project QadFinancials > class BPosting > dataset BPosting

class dataset

object identification

primary key
object identity

table tPosting


<QUERYTYPE=Application Table - Master Data>



field namedata typemnd.description
Posting_IDintegeryesRecord ID
Company_IDintegeryesLink to Company
Journal_IDintegeryesDaybook Code
ReportingJournal_IDintegernoReporting Daybook
Period_IDintegeryesLink to Period
PeriodMark_IDintegeryesLink to PeriodMark
LastVerifiedUsr_IDintegernoLink to Usr
LastApprovedUsr_IDintegernoLink to Usr
AutoReversalPosting_IDintegernoAutomatic Reversal Posting
PostingVoucherintegeryesVoucher is a sequential number that uniquely identifies the journal entry (within the combination of an entity and a daybook code).
api annotation:In create mode,enter 0 in this field - the voucher number is generated by the system. In Modify/Delete, the correct voucher number must be entered because this identifies the record.
PostingDatedateyesThe accounting date on which the journal entry is posted. The posting date must be a valid calendar date and must be within the GL calendar year (PostingYear) and period (PostingPeriod).
PostingSystemDatedateyesThe system date of the posting corresponding to "PostingDate".
api annotation:In Create mode, when Partial Update = yes - this field gets a default value which is the current date of the system.
PostingValueDatedatenoThe value date (used for banking entries).
PostingTextcharacter(40)noFree text describing the posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank
PostingSecondTextcharacter(40)noSecond Description
PostingBusinessRelationTxtcharacter(40)noWhen the posting is a transaction linked to a business relation (for example, an invoice posting), this field contains the Business Relation Name. Used for information purposes on reports and browses.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingInvoiceReferenceTxtcharacter(50)noWhen the posting is part of an invoice posting, then this field contains the invoice number (Year/Daybook/Voucher extended with supplier invoice Reference in case of a supplier invoice). Used for information purpose on reports and browsers.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank
PostingParentTextcharacter(40)noContains the description field from the parent object that triggered the posting. When the posting is an invoice posting, this field contains the invoice description. When the posting is a banking entry posting, the description of the bank statement line is copied to this field, etc. Used for information purposes on reports and browses.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingPeriodintegeryesThe GL period for the posting. The period must be open.
PostingYearintegeryesThe GL calendar year for the posting.
PostingYearPeriodintegeryesThe GL calendar year/period for the posting. This field is determined by "PostingPeriod" and "PostingYear".
api annotation:If Partial Update is true, the value defaults using PostingPeriod and PostingYear.
PostingOriginIsExternallogicalnoIndicate whether the posting is from an External Origin. When creating cross company postings, set this to true.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to false.
PostingOriginReferencecharacter(22)noGL Reference Number. Format is ZZYYMMDD999999 where ZZ = module (IC, SO, WO) YY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day, 999999 = Running Journal Number.
MfgPro equivalent: glt_ref
PostingOriginDocumentcharacter(22)noTransaction History Number (Inventory or Operations) or Invoice Number (Sales Order)
MfgPro equivalent: glt_doc
PostingOriginDocumentTypecharacter(2)noDocument Type (I for Invoice, OP for Work Orders)
MfgPro equivalent: glt_doc_type
PostingOriginTransTypecharacter(2)noSystem generated code used to identify a transaction (IC for Inventory, WO for Work Orders, SO for Sales Orders, FA for Fixed Assets)
MfgPro equivalent: glt_tr_type
PostingOriginDaybookCodecharacter(8)noDaybook Code (normally this corresponds with our JournalCode)
MfgPro equivalent: glt_dy_code
PostingOriginDaybookNumbercharacter(40)noDaybook Number (normally this corresponds with our PostingVoucher)
MfgPro equivalent: glt_dy_num
PostingBatchNumbercharacter(8)noSome financial input programs allow you to enter a batch number and to keep a control total on the screen of all the transactions entered with the same batch number.
api annotation:Not applicable for application integration.
PostingOriginAddressCodecharacter(20)noFor invoices created with Invoice Post and Print, the address code of the bill-to customer is stored in this field.
PostingOriginatorReferencecharacter(40)noOriginal Posting Reference. this field must contain the key values of the refered posting, if this posting is a manual reversal or replacement of an existing posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingIsReplacementlogicalyesIndicate whether the posting is a replacement of an existing posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false". For reversal postings, either automatic or manual - this value defaults to "true".
PostingIsReversinglogicalyesIndicate whether the posting is a reversal of an existing posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
PostingIsReversingBySignlogicalyesIndicate whether the mathematical inversion - inverse the mathematic sign of the amounts (+ => - and - => +) - has been applied.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
