project QadFinancials > class TSetStatutoryCurrency > method SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCCDocument


Assign the Statutory Currency Amounts based on the amounts in TC and the exchange Rate between TC and the newly entered SC.
Split into detail method, because main method would get to big.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTC

program code (program1/tsetstatutorycurrency.p)

assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0.
do on error undo, return:
    /* CDocument */
    for each Company   of Domains,
        each CDocument of Company exclusive-lock Transaction:
        assign CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC  = 0
               CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC = 0
               CDocument.CDocumentCCRate           = 0
               CDocument.CDocumentCCScale          = 0.            
        for each CDocumentInvoiceXRef where
                 CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CDocument_ID = CDocument.CDocument_ID
                 exclusive-lock :                 
            /* CInvoice */
            for each CInvoice where
                     CInvoice.CInvoice_ID = CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CInvoice_ID
                /* Calculate the Amount of the document based on the allocated amount in the XRef table */
                assign vdAmountCC = (absolute(CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CDocumentInvoiceXRefAlloTC) - absolute(CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CDocumentInvoiceXRefDiscTC)) * CInvoice.CInvoiceCCRate * CInvoice.CInvoiceCCScale
                       vdAmountCC = <M-26 RoundSCAmount  (input  vdAmountCC (idUnroundedAmount)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>.
                /* Check if the original amount on the invoice was posted as a negative, if so change the sign of our absolute amount */
                if CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC < 0 or CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditTC < 0
                then assign vdAmountCC = vdAmountCC * -1.
                if CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> 0 and CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> ?
                then assign CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  = CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  - vdAmountCC.
                else assign CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  = CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  + vdAmountCC.
                /* Get Exchange Rates for Tax using the date of the last Posting linked to the CDoc - use creation date of CDoc when there is no Posting yet */
                assign vtExchangeDate = ?.
                For each CDocumentPostingLine of CDocument no-lock,
                    each PostingLine of CDocumentPostingLine no-lock
                    by PostingLine.PostingDate descending :
                    Assign vtExchangeDate = PostingLine.PostingDate.
                End. /* For each CDocumentPostingLine of CDocument no-lock */
                if vtExchangeDate  = ? 
                then assign vtExchangeDate = CDocument.LastModifiedDate. 
                <M-97 run GetExchangeRate
                   (input  CInvoice.CInvoiceCurrency_ID (iiFromCurrencyID), 
                    input  viNewSCID (iiToCurrencyID), 
                    input  viTXExchangeRateTypeID (iiExchangeRateTypeID), 
                    input  vtExchangeDate (itDate), 
                    input  viExchangeRateSharedSetID (iiSharedSetID), 
                    output vdRate (odExchangeRate), 
                    output vdScale (odExchangeRateScale), 
                    output ocErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
                if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
                then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
                if viFcReturnSuper < 0
                then leave STATCURRDETBLOCK.
                /* Assign the WHT CC-field and Rate */
                assign CDocumentInvoiceXref.CDocumentInvoiceXRefWHTAmtCC   = <M-690 RoundSCAmount  (input  CDocumentInvoiceXref.CDocumentInvoiceXRefWHTAmtTC *  vdRate * vdScale (idUnroundedAmount)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
                       CDocumentInvoiceXref.CDocumentInvoiceXRefWHTCCRate  = vdRate
                       CDocumentInvoiceXref.CDocumentInvoiceXRefWHTCCScale = vdScale.
            end. /* CInvoice */
            /* DInvoice */
            for each DInvoice where
                     DInvoice.DInvoice_ID = CDocumentInvoiceXRef.DInvoice_ID
                /* Calculate the Amount of the document based on the allocated amount in the XRef table */
                assign vdAmountCC = (absolute(CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CDocumentInvoiceXRefAlloTC) - absolute(CDocumentInvoiceXRef.CDocumentInvoiceXRefDiscTC)) * DInvoice.DInvoiceCCRate * DInvoice.DInvoiceCCScale
                       vdAmountCC = <M-27 RoundSCAmount  (input  vdAmountCC (idUnroundedAmount)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>.
                /* Check if the original amount on the invoice was posted as a negative, if so change the sign of our absolute amount */
                if DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC < 0 or DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC < 0
                then assign vdAmountCC = vdAmountCC * -1.
                if DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> 0 and DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> ?
                then assign CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC   = CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC   + vdAmountCC.
                else assign CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  = CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC  + vdAmountCC.
            end. /* DInvoice */
        end. /* CDocumentInvoiceXRef */
        /* Assign Rate */
        if CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditTC = 0
        then assign CDocument.CDocumentCCRate  = 0
                    CDocument.CDocumentCCScale = 0.
        else assign CDocument.CDocumentCCRate  = CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC / CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditTC
                    CDocument.CDocumentCCScale = 1.                    
    end. /* CDocument */ 

    /* CCollection */
    for each Company     of Domains,
        each CCollection of Company exclusive-lock Transaction:
        assign CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCC       = 0
               CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCreditCC = 0
               CCollection.CCollectionBalanceDebitCC  = 0
               CCollection.CCollectionOrigCreditCC    = 0
               CCollection.CCollectionOrigDebitCC     = 0.
        for each CDocument where
                 CDocument.CCollection_ID = CCollection.CCollection_ID
            assign CCollection.CCollectionOrigDebitCC     = CCollection.CCollectionOrigDebitCC     + CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC
                   CCollection.CCollectionOrigCreditCC    = CCollection.CCollectionOrigCreditCC    + CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC.

            if CDocument.CDocumentIsOpen = true
            then assign CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCC       = CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCC       + (CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC - CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC)
                        CCollection.CCollectionBalanceDebitCC  = CCollection.CCollectionBalanceDebitCC  + CDocument.CDocumentOriginalDebitCC
                        CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCreditCC = CCollection.CCollectionBalanceCreditCC + CDocument.CDocumentOriginalCreditCC.
        end. /* for each CDocument where */
    end. /* CCollection */ 

assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.