project QadFinancials > class BCashReport > method Recalculate


Recalculate the cash report in all currencies. Calculate the balance amount and actual amounts have been split into other methods.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program4/bcashreport.p)

/* Assign the error status to 'Unknown error' */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

<Q-30 run GLByCode  (Start) in BGL >
<Q-32 run DInvoiceByControlGL  (Start) in BDInvoice >
<Q-24 run CInvoiceMovementByDate  (Start) in BCInvoice >
<Q-23 run CInvoiceByControlGL (Start) in BCInvoice >
<Q-33 run CInvoiceMovementByDate  (Start) in BCInvoice >

for each tCashReport where
         tCashReport.tc_Status <> 'D':U:

    /* Validate fields that would otherwise only be validated upon saving                           */
    /* by (the Ancestor-Code of) ValidateComponent.                                                 */
    <M-28 run ValidateRecalculateParams (output viDivisionID (oiDivisionID), 
                                         output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
    if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
    then do: 
        assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if oiReturnStatus < 0
        then next.

    assign viPeriod = (tCashReport.tiPeriodYear * 100) + tCashReport.tiPeriodPeriod.

    /* Get the list of Interval Dates */
    <M-26 run GenerateIntervalDates
       (input  tCashReport.tiPeriodYear (iiPeriodYear), 
        input  tCashReport.tiPeriodPeriod (iiPeriodPeriod), 
        input  tCashReport.CashReportDaysInterval (iiDaysInterval), 
        input  tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods (iiNumberOfPeriods), 
        output vcIntervalDates (ocIntervalDates), 
        output vtPeriodEndDate (otPeriodEndDate), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
    if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
    then do: 
        assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if oiReturnStatus < 0
        then next.

    assign vtLastIntervalDate = date(entry(tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods, vcIntervalDates, chr(2))).
    assign viLastActualsSeq   = 0.

    if (tCashReport.CashReportActualsDate = ?)
        assign vtLastPostingDate = vtPeriodEndDate.
    else do:
        assign vtLastPostingDate = tCashReport.CashReportActualsDate.
        /* Determine last period to contain Actuals Amount.                     */
        /* This the first period whose end date comes after the Actuals Date.   */
        do while viLastActualsSeq < tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods and
                 tCashReport.CashReportActualsDate >= date(entry(viLastActualsSeq + 1, vcIntervalDates, chr(2))):
            assign viLastActualsSeq = viLastActualsSeq + 1.

    for each tCashReportGL where
             tCashReportGL.tc_Status               <> 'D':U   and
             tCashReportGL.tc_ParentRowid           =  tCashReport.tc_Rowid:
        assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsAccount = tCashReportGL.tcAccount = {&CASHREPORTACCOUNT-ACC}
               tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsCumul   = tCashReportGL.tcCumul   = {&CASHREPORTCUMUL-CUMUL}.

        if (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsAccount = false)
        then assign vcGLTypeCode         = ""
                    vlGLIsBalanceAccount = false.
        else do:
            <Q-48 run GLByCode (first) (Read) (NoCache)
               (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                input tCashReportGL.tcGLCode, (GLCode)
                output dataset tqGLByCode) in BGL >
            find tqGLByCode where
                 tqGLByCode.tcGLCode = tCashReportGL.tcGLCode
                 no-lock no-error.
            if available(tqGLByCode)
            then assign vcGLTypeCode         = tqGLByCode.tcGLTypeCode
                        vlGLIsBalanceAccount = tqGLByCode.tlGLIsBalanceAccount.
            else do: 
                assign vcCashReportMsg = subst(#T-29'GL account (&1) is not defined in the system.':200(868)t-29#, tCashReportGL.tcGLCode)
                       oiReturnStatus = -1.
                <M-4 run SetMessage
                   (input  trim(vcCashReportMsg) (icMessage), 
                    input  '':U (icArguments), 
                    input  '':U (icFieldName), 
                    input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
                    input  'E':U (icType), 
                    input  3 (iiSeverity), 
                    input  ? (icRowid), 
                    input  'QADFIN-2832':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
                    input  '' (icFcExplanation), 
                    input  '' (icFcIdentification), 
                    input  '' (icFcContext), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>

            /* Calculate the Amounts until the end of the Cut-Off Period.       */
            assign vdBalanceLC = 0
                   vdBalanceTC = 0
                   vdBalanceCC = 0. 

            if tqGLByCode.tlGLIsDivisionAccount = false
            then assign viGLDivisionID = 0.
            else assign viGLDivisionID = viDivisionID.