PostingIsZeroValueAllowedlogicalyesIndicate whether zero values are allowed in the posting lines.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
PostingIsSkipAutoAssignLClogicalyesWhen a LC field (Base Currency Amount field of PostingLine) is left zero, but the TC field (transaction currency amount) is not zero, then the posting component automatically calculates the corresponding value for the LC field. With some postings, this behavior is not wanted and can be suppressed by setting this flag to "true".
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
PostingAddGLNbrintegernoWhen additional GL numbering is enabled for an entity, all postings for this entity are assigned a continuous, uninterrupted incremental sequence numbers as the value for this field.
api annotation:When additional GL numbering is not enabled for the current entity, value for this field defaults to 0.
PostingAddGLNbrDatedatenoAdditional GL Numbering Date
PostingAddGLNbrRevDatedatenoAdditional GL Numbering Reversal Date
PostingVerifyStatuscharacter(40)yesChina Financial Regulation requires that all GL transactions be verified as well as approved. This field holds the verification status.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "INITIAL".
PostingVerifyCommentscharacter(40)noWhen running the process of verification, the verifier can add some comments on the transaction.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingVerifiedDatedatenoThe date when this posting is last verified.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingVerifiedTimeintegernoLast Verified Time.
api annotation:System generates a default value for this field depending on when this posting was last verified. The combination of "PostingVerifiedDate" and "PostingVerifiedTime" uniquely identify the time at which this posting was last verified.
PostingApproveStatuscharacter(40)yesChina Financial Regulation requires that all the GL transactions must be verified as well as approved. This field holds the Approval status.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "INITIAL".
PostingApproveCommentscharacter(40)noWhen running the process of approval, the approver can add some comments on the transaction.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingApprovedDatedatenoThe date on which this posting was last approved.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingApprovedTimeintegernoLast Approved Time.
api annotation:The system generates default values for this field, depending on when this posting was last approved. The combination of "PostingApprovedDate" and "PostingApprovedTime" uniquely identify the time at which this posting was last approved.
PostingMirrorRefcharacter(20)noWhen Mirror Accounting is activated, postings that are mirrored get a reference to their paired posting. The reference contains year, daybook and voucher.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingIsAutoReversallogicalyesIndicate whether the posting leads to an automatic reversal.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
PostingAutoReversalTypecharacter(20)noIf this posting is involved in automatic reversal activity of posting, value of this field will indicate whether this posting is the original one or the reversing one. It is calculated by the system.
api annotation:If the flag PostingIsAutoReversal is "true", the field value defaults to "ORIGINAL ENTRY" for the original posting, and to "REVERSING ENTRY" for the reversing posting.
value list:{&POSTINGAUTOREVERSALTYPES} + chr(2) + "":U + chr(2) + "":U
PostingAutoReversalDatedatenoAutomatic Reversal Date.
api annotation:When the flag PostingIsAutoReversal is "true" - If partialupdate="false", complete this field manually with a date in a later period than the one of the original entry; If partialupdate="true", value of this field will default to the first day of the next period.
PostingBankImpRefcharacter(255)noBank Importing Reference
PostingIsCorrectionlogicalyesIndicates whether the posting is part of a correction action.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
ObsoleteClosing_IDintegernoLink to Closing
PostingCreationDatedatenoCreation Date
PostingCreationTimeStringcharacter(10)noSeconds since midnight in HH:MM:SS
tcLocalCurrencycharacter(20)noLocal currency code
api annotation:?
tcStatutoryCurrencycharacter(20)noStatutory Currency.
tcTemplateCodecharacter(20)noTemplate Code. A code which identifies a template.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to null. If the flag "tlSaveAsTemplate" is on, you should enter a string in this field as the posting template code.
tlSaveAsTemplatelogicalyesIndicate whether to save the posting lines of this journal entry as a template.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "false".
tiSharedCompanyIdintegernoID of the CompanyShared record.
tiYearForNbrintegernoYear used for additional GL numbering.
tlIsAddGLNbrlogicalnoAdditional GL Numbering Enabled.
Indicate whether additional GL numbering is required.
tiOriginVoucherintegernoOriginal Voucher - just a calculated field used by the software as temporary storage during execution of the logic.
tiOriginPostingIdintegernoOriginal Posting ID?
tcJournalCodecharacter(8)yesThe daybook code of this posting.
api annotation:The daybook must be an active daybook in the shared set for the current entity. When the accounting layer linked to the daybook tcJournalCode is not of type "Official", some GL types are not allowed, e.g. DEBTORCONTROL, CREDITORCONTROL, VAT.

