This method is used to generate prodataset for GL Voucher report.
icEntityList | input | character | Entity List. |
ohGLVoucher | output | handle | Handle for GL voucher Report Prodataset. |
itFromDate | input | date | From Date. |
itToDate | input | date | Till Date. |
icCOACrossRefCode | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/baccountinginterface.p)
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
/* Empty temp-tables which will be used later */
empty temp-table tReport.
empty temp-table tGLVoucher.
empty temp-table tCOACrossRefDetInfo.
/* to create a temp table, due to EDI limitation */
create tReport.
assign tReport.tiReportID = 1.
/* Initialize the integer variable for loop */
assign vii = 1.
/* Start querys */
<Q-21 run PostingByPostingDate
(Start) in BPosting >
<Q-12 run UserByNameID
(Start) in BUser >
repeat while vii <= num-entries(icEntityList):
<Q-18 run PostingByPostingDate (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input integer(entry(vii,icEntityList)), (CompanyId)
input itFromDate, (PostingDateFrom)
input itToDate, (PostingDateTo)
input ?, (PostingDate)
output dataset tqPostingByPostingDate) in BPosting >
for each tqPostingByPostingDate:
create tGLVoucher.
tGLVoucher.tcAccntCode = tqPostingByPostingDate.tcGLCode
tGLVoucher.tcBookedBy = ''
tGLVoucher.tcCashier = ''
tGLVoucher.tcCurrecy = tqPostingByPostingDate.tcCurrencyCode
tGLVoucher.tcDescription = tqPostingByPostingDate.tcPostingLineText
tGLVoucher.tcPaymentInstrumentDate = ''
tGLVoucher.tcPaymentInstrumentNumber = ''
tGLVoucher.tcPaymentInstrumentType = ''
tGLVoucher.tcPeriodClosingFlag = '1'
tGLVoucher.tcSettlementType = ''
tGLVoucher.tcSubAccntGroup = ''
tGLVoucher.tcVoucherDate = string(tqPostingByPostingDate.ttPostingDate)
tGLVoucher.tcVoucherNo = string(tqPostingByPostingDate.tiPostingAddGLNbr)
tGLVoucher.tcVoucherType = tqPostingByPostingDate.tcJournalDescription
tGLVoucher.tdCrAmount = if tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineCreditLC = ?
then 0.00
else tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineCreditLC
tGLVoucher.tdCrAmountOfForeign = if tqPostingByPostingDate.tiPostingLineCurrency_ID = tqPostingByPostingDate.tiCompanyCurrency_ID
then 0.00
else if tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineCreditTC = ?
then 0.00
else tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineCreditTC
tGLVoucher.tdDtAmount = if tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineDebitLC = ?
then 0.00
else tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineDebitLC
tGLVoucher.tdDtAmountOfForeign = if tqPostingByPostingDate.tiPostingLineCurrency_ID = tqPostingByPostingDate.tiCompanyCurrency_ID
then 0.00
else if tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineDebitTC = ?
then 0.00
else tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineDebitTC
tGLVoucher.tdExchangeRate = tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineExchangeRate * tqPostingByPostingDate.tdPostingLineRateScale
tGLVoucher.tdPrice = 0.00
tGLVoucher.tdQty = 0.00
tGLVoucher.tiAttachment = 1
tGLVoucher.tiLines = tqPostingByPostingDate.tiPostingLineSequence
tGLVoucher.tiReportID = 1.
if tqPostingByPostingDate.tiCreatorUsr_ID = ?
then assign tGLVoucher.tcPreparedBy = ''.
else do:
<Q-19 run UserByNameID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tqPostingByPostingDate.tiCreatorUsr_ID, (UsrId)
input ?, (UsrName)
input ?, (UsrLogin)
output dataset tqUserByNameID) in BUser >
find first tqUserByNameID no-error.
if available tqUserByNameID
then assign tGLVoucher.tcPreparedBy = tqUserByNameID.tcUsrName.
else assign tGLVoucher.tcPreparedBy = ''.
end. /* if tqPostingByPeriodRange.tiCreatorUsr_ID = ? */
if tqPostingByPostingDate.tiLastVerifiedUsr_ID = ?
then assign tGLVoucher.tcPreparedBy = ''.
else do:
<Q-20 run UserByNameID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tqPostingByPostingDate.tiLastVerifiedUsr_ID, (UsrId)
input ?, (UsrName)
input ?, (UsrLogin)
output dataset tqUserByNameID) in BUser >
find first tqUserByNameID no-error.
if available tqUserByNameID
then assign tGLVoucher.tcCheckedBy = tqUserByNameID.tcUsrName.
else assign tGLVoucher.tcCheckedBy = ''.
end. /* if tqPostingByPeriodRange.tiLastVerifiedUsr_ID = ? */
create tCOACrossRefDetInfo.
assign tCOACrossRefDetInfo.tcGLCode = tqPostingByPostingDate.tcGLCode.
end. /* for each tqPostingByPostingDate: */
assign vii = vii + 1.
end. /* repeat while vii <= num-entries(icEntityList): */
/* Stop querys */
<Q-22 run PostingByPostingDate
(Stop) in BPosting >
<Q-17 run UserByNameID
(Stop) in BUser >
/* Call the method GetAlternateInfo to do validation and get the Alt code and description. */
assign vhResultTT = temp-table tGLVoucher:default-buffer-handle.
assign vcAltFieldName = "tcAccntCode".
<M-23 run GetAlternateInfo
(input vhResultTT (ihResultTT),
input icCOACrossRefCode (icCOACrossRefCode),
input vcAltFieldName (icAltFieldName),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAccountingInterface>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus >= 0)
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0 then return.
/* Use prodataset to encapsulat the temp-table */
/*create dataset ohGLVoucher in widget-pool "non-persistent".
ohGLVoucher:set-buffers(buffer tReport:handle,buffer tGLVoucher:handle).
ohGLvoucher:add-relation(buffer tReport:handle,buffer tGLVoucher:handle,'tiReportID,tiReportID',?,true).
ohGLVoucher:name = {&EXPORTREPORTCODE-JZPZ}.*/
create dataset ohGLVoucher in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create buffer vhReport for table buffer tReport:handle in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create buffer vhGLVoucher for table buffer tGLVoucher:handle in widget-pool "non-persistent".
ohGLVoucher:set-buffers(vhReport, vhGLVoucher).
ohGLVoucher:add-relation(vhReport, vhGLVoucher, 'tiReportID,tiReportID', ?, true).
/* ohGLVoucher:WRITE-XML("file", "C:\Develop\wht\Client\testJZPZ.xml", YES, ?, ?, NO, NO). */
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.