            /* For Balance Accounts (=including Debtor/Creditor Control + Banking Accounts) :   */
            /* Balance shown = account's total balance this year.                               */
            /*                                                                                  */
            /* For Profit&Loss Accounts (= 6- & 7-accounts) :                                   */
            /* Balance shown = account's movement in the Cut-Off Period.                        */
            /* The user will enter percentages based on the movement in this period,            */
            /* not on the balance "so far" this year.                                           */

            /* This logic has been split into a new method due to the size contraints */
            /* imposed on this editing control.                                       */
            <M-44 run RecalculateGLAmount
               (input  vlGLIsBalanceAccount (ilGLIsBalanceAccount), 
                input  tqGLByCode.tiGL_ID (iiGLByCodeGL_ID), 
                input  tqGLByCode.tlGLIsBalanceAccount (ilGLByCodeGLIsBalanceAccount), 
                input  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID (iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID), 
                input  tCashReport.tiPeriodYear (iiCashReportPeriodYear), 
                input  viGLDivisionID (iiGLDivisionID), 
                input  viPeriod (iiPeriod), 
                input-output vdBalanceLC (bdBalanceLC), 
                input-output vdBalanceTC (bdBalanceTC), 
                input-output vdBalanceCC (bdBalanceCC), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
            then do: 
                assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
                if oiReturnStatus < 0
                then next.

            /* For Balance accounts, the Balance (DB/CR) reflects the effect on the Bank Account        */
            /* For P&L accounts, reverse the balance : Profit(CR) -> positive ; Loss(DB) -> negatieve   */
            if vlGLIsBalanceAccount 
            then do:
               if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-LC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC = vdBalanceLC.
               else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC = vdBalanceTC.
               else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-CC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC = vdBalanceCC.                                                        

            else do:
               if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-LC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC = vdBalanceLC * -1.
               else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC = vdBalanceTC * -1.
               else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-CC} 
                  assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC = vdBalanceCC * -1.

        end. /* if (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsAccount) */
        /* Initialize GLLines. */
        <M-50 run RecalculateInitializeGLLines
           (input  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid (icCashReportGLRowid), 
            input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView (icCashReportGLCurrencyView), 
            input  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID (iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
       if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
       then do: 
            assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            if oiReturnStatus < 0
            then next.
        /* Calculate the Actuals for this G/L   */
        assign vdActualsLC = 0
               vdActualsTC = 0
               vdActualsCC = 0.

        <M-45 run RecalculateGLActualAmounts
           (input  tCashReport.CashReportActualsDate (itCashReportActualsDate), 
            input  tCashReport.Currency_ID (iiCashReportCurrency_ID), 
            input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsAccount (ilCashReportGLIsAccount), 
            input  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid (icCashReportGLRowid), 
            input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView (icCashReportGLCurrencyView), 
            input  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID (iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID), 
            input  tqGLByCode.tiGL_ID (iiGLByCodeGL_ID), 
            input  viGLDivisionID (iiGLDivisionID), 
            input  vtPeriodEndDate (itPeriodEndDate), 
            input  viLastActualsSeq (iiLastActualsSeq), 
            input  vlGLIsBalanceAccount (ilGLIsBalanceAccount), 
            input-output vdActualsLC (bdActualsLC), 
            input-output vdActualsTC (bdActualsTC), 
            input-output vdActualsCC (bdActualsCC), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
        then do: 
            assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            if oiReturnStatus < 0
            then next.
        /* For Balance accounts, the Balance (DB/CR) reflects the effect on the Bank Account        */
        /* For P&L accounts, reverse the balance : Profit(CR) -> positive ; Loss(DB) -> negatieve   */
        if vlGLIsBalanceAccount
        then do:
            if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-LC} then 
                assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountLC = vdActualsLC.
            else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} then
                assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountTC = vdActualsTC.
            else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-CC} then
                    tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountCC = vdActualsCC.
        else do:
            if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-LC} then
                assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountLC = vdActualsLC * -1.
            else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} then
                assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountTC = vdActualsTC * -1.
            else if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-CC} then
                assign tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountCC = vdActualsCC * -1.

        /* Calculate the Amounts for the periods after the Actuals Periods                      */
        /* The calculation is dependent on the type of G/L : Debtor/Creditor/All others         */
        /* For Debtor and Creditor control accounts, we determine the prospected payments for   */
        /* each interval based on the due dates of the open invoices.                           */
        case vcGLTypeCode:
            when {&GLTYPECODE-DEBT}
            then do:
                /* Get all the Debtor Invoices that were entered with the specified Debtor Control Account. */
                /* Only invoices that were already entered by the ActualsDate and were also still open      */
                /* after the ActualsDate are taken into consideration.                                      */
                /* To further narrow the query, only invoices whose DueDate falls within the range of       */
                /* the forecast period are considered.                                                      */
                <M-51 run RecalculateGLTypeCodeDebtorAmounts
                   (input  viGLDivisionID (iiGLDivisionID), 
                    input  tqGLByCode.tiGL_ID (iiGLByCodeGL_ID), 
                    input  vtLastPostingDate (itLastPostingDate), 
                    input  vtPeriodEndDate (itPeriodEndDate), 
                    input  vtLastIntervalDate (itLastIntervalDate), 
                    input  tCashReport.Currency_ID (iiCashReportCurrency_ID), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid (icCashReportGLRowid), 
                    input