When the accounting layer linked to the daybook tcJournalCode is of type "TRANSIENT"; then the GL type cannot be OPENITEM and INVENTORY.
tcLayerTypeCodecharacter(20)yesThe layer type of the used daybook.
api annotation:Default value for this field depends on the daybook used.
tcJournalTypeCodecharacter(30)yesThe daybook type of the daybook used.
api annotation:For journal entries, this field defaults to "JOURNAL ENTRY". In other types of transactions (e.g. banking entry/invoices etc), this field must be set to the correct journal type.
tiLayer_IDintegeryesID of the posting daybook layer.
tcUsrLogincharacter(20)yesThe creator of the posting.
tcPeriodTypeCodecharacter(30)noType code of the GL period 'normal', 'correction', 'closing'.
tcReportingJournalCodecharacter(8)noFor AR and AP transactions, it is possible to have additional daybooks under which a posting should be classified during tax reporting.
api annotation:For AP/AR transactions, this field defaults to the journal code of the posting. Otherwise, it remains blank.
tlJournalAccessAllowedlogicalnoUsed to determine whether a user has access to modify a posting
CustomShort0character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort1character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort2character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort3character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort4character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort5character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort6character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort7character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort8character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort9character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo0character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo1character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo2character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo3character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo4character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo5character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo6character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo7character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo8character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo9character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomLong0character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomLong1character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomNotecharacter(2000)noCustom Note Field
CustomDate0datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate1datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate2datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate3datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate4datenoCustom Date Field
CustomInteger0integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger1integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger2integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger3integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger4integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomDecimal0decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal1decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal2decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal3decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal4decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomShort10character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort11character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort12character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort13character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort14character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo10character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo11character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo12character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo13character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo14character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomDecimal5decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal6decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal7decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal8decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal9decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDate5datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate6datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate7datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate8datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate9datenoCustom Date Field
LastModifiedDatedatenoLast Modified Date
LastModifiedTimeintegernoLast Modified Time
LastModifiedUsercharacter(20)noLast Modified User
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacternoempty string
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tPostingLine


<QUERYTYPE=Application Table - Transactions>


Posting Line

field namedata typemnd.description
PostingLine_IDintegeryesRecord ID
Company_IDintegeryesLink to Company
PostingLineMaster_IDintegernoLink to Master
PostingLineTransaction_IDintegernoLink to Transaction
Posting_IDintegeryesLink to Posting
CostCentre_IDintegernoCost Center Code
Currency_IDintegeryesCurrency Code
Division_IDintegernoSub-Account Code
GL_IDintegeryesGL Description
IntercoBusinessRelation_IDintegernoIntercompany Code
Period_IDintegeryesLink to Period
CrossCompany_IDintegernoLink to Company
CrossCompanyPosting_IDintegernoPosting (Cross-Cy)
CrossCompanyPostingLine_IDintegernoPosting line (Cross-Cy)
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank. Note: if a new record is created through the user interface, the default value is as same as the value of "PostingText" of tPosting.
PostingLineDebitLCdecimal(4)noBC Debit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineExchangeRate and PostingLineRateScale.
BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update = false, enter the correct value into this field.
PostingLineDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Debit
PostingLineDebitCCdecimal(4)noSC Debit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale.
SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, enter the correct value for this field.
PostingLineDebitPCdecimal(4)noPC Debit
api annotation:This field is obsolete.
PostingLineCreditLCdecimal(4)noBC Credit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depends on the value of PostingLineCreditTC, PostingLineExchangeRate & PostingLineRateScale.
BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update is false, enter a value for this field.
PostingLineCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Credit
PostingLineCreditCCdecimal(4)noSC Credit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLinCreditTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale.
SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, you should enter the correct value for this field
PostingLineCreditPCdecimal(4)noPC Credit
api annotation:This field is obsolete and can be left blank.
PostingLineIsProjPostinglogicalnoProject Posting
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to 0.0000.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingLineCostCentreTextcharacter(40)noCost Center
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingLineExchangeRatedecimal(10)noExchange Rate
api annotation:Default value for this field depends on the exchang erate shared set specified for the current domain.
PostingLineRateScaledecimal(10)noScale Factor
api annotation:The default value is 1.
PostingLineCCRatedecimal(10)noThe exchange rate used to convert between transaction (TC) and statutory(SC) amounts.
api annotation:Default value for this field depends on the exchangerate shared set specified for the current domain.
PostingLineCCScaledecimal(10)noA decimal number that must be multiplied by the exchange rate to get the real exchange rate. Its format is 9999999.9999999 and it was introduced to extend the accuracy of the exchange rate.
api annotation:The default value is 1.
PostingYearPeriodintegernoThe GL calendar year/period for the journal entry.
api annotation:In Create mode, it will get be defaulted to the value for the field PostingYearPeriod of tPosting.
PostingDatedatenoPosting Date.
api annotation:If this field is blank, it gets a default value equal to the value of PostingDate in tPosting.
PostingLineCrossExternRefcharacter(40)noExt Reference (Cross-Cy) - must be filled when create a cross-company posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingLineOriginLineNbrintegernoEquivalent to PostingLineSequence, however there is a difference in format and the value may differ in a number of specific cases.
MfgPro Equivalent: glt_line
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to 0.
PostingLineMirrorRefcharacter(20)noThis holds a reference number to link the source and mirror postinglines together.
--> Source account 1 and mirror account 1 will have the same reference.
--> Source account 2 and mirror account 2 will also have the same reference (but different from source and mirror account 1).
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingLineMirrorTypecharacter(20)noSOURCE or MIRROR (Depending if the posting line uses the source account or the mirror account).
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
PostingLineAddGLNbrintegernoAdditional Sequence Number
PostingLineGrossIncAccRefcharacter(40)noGross Income Accounting Reference
PostingLineAddGLNbrDatedatenoAdditional Sequence Date
PostingLineLegalDocNbrcharacter(255)noLegal Document Nbr
tcGLCodecharacter(8)yesThe GL account used in this posting line.
api annotation:This GL account must be active and from the shared set of the entity. The same GL account can appear twice or more in the same posting.

