project QadFinancials > class TSetStatutoryCurrency > method SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTC


Assign the Statutory Currency amounts based on the amounts in TC and the exchange rate between TC and the newly entered SC.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrency

program code (program1/tsetstatutorycurrency.p)

assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0.
define variable dotx2_mstr as com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.taxmaster.

    /* Get DomainProperty */
    find Domains where
         Domains.DomainCode = icDomainCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available Domains
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -300
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the Domain with code &1", icDomainCode).
        leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available Domains */    

    find DomainProperty where 
         DomainProperty.Domain_ID = Domains.Domain_ID
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available DomainProperty
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -301
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the DomainProperty for code &1", icDomainCode).
        leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available DomainProperty */    
    /* Find the non-taxable vat-code of the domain as Tax-posting-lines on WHT-accounts will use this as the VatCode */
    dotx2_mstr = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.taxmaster (Domains.DomainCode,
    assign vcNonTaxableVatCode = dotx2_mstr:tx2_tax_code no-error.
    if valid-object(dotx2_mstr) 
    then delete object dotx2_mstr no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Suplier invoices                                                  */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-35 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCCInvoice
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Supplier invoices of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Customer invoices                                                 */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-4 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDInvoice
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Customer invoices of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed." skip .
    output close.    
    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Suplier payments                                                  */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-83 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCCDocument
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Supplier payments of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Customer payments                                                  */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-71 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDDocument
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Customer payments of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Customer payment selection                                        */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-87 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDPaySel
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Customer payment selection of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Open item adjustment                                              */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-39 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCOIAdjust
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Open item adjustments of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Update Postings                                                          */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    <M-62 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCPosting
       (output vcTempErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
        output oiPostingLineCounter (oiPostingLineCounter), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
    assign ocErrorMessage = ocErrorMessage + vcTempErrorMessage.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
    /* === Logging === */
    output to value(vcLogFile) append.
    put unformatted 
        " TRANS"
        " Recalculation of the SC-amounts on all Postings of domain " Domains.DomainCode " have now been completed."  skip .
    output close.

    for each Company of Domains no-lock:
        /* Continue in submethods because of 32K limit */
        <M-9 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCDet1
           (output ocErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
        if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
        then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0
        then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
        /* === Logging === */
        output to value(vcLogFile) append.
        put unformatted 
            " TRANS"
            " The first-part of the SC-amounts on all non-receiver-matching transactions of entity " Company.CompanyCode " have now been recalculated."  skip .
        output close.

        /* Wht recalculation */
        <M-72 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCWht
           (output ocErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
        if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
        then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0
        then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
        /* === Logging === */
        output to value(vcLogFile) append.
        put unformatted 
            " TRANS"
            " The Wht part of the SC-amounts of entity " Company.CompanyCode " have now been recalculated."  skip .
        output close.

        /* Tackle now the APMatching data */
        <M-52 run SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPM
           (output ocErrorMessage (ocErrorMessage), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TSetStatutoryCurrency>
        if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
        then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0
        then leave STATCURRBLOCK.
        /* === Logging === */
        output to value(vcLogFile) append.
        put unformatted 
            " TRANS"
            " The SC-amounts on the receiver-matching transactions of entity " Company.CompanyCode " have now been recalculated."  skip .
        output close.
    end. /* for each company where */


assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.