project QadFinancials > class BCInvoiceJournalEntry

business class
inherited from Database Component
business area Purchase Ledger

API annotation

This component calls the api's in BCInvoice and BJournalEntry to create the Invoice and Posting records. So check out those components for more details on the api - including the dataset and fields etc.

Unlike many of the other api's, when using this component to create an Invoice, there is a restriction that only one invoice can be created per api call.

The tables used in this component are 'like' those of it's two composite components (BCInvoice and BJournalEntry), except the table names are change - e.g. tCInvoice -> tApiCInvoiceCIJE.


This component combines two components to provide an api to create a supplier invoice. The two components are BCInvoice and BJournalEntry where the user can specify their required postings in the BJournalEntry (Posting) tables. There can be only one CInvoice record and upto two Posting records, one for the standard invoice posting (mandatory) and an optional posting record for the matching posting.

It is possible to use the standard api in the BCInvoice component to create an Supplier Invoice, this api will default the postings automatically so the api only take sthe BCInvoice tables and not the posting tables.

public data items

other data items

API methods

public methods

other methods