GL accounts used in the postings must be of type 'Manual'.

When the GL account is an open item account, the postings on the account are stored as individual items with a balance.

Each posting on this account type results either from the creation of a new open item ('INITIAL") or a change in the balance of an existing open item ("MOVEMENT").
tlPostingLineIsLocalCurrencylogicalnoThis flag indicates that the currency for the posting line is the base currency. This is set automatically.
tiVatPostIDintegernoVAT post ID
tcGLDescriptioncharacter(24)yesGL Description
tlGLIsAutomaticAccountlogicalyesAutomatic Account
tcGLTypeCodecharacter(20)yesGL Type
api annotation:GL accounts used in the postings must be of type "Manual".

When the account is an open item account, then the postings on the account are stored as individual items with a balance.

Each possting on this account type results from either the creation of a new open item ("INITIAL") or a change in the balance of an existing open item ("MOVEMENT").
tcUnitCodecharacter(20)yesGL Account Unit of Measure
tcAllocationTypecharacter(1)noType of the open item posting. For example, a new item or a link to an existing item.
api annotation:Each posting line for an open item account must contain either:

Information for the creation of a new open item.
tcAllocationType = "INITIAL",
tcAllocationKey = a new mnemonic (reference to an open item).


a reference to an existing posting on the same account .
tcAllocationType = "MOVEMENT"
tcAllocationKey = an existing reference to an open item.
value list:{&ALLOCATIONTYPES} + chr(2) + "":U + chr(2) + "":U
tcAllocationKeycharacter(40)noReference key to an open item.
api annotation:Each posting line for an open item account must contain either:

Information for the creation of a new open item.
tcAllocationType = "INITIAL",
tcAllocationKey = a new mnemonic (reference to an open item).


a reference to an existing posting on the same account .
tcAllocationType = "MOVEMENT"
tcAllocationKey = an existing reference to an open item.
tcAllocationPostingLinecharacter(40)noOpen Item Posting
tcIntercoBusinessRelationCodecharacter(20)noWhen the GL is an intercompany account (Intercompany Account box checked), then an intercompany business relation must be entered on the posting line.
api annotation:When the field tcIntercoBusinessRelationCode is blank and the GL has a default business relation specified, this default is used.

When the account is a fixed intercompany account (Fixed Intercompany box checked), the default intercompany business relation is the only valid value.
tcCurrencyCodecharacter(3)yesThe currency code of this posting line.
api annotation:If a tcCurrencyCode is supplied for a local currency posting, this currency must be the local currency of the current entity.

