project QadFinancials > class TSetStatutoryCurrency > method GetExchangeRate


Get Exchange Rate


iiSharedSetIDinputintegerExchange Rate Shared Set ID
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TSetStatutoryCurrency.PostingLineCCUpdate
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPM
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCCDocument
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCCInvoice
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDet1
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDInvoice
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDPaySel
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCHist
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCOIAdjust
method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCWht

program code (program1/tsetstatutorycurrency.p)

assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0
       odExchangeRate      = ?
       odExchangeRateScale = ?.

    /* Validate input */
    if iiSharedSetID = 0 or
       iiSharedSetID = ? or
       iiFromCurrencyID = 0 or
       iiFromCurrencyID = ? or
       iiToCurrencyID   = 0 or
       iiToCurrencyID   = ? or
       iiExchangeRateTypeID = 0 or
       iiExchangeRateTypeID = ? or
       itDate               = ?
    then do:
        assign ocErrorMessage      = "Missing information to retrieve the exchange-rate" + chr(10) + 
                                     "Shared-Set-Currency-ID: " + (if iiSharedSetID        = ? then "?":U else string(iiSharedSetID))        + chr(10) + 
                                     "From-Currency-ID: "       + (if iiFromCurrencyID     = ? then "?":U else string(iiFromCurrencyID))     + chr(10) + 
                                     "To-Currency-ID: "         + (if iiToCurrencyID       = ? then "?":U else string(iiToCurrencyID))       + chr(10) + 
                                     "ExchangeRateType-ID: "    + (if iiExchangeRateTypeID = ? then "?":U else string(iiExchangeRateTypeID)) + chr(10) + 
                                     "Date: "                   + (if itDate               = ? then "?":U else string(itDate)) 
               viLocalReturnStatus = -801.
        leave RATEBLOCK.
    end. /* If iiFromCurrencyID     = 0 or */
    if iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viACExchangeRateTypeID and 
       iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viSCExchangeRateTypeID and 
       iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viTXExchangeRateTypeID 
    then do : 
        assign ocErrorMessage      = "Incorrect ExchangeRateType passed as input to retrieve the exchange-rate" + chr(10) + 
                                     "Exchange-rate-type-ID: " + (if iiExchangeRateTypeID = ? then "?":U else string(iiExchangeRateTypeID)) 
               viLocalReturnStatus = -802.
        leave RATEBLOCK.
    end. /* If iiExchRateTypeID <> bACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID */
    /* Same currencies: return 1 */
    if iiFromCurrencyID = iiToCurrencyID 
    then do :
        assign odExchangeRate      = 1 
               odExchangeRateScale = 1.
        leave RATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if iiFromCurrencyID = iiToCurrencyID  */
    /* ========================   Cascading rules    ============================ */
    /* We can only have 3 rate-types here: Statutory, Tax and Accounting          */
    /* For Tax, Stat is added to the list and if Stat allows fallback then        */
    /* Accounting is added as well.                                               */
    /* For Stat, Accounting is added if Stat allows fallback                      */
    /* For Accounting, nothing is added                                           */
    /* ========================================================================== */
    assign vcExchangeRateTypeIDs = string(iiExchangeRateTypeID).
    if iiExchangeRateTypeID = viTXExchangeRateTypeID
    then if vlSCIsFallBack = true
         then assign vcExchangeRateTypeIDs = vcExchangeRateTypeIDs + ",":U + 
                                             string(viSCExchangeRateTypeID) + ",":U + 
         else assign vcExchangeRateTypeIDs = vcExchangeRateTypeIDs + ",":U + 
    else if iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viACExchangeRateTypeID and 
            vlSCIsFallBack = true
         then assign vcExchangeRateTypeIDs = vcExchangeRateTypeIDs + ",":U + 
    /* Lookup the rate (for the list of types) */
    do viCounter = 1 to num-entries(vcExchangeRateTypeIDs):
        assign viExchangeRateTypeID = integer(entry(viCounter, vcExchangeRateTypeIDs)).
        /* Lookup multiply rate  */
        for each ExchangeRate where 
                 ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                 ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = iiFromCurrencyID     and
                 ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = iiToCurrencyID       and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                  by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                  by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                  by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                  by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                  by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom :
            assign odExchangeRate      = ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                   odExchangeRateScale = (if ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale = 0 or 
                                             ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale = ?
                                          then 1 
                                          else ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale).
            leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
        end. /* for each */
        if odExchangeRate <> ? 
        then leave RATEBLOCK.
        /* Lookup divide rate  */
        for each ExchangeRate where 
                 ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                 ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = iiToCurrencyID       and
                 ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = iiFromCurrencyID     and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                 ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                  by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                  by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                  by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                  by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                  by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom:
            assign odExchangeRate      = 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                   odExchangeRateScale = if ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale = 0 or 
                                            ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale = ?
                                         then 1 
                                         else 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale.
            leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
        end. /* for each */
        if odExchangeRate <> ? 
        then leave RATEBLOCK.
        /* ================================================================================================== */
        /* We stop here as these types do not allow triangular rates to be used: Statutory, Inventory and VAT */
        /* Type Inventory is already blocked before so we do not need to check on that one here               */
        /* ================================================================================================== */
        if iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viSCExchangeRateTypeID and 
           iiExchangeRateTypeID <> viTXExchangeRateTypeID 
        then next.
        /* In case the rate is not found, we try to find rates versus Local currency */
        /* CurrFrom --> LC and LC --> CurrTO                                         */
        /* and then you have to divide the from rate into the to rate                */
        if iiFromCurrencyID <> viLocalCurrencyID and 
           iiToCurrencyID   <> viLocalCurrencyID
        then do:
            assign vdFromExchangeRate      = 0
                   vdFromExchangeRateScale = 0
                   vdToExchangeRate        = 0
                   vdToExchangeRateScale   = 0.
            /* Lookup multiply rate */
            for each ExchangeRate where 
                     ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                     ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = iiFromCurrencyID     and
                     ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = viLocalCurrencyID    and
                     ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                     ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                     ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                      by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                      by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                      by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                      by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                      by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom:
                assign vdFromExchangeRate      = ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                       vdFromExchangeRateScale = ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale.
                leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
            end. /* for each */                        
            /* Lookup divide rate  */
            if vdFromExchangeRate = 0
            then do:
                for each ExchangeRate where 
                         ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                         ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = viLocalCurrencyID    and
                         ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = iiFromCurrencyID     and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                          by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                          by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                          by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                          by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                          by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom:
                    assign vdFromExchangeRate      = 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                           vdFromExchangeRateScale = 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale.
                    leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
                end. /* for each */
            end. /* if vdFromExchangeRate = 0 */
            if vdFromExchangeRate <> 0
            then do:
                /* Lookup multiply rate */
                for each ExchangeRate where 
                         ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                         ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = viLocalCurrencyID    and
                         ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = iiToCurrencyID       and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                         ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                          by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                          by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                          by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                          by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                          by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom:
                    assign vdToExchangeRate      = ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                           vdToExchangeRateScale = ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale.
                    leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
                end. /* for each */
                /* Lookup divide rate  */
                if vdToExchangeRate = 0
                then do:
                    for each ExchangeRate where 
                             ExchangeRate.SharedSet_Id                = iiSharedSetID        and
                             ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID             = iiToCurrencyID       and
                             ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID               = viLocalCurrencyID    and
                             ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID         = viExchangeRateTypeID and
                             ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom  <= itDate               and
                             ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill  >= itDate
                              by ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID
                              by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID 
                              by ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID
                              by ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID 
                              by ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom:
                        assign vdToExchangeRate      = 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRate
                               vdToExchangeRateScale = 1 / ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateScale.
                        leave.  /* as we only need the first one */                     
                    end. /* for each */
                end. /* if vdFromExchangeRate = 0 */
                assign odExchangeRate = if vdFromExchangeRate = 0 or vdToExchangeRate = 0
                                        then 0
                                        else vdFromExchangeRate / vdToExchangeRate.
                assign odExchangeRateScale = if vdFromExchangeRateScale = 0 or vdToExchangeRateScale = 0
                                             then 0
                                             else vdFromExchangeRateScale / vdToExchangeRateScale.
            end. /* if vdFromExchangeRate <> 0 */
        end. /* if iiFromCurrencyID <> viLocalCurrencyID and */ 
        /* do not continue in cascading search if the odExchangeRate was found/calculated */
        if odExchangeRate <> 0 and 
           odExchangeRate <> ?
        then leave RATEBLOCK.
    end. /* do viCounter = 1 to num-entries(vcExchangeRateTypeIDs): */
end. /* RATEBLOCK */

