project QadFinancials > class BPosting > business logic query PostingByPostingDate


This query is used to select Posting records according the PostingDate range.


iiCompanyIdintegerCompany id

query condition

  each Posting where
Posting.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
(Posting.PostingDate >= itPostingDateFrom and
Posting.PostingDate <= itPostingDateTo ) AND
Posting.PostingDate = itPostingDate

      first Company (inner-join) where
Company.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
Company.Company_ID = Posting.Company_ID AND

          each CompanyProperty (inner-join) where
CompanyProperty.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
CompanyProperty.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID AND

      first Journal (inner-join) where
Journal.SharedSet_Id = vi_JOURNAL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
Journal.Journal_ID = Posting.Journal_ID AND

      each PostingLine (inner-join) where
PostingLine.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
PostingLine.Posting_ID = Posting.Posting_ID AND

          first Currency (inner-join) where
Currency.Currency_ID = PostingLine.Currency_ID AND

          first GL (inner-join) where
GL.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL.GL_ID = PostingLine.GL_ID AND

query resultset tqPostingByPostingDate

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tiClosing_IDintegerPosting.ObsoleteClosing_IDLink to Closing
tiCompany_IDintegerPosting.Company_IDLink to Company
tiCompanyCurrency_IDintegerCompanyProperty.Currency_IDBase Currency
tiCompanyProperty_IDintegerCompanyProperty.CompanyProperty_IDRecord ID
tiCostCentre_IDintegerPostingLine.CostCentre_IDCost Center Code
tcCurrencyCodecharacterCurrency.CurrencyCodeCurrency Code
tiGL_IDintegerGL.GL_IDRecord ID
tcGLCodecharacterGL.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tcGLDescriptioncharacterGL.GLDescriptionA description of the GL account.
tlGLIsAutomaticAccountlogicalGL.GLIsAutomaticAccountAutomatic Account: Indicate what types of posting this account accepts.

Its value is decided by the value of tcPostingType.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlGLIsDebitAccountlogicalGL.GLIsDebitAccountDebit/Credit: The posting designation for this account.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tcGLTypeCodecharacterGL.GLTypeCodeA code identifying the type of account.
tiJournal_IDintegerJournal.Journal_IDRecord ID
tcJournalCodecharacterJournal.JournalCodeA daybook code (maximum eight characters).
tcJournalDescriptioncharacterJournal.JournalDescriptionA brief description of the daybook.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to null.
tcJournalTypeCodecharacterJournal.JournalTypeCodeA daybook type code.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to "Journal Entries".
tiLastVerifiedUsr_IDintegerPosting.LastVerifiedUsr_IDLink to Usr
tiPeriod_IDintegerPosting.Period_IDLink to Period
tiPosting_IDintegerPosting.Posting_IDRecord ID
tiPostingAddGLNbrintegerPosting.PostingAddGLNbrWhen additional GL numbering is enabled for an entity, all postings for this entity are assigned a continuous, uninterrupted incremental sequence numbers as the value for this field.
api annotation:When additional GL numbering is not enabled for the current entity, value for this field defaults to 0.
ttPostingDatedatePosting.PostingDateThe accounting date on which the journal entry is posted. The posting date must be a valid calendar date and must be within the GL calendar year (PostingYear) and period (PostingPeriod).
tcPostingInvoiceReferenceTxtcharacterPosting.PostingInvoiceReferenceTxtWhen the posting is part of an invoice posting, then this field contains the invoice number (Year/Daybook/Voucher extended with supplier invoice Reference in case of a supplier invoice). Used for information purpose on reports and browsers.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank
tiPostingLine_IDintegerPostingLine.PostingLine_IDRecord ID
tiPostingLineCompanyIdintegerPostingLine.Company_IDLink to Company
tcPostingLineCostCentreTextcharacterPostingLine.PostingLineCostCentreTextCost Center
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
tdPostingLineCreditCCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineCreditCCSC Credit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLinCreditTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale.
SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, you should enter the correct value for this field
tdPostingLineCreditLCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineCreditLCBC Credit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depends on the value of PostingLineCreditTC, PostingLineExchangeRate & PostingLineRateScale.
BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update is false, enter a value for this field.
tdPostingLineCreditPCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineCreditPCPC Credit
api annotation:This field is obsolete and can be left blank.
tdPostingLineCreditTCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineCreditTCTC Credit
tiPostingLineCurrency_IDintegerPostingLine.Currency_IDCurrency Code
tdPostingLineDebitCCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineDebitCCSC Debit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale.
SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, enter the correct value for this field.
tdPostingLineDebitLCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineDebitLCBC Debit
api annotation:Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineExchangeRate and PostingLineRateScale.
BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update = false, enter the correct value into this field.
tdPostingLineDebitPCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineDebitPCPC Debit
api annotation:This field is obsolete.
tdPostingLineDebitTCdecimalPostingLine.PostingLineDebitTCTC Debit
tdPostingLineExchangeRatedecimalPostingLine.PostingLineExchangeRateExchange Rate
api annotation:Default value for this field depends on the exchang erate shared set specified for the current domain.
tlPostingLineIsProjPostinglogicalPostingLine.PostingLineIsProjPostingProject Posting
tiPostingLineMaster_IDintegerPostingLine.PostingLineMaster_IDLink to Master
tiPostingLinePeriodIdintegerPostingLine.Period_IDLink to Period
tiPostingLinePostingIdintegerPostingLine.Posting_IDLink to Posting
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to 0.0000.
tdPostingLineRateScaledecimalPostingLine.PostingLineRateScaleScale Factor
api annotation:The default value is 1.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank. Note: if a new record is created through the user interface, the default value is as same as the value of "PostingText" of tPosting.
tiPostingLineTransaction_IDintegerPostingLine.PostingLineTransaction_IDLink to Transaction
tiPostingLineYearPeriodintegerPostingLine.PostingYearPeriodThe GL calendar year/period for the journal entry.
api annotation:In Create mode, it will get be defaulted to the value for the field PostingYearPeriod of tPosting.
ttPostingSystemDatedatePosting.PostingSystemDateThe system date of the posting corresponding to "PostingDate".
api annotation:In Create mode, when Partial Update = yes - this field gets a default value which is the current date of the system.
tcPostingTextcharacterPosting.PostingTextFree text describing the posting.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to blank
tiPostingYearintegerPosting.PostingYearThe GL calendar year for the posting.
tiPostingYearPeriodintegerPosting.PostingYearPeriodThe GL calendar year/period for the posting. This field is determined by "PostingPeriod" and "PostingYear".
api annotation:If Partial Update is true, the value defaults using PostingPeriod and PostingYear.

Internal usage

method BAccountingInterface.FillProDsGLVoucher