When the posting account is a single currency account, then the posting line must contain the currency in tcCurrencyCode.

When a posting is in the local currency of the entity, the TC amount must equal the LC value.
tcDivisionCodecharacter(8)noThe sub-account code of the GL account used in this posting line.
api annotation:When the account is defined with sub-account analysis, then a sub-account must be entered on the posting line. If so, then this field defaults to the sub-account found in the account definition.

The account and sub-account combination must be allowed by the COA mask.
tcCostCentreCodecharacter(4)noThe cost center code of the account used in this posting line.
api annotation:When the account is defined with cost center analysis, a cost center code must be entered on the posting line. The field defaults to the cost center in the account definition (if specified).

The account and cost center combination must be allowed by the COA mask.

If the posting account allows dual analysis, then both cost center and project analysis must be specified on the posting line. If left blank, the default values found in the account definition are used.
tcProjectCodecharacter(8)noThe project code of the account used in this posting line.
api annotation:When the account is defined with project analysis, a project code must be entered on the posting line. The field defaults to the project in the account definition (if specified).

The account and project combination must be allowed by the COA mask.

If the posting account allows dual analysis, then both cost center and project analysis must be specified on the posting line. If left blank, the default values found in the account definition are used.
tcCrossCompanyGLCodecharacter(20)noGL (Cross-Cy)
api annotation:Cross-company is a special type of intercompany. When the data of the other company is also in the same database, you can create a cross-company posting that generates a second posting in that other company's accounting. Both postings balance each other and are also linked to each other. So cross-company postings are pairs of postings where one posting is in one entity and the other posting is in another entity. Both postings are linked to each other with reference fields.
tcCrossCompanyIntercoCodecharacter(20)noInterco-Code (Cross-Cy)
tcCrossCompanyCodecharacter(20)noCross-Company Code
tlLinkedCrCyDaemonReqExistslogicalnoThis calculated field is set to True when the posting is a cross-company posting and is created by the cross-company daemon, otherwise its value is set to false, and no logic is applied to calculate the field value for modified records
CustomShort0character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort1character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort2character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort3character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort4character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort5character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort6character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort7character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort8character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort9character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo0character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo1character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo2character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo3character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo4character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo5character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo6character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo7character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo8character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo9character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomLong0character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomLong1character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomNotecharacter(2000)noCustom Note Field
CustomDate0datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate1datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate2datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate3datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate4datenoCustom Date Field
CustomInteger0integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger1integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger2integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger3integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger4integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomDecimal0decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal1decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal2decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal3decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal4decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomShort10character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort11character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort12character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort13character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort14character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort15character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort16character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort17character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort18character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort19character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo10character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo11character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo12character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo13character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo14character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomDecimal5decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal6decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal7decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal8decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal9decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDate5datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate6datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate7datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate8datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate9datenoCustom Date Field
LastModifiedDatedatenoLast Modified Date
LastModifiedTimeintegernoLast Modified Time
LastModifiedUsercharacter(20)noLast Modified User
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacteryes = tPosting.tc_Rowid
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tPostingSaf


<QUERYTYPE=Application Table - Transactions>

API annotation

When the GL account, cost center or project of the posting requires SAF analysis, the SAF records must be supplied for this posting line. This table can be blank if no SAFs are included.

If SAFs are to be included, the system creates the default SAFs automatically. Update this table if you want to specify SAFs other than the defaults.

The number of SAF records for a posting line must equal the number of SAF concepts in the SAF structure.

field namedata typemnd.description
PostingSaf_IDintegeryesRecord ID
PostingLine_IDintegeryesLink to PostingLine
Saf_IDintegeryesSAF Code
SafStructure_IDintegeryesStructure Code
Posting_IDintegernoLink to Posting
PostingSafParentTypecharacter(20)yesParent Type. Indicates the parent type of this SAF record.
PostingSafInputSequenceintegeryesSequence number of this SAF within all the SAF lines for the same posting line.
tcSafCodecharacter(20)yesThe SAF Code used in this posting. Must be of concept "tcSafConceptCode".
tcSafConceptCodecharacter(20)yesThe SAF concept of this posting, part of the SAF structure in "tcSafStructureCode".
tcSafStructureCodecharacter(20)yesThe SAF structure.
CustomShort3character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort4character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort5character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort6character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort7character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort8character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort9character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo0character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo1character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo2character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo3character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo4character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo5character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo6character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo7character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo8character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo9character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomLong0character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomLong1character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomNotecharacter(2000)noCustom Note Field
CustomDate0datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate1datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate2datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate3datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate4datenoCustom Date Field
CustomInteger0integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger1integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger2integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger3integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger4integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomDecimal0decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal1decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal2decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal3decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal4decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomShort0character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort1character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort2character(20)noCustom Short Field
LastModifiedDatedatenoLast Modified Date
LastModifiedTimeintegernoLast Modified Time
LastModifiedUsercharacter(20)noLast Modified User
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacteryes = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tPostingVat