if odExchangeRate       = ? and 
   viLocalReturnStatus >= 0 
then do :
    assign viLocalReturnStatus = -803
           ocErrorMessage      = "Unable to get the correct exchange-rate with following parameters: "+ chr(10) + 
                                 "Date: "                   + (if itDate               = ? then "?":U else string(itDate)).
    Find SharedSet where 
         SharedSet.SharedSet_ID = iiSharedSetID
         no-lock no-error.
    if available SharedSet
    then assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + chr(10) + 
                                 "Currency-Shared-Set:    " + SharedSet.SharedSetCode.
    Find Currency where 
         Currency.Currency_ID = iiFromCurrencyID
         no-lock no-error.
    if available Currency
    then assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + chr(10) + 
                                 "From Currency:          " + Currency.CurrencyCode.
    Find Currency where 
         Currency.Currency_ID = iiToCurrencyID
         no-lock no-error.
    if available Currency
    then assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + chr(10) + 
                                 "To Currency:            " + Currency.CurrencyCode.
    Find ExchangeRateType where 
         ExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID = iiExchangeRateTypeID
         no-lock no-error.
    if available ExchangeRateType
    then assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + chr(10) + 
                                 "ExchangeRateType:       " + ExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeCode.
    assign ocErrorMessage      = ocErrorMessage + chr(10) + 
                                 "Currency-Shared-Set-ID: " + (if iiSharedSetID        = ? then "?":U else string(iiSharedSetID))        + chr(10) + 
                                 "From-Currency-ID: "       + (if iiFromCurrencyID     = ? then "?":U else string(iiFromCurrencyID))     + chr(10) + 
                                 "To-Currency-ID: "         + (if iiToCurrencyID       = ? then "?":U else string(iiToCurrencyID))       + chr(10) + 
                                 "ExchangeRateType-ID: "    + (if iiExchangeRateTypeID = ? then "?":U else string(iiExchangeRateTypeID)).
end. /* if odExchangeRate       = ? and */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.