project QadFinancials > class BPosting > method CalculateCCAmount
Procedure for calculating consolidated currency amounts of posting
iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
idPostingLineCreditLC | input | decimal | |
idPostingLineCreditTC | input | decimal | |
idPostingLineDebitLC | input | decimal | |
idPostingLineDebitTC | input | decimal | |
itPostingDate | input | date | |
icCurrencyCode | input | character | |
itInvoiceExchangeRateDate | input | date | If this is set, then it will be used as the date to calculate the exchange rate - set according to flag on entity |
bdCCExchangeRate | input-output | decimal | |
bdCCExchangeRateScale | input-output | decimal | |
blCurrencyFetched | input-output | logical | |
odPostingLineCreditCC | output | decimal | |
odPostingLineDebitCC | output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bposting.p)
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
viLocalReturnStatus = 0.
if icCurrencyCode = vcCompanyCC
then assign odPostingLineCreditCC = idPostingLineCreditTC
odPostingLineDebitCC = idPostingLineDebitTC
bdCCExchangeRate = 1
bdCCExchangeRateScale = 1.
else do :
if vlDomainIsStatutory = false
then do:
assign odPostingLineCreditCC = idPostingLineCreditLC
odPostingLineDebitCC = idPostingLineDebitLC.
assign vhFcComponent = ?.
end. /* if vlDomainIsStatutory = false */
else do:
if not blCurrencyFetched
then do:
/* use the passed in exchange rate and scale if not ? or 0 */
if bdCCExchangeRate = 0 or bdCCExchangeRate = ? or
bdCCExchangeRateScale = 0 or bdCCExchangeRateScale = ?
then do:
if itInvoiceExchangeRateDate <> ?
then assign vtExchangeRateDate = itInvoiceExchangeRateDate.
else assign vtExchangeRateDate = itPostingDate.
<M-69 run GetExchangeRate
(input iiCompanyID (iiCompanyID),
input ? (iiFromCurrencyID),
input icCurrencyCode (icFromCurrencyCode),
input viCompanyCCId (iiToCurrencyID),
input ? (icToCurrencyCode),
input ? (iiExchangeRateTypeID),
input {&EXCHANGERATETYPE-STATUTORY} (icExchangeRateTypeCode),
input vtExchangeRateDate (itValidityDate),
output bdCCExchangeRate (odExchangeRate),
output bdCCExchangeRateScale (odExchangeScaleFactor),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPosting>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
end. /* if bdCCExchangeRate = 0 */
assign blCurrencyFetched = true.
end. /* if not olCurrencyFetched */
if idPostingLineDebitTC <> 0 and
idPostingLineDebitTC <> ?
then assign odPostingLineDebitCC = <M-6 RoundAmount
(input idPostingLineDebitTC * bdCCExchangeRate * bdCCExchangeRateScale (idUnroundedAmount),
input viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID),
input vcCompanyCC (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
if idPostingLineCreditTC <> 0 and
idPostingLineCreditTC <> ?
then assign odPostingLineCreditCC = <M-7 RoundAmount
(input idPostingLineCreditTC * bdCCExchangeRate * bdCCExchangeRateScale (idUnroundedAmount),
input viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID),
input vcCompanyCC (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
end. /* else do: */
end. /* else do: */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.