PostingVat records must be supplied for postings using tax accounts

The LC, TC and CC amounts in PostingVat are not used for a tax journal entry posting. The amounts are stored on the PostingLine level.

field namedata typemnd.description
PostingVat_IDintegeryesRecord ID
Posting_IDintegernoLink to Posting
PostingLine_IDintegeryesLink to PostingLine
Vat_IDintegeryesTax Code
VatRule_IDintegeryesLink to VatRule
VatPeriod_IDintegeryesLink to VatPeriod
PeriodMark_IDintegernoLink to PeriodMark
Currency_IDintegernoCurrency Code
VatGroup_IDintegeryesTax Group Code
PostingVatBaseDebitLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Base Debit amount.
PostingVatBaseDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC (Transaction Currency) Base Debit amount.
PostingVatBaseDebitCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Base Debit amount.
PostingVatBaseCreditLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Base Credit amount.
PostingVatBaseCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC (Transaction Currency) Base Credit amount.
PostingVatBaseCreditCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Base Credit amount.
PostingVatExchangeRatedecimal(10)noTC/BC Exchange Rate.
api annotation:?
PostingVatRateScaledecimal(10)noScale Factor (TC/BC).
api annotation:?
api annotation:Aivalable value for this field: "INPUT" represents purchases, "OUTPUT" represents sales.
value list:{&VATINOUT-OUTPUTS}
PostingVatTaxPointDatedateyesThe date when this posting is taken into account in the Tax sub-adminstration.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxTransTypecharacter(2)noTax Transaction Type?
api annotation:Available value for this field: 29 represents "AP Payment Check (Discount at Payment)", 55 represents "AP Transactions", 22 represents "AP Invoice", 18 represents "AR Invoice", 16 represents "AR Operational Invoice", 19 represents "AR Payment (Discount at Payment)", 56 represents "AR Transactions", 45 represents "Logistic Accounting - DO Shipment", 27 represents "Logistic Accounting - PO Receipt", 43 represents "Logistic Accounting - SO Shipment", 20 represents "Purchase Order", 21 represents "Purchase Order Receipt", 25 represents "Purchase Order Return"
PostingVatTransTypecharacter(20)noTransaction Type?
api annotation:Available value for this field is: ACQUISITION represents "IC Acquisition", BOTH represents "Both", EXPORT represents "Export", IN represents "IN", OUT represents "OUT", IMPORT represents "Import", INLAND-PURCHASE represents "INLAND-PURCHASE", INLAND-SALES represents "INLAND-SALES", PURCHASE represents "Inland Purchase", SALES represents "Inland Sales", SUPPLY represents "IC Supply", TRIANGULARPURCHASE represents "Triangular Purchase", TRIANGULARSALES represents "Triangular Sales".
PostingVatTaxDebitLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base Currency) Tax Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxDebitCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Tax Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC (Transaction Currency) Tax Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxCreditLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local) Tax Credit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxCreditCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Tax Credit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC (Transaction Currency) Tax Credit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxIDFedercharacter(40)noFederal Tax?
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxIDStatecharacter(40)noState Tax?
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxIDMisc1character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 1. For reference and documentation
purposes, enter any other tax identification numbers that are useful.
api annotation:?
PostingVatTaxIDMisc2character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 2
PostingVatTaxIDMisc3character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 3
PostingVatOwnTaxIDFedercharacter(40)noOwn Federal Tax?
api annotation:?
PostingVatOwnTaxIDStatecharacter(40)noOwn State Tax?
api annotation:?
PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc1character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 1? For reference and documentation purposes, enter any other tax identification numbers that are useful.
api annotation:?
PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc2character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 2
PostingVatOwnTaxIDMisc3character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 3
PostingVatOwnTaxDeclaratintegernoOwn Declaration Tax
PostingVatIsReverseChargelogicalyesReverse Charge
PostingVatIsAbsRetlogicalyesAbsorbed Retained
PostingVatIsSuspDellogicalyesSuspended/Delayed Tax
TxtyTaxTypecharacter(16)noTax Type
TxclTaxClscharacter(3)noTax Class. A tax class previously defined in Tax Class Maintenance. Tax classes group addresses taxed at specific rates or that are tax-exempt and help determine the default tax environment (set of tax types) for related transactions.
api annotation:The value of Tax Class defaults to the header of transactions created for this address
TxuTaxUsagecharacter(8)noTax Usage. A tax usage code previously defined in Tax Usage Maintenance. Tax usage codes identify the normal use of items sold to this address. Common tax usages are retail, manufacturing, and industrialization.
api annotation:The value of Tax Usage defaults to the header of transactions created for this address.
TxenvTaxEnvcharacter(16)noTax Environment. A code (maximum 16 characters) that
identifies a set of tax types for a tax zone/tax class combination. On transactions, this code identifies the transaction or line-item tax environment.
api annotation:?
FromTxzTaxZonecharacter(16)noFrom Tax Zone.
api annotation:?
ToTxzTaxZonecharacter(16)noTo Tax Zone
api annotation:?
tcCurrencyCodecharacter(3)noCurrency Code
tdFullDebitTCdecimal(4)noAmount including VAT
tdFullCreditTCdecimal(4)noAmount including VAT
tdTotalVatDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Total Debit
tdTotalVatCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Total Credit
tcVatCodecharacter(20)yesThe TaxCode for this posting. This code determines the registrations in the tax sub-ledger.
tcVatInOutcharacter(20)yesTax In/Out
tcVatGroupCodecharacter(20)yesTax Group Code
CustomShort0character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort1character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort2character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort3character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort4character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort5character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort6character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort7character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort8character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort9character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo0character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo1character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo2character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo3character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo4character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo5character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo6character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo7character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo8character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo9character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomLong0character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomLong1character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomNotecharacter(2000)noCustom Note Field
CustomDate0datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate1datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate2datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate3datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate4datenoCustom Date Field
CustomInteger0integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger1integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger2integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger3integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger4integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomDecimal0decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal1decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal2decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal3decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal4decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
LastModifiedDatedatenoLast Modified Date
LastModifiedTimeintegernoLast Modified Time
LastModifiedUsercharacter(20)noLast Modified User
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacteryes = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tPostingVatDelay

field namedata typemnd.description
VatRule_IDintegernoLink to VatRule
PostingLine_IDintegeryesLink to PostingLine
VatPeriod_IDintegernoLink to VatPeriod
PeriodMark_IDintegernoLink to PeriodMark
PostingVatDelay_IDintegeryesRecord ID
Currency_IDintegernoCurrency Code
Posting_IDintegernoLink to Posting
PostingVatDelayBaseDebLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Base Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatDelayBaseCredLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Base Credit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatDelayBaseDebTCdecimal(4)noTC (Trasaction Currency) Base Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatDelayBaseCredTCdecimal(4)noTC (Transaction Currency) Base Credit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatDelayBaseDebCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Base Debit amount.
api annotation:?
PostingVatDelayBaseCredCCdecimal(4)noSC (Statutory Currency) Base Credit amount.
PostingVatDelayTaxPntDatedatenoTax Point Date?
PostingVatDelayVATBalLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Tax Balance.
PostingVatDelayVATOrigLCdecimal(4)noBC (Base/Local Currency) Tax Original.
PostingVatDelayExchRatedecimal(10)noExchange Rate?
PostingVatDelayRateScaledecimal(10)noScale Factor?
PostingVatDelayTaxIDFedercharacter(40)noFederal Tax ID?
PostingVatDelayTaxIDStatecharacter(40)noState Tax ID?
PostingVatDelayTaxIDMisc1character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 1.
PostingVatDelayTaxIDMisc2character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 2.
PostingVatDelayTaxIDMisc3character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 3.
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxIDFedcharacter(40)noOwn Federal Tax ID?
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxIDStcharacter(40)noOwn State Tax ID?
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxIDM1character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 1 ID.
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxIDM2character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 2 ID.
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxIDM3character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 3 ID.
PostingVatDelayOwnTaxDeclintegernoOwn Tax Declaration.
tcVatCodecharacter(20)noTax Code
tdFullDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Debit
tdFullCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Credit
tdTotalVatDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Tax Debit
tdTotalVatCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Tax Credit
tcCurrencyCodecharacter(3)noCurrency Code
tcVatInOutcharacter(20)noTax In / Out
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacteryes = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tPostingWHT

field namedata typemnd.description
PostingWHT_IDintegeryesRecord ID
Posting_IDintegernoLink to Posting
PostingLine_IDintegeryesLink to PostingLine
Vat_IDintegeryesLink to Tax Code
PeriodMark_IDintegernoLink to PeriodMark
Currency_IDintegernoLink to Currency Code
PostingWHTBaseDebitLCdecimal(4)noBC Base Debit
PostingWHTBaseDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Base Debit
PostingWHTBaseDebitCCdecimal(4)noSC Base Debit
PostingWHTBaseCreditLCdecimal(4)noBC Base Credit
PostingWHTBaseCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Base Credit
PostingWHTBaseCreditCCdecimal(4)noSC Base Credit
PostingWHTExchangeRatedecimal(10)noExchange Rate
PostingWHTRateScaledecimal(10)noScale Factor
value list:{&VATINOUT-OUTPUTS}
PostingWHTTaxPointDatedateyesTax Point Date
PostingWHTTaxTransTypecharacter(2)noTax Transaction Type
PostingWHTTransTypecharacter(20)noTransaction Type
PostingWHTTaxDebitLCdecimal(4)noBC Tax Debit
PostingWHTTaxDebitCCdecimal(4)noSC Tax Debit
PostingWHTTaxDebitTCdecimal(4)noTC Tax Debit
PostingWHTTaxCreditLCdecimal(4)noBC Tax Credit
PostingWHTTaxCreditCCdecimal(4)noSC Tax Credit
PostingWHTTaxCreditTCdecimal(4)noTC Tax Credit
PostingWHTTaxIDFedercharacter(40)noFederal Tax
PostingWHTTaxIDStatecharacter(40)noState Tax
PostingWHTTaxIDMisc1character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 1
PostingWHTTaxIDMisc2character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 2
PostingWHTTaxIDMisc3character(40)noMiscellaneous Tax 3
PostingWHTOwnTaxIDFedercharacter(40)noOwn Federal Tax
PostingWHTOwnTaxIDStatecharacter(40)noOwn State Tax
PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc1character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 1
PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc2character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 2
PostingWHTOwnTaxIDMisc3character(40)noOwn Miscellaneous Tax 3
PostingWHTOwnTaxDeclaratintegernoOwn Declaration Tax
PostingWHTTxtyTaxTypecharacter(16)noTax Type
PostingWHTTxclTaxClscharacter(3)noTax Class
PostingWHTTxuTaxUsagecharacter(8)noTax Usage
PostingWHTTxenvTaxEnvcharacter(16)noTax Environment
PostingWHTFromTxzTaxZonecharacter(16)noFrom Tax Zone
PostingWHTToTxzTaxZonecharacter(16)noTo Tax Zone
CustomShort0character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort1character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort2character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort3character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort4character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort5character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort6character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort7character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort8character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomShort9character(20)noCustom Short Field
CustomCombo0character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo1character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo2character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo3character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo4character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo5character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo6character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo7character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo8character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomCombo9character(20)noCustom Combo Field
CustomLong0character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomLong1character(255)noCustom Long Field
CustomNotecharacter(2000)noCustom Note Field
CustomDate0datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate1datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate2datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate3datenoCustom Date Field
CustomDate4datenoCustom Date Field
CustomInteger0integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger1integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger2integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger3integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomInteger4integernoCustom Integer Field
CustomDecimal0decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal1decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal2decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal3decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
CustomDecimal4decimal(4)noCustom Decimal Field
LastModifiedDatedatenoLast Modified Date
LastModifiedTimeintegernoLast Modified Time
LastModifiedUsercharacter(20)noLast Modified User
QADC01character(40)nounused QAD reserved field
QADC02characternounused QAD reserved field
QADT01datenounused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)nounused QAD reserved field
tc_Rowidcharacteryesprimary index
tc_ParentRowidcharacteryes = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid
tc_Statuscharacternoupdate status

table tCustomTable0


Empty table intended for non-intrusive customization only

field namedata typedescription
tc_RowidcharacterUse this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index).

table tCustomTable1


Empty table intended for non-intrusive customization only

field namedata typedescription
tc_RowidcharacterUse this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index).

table tCustomTable2


Empty table intended for non-intrusive customization only

field namedata typedescription
tc_RowidcharacterUse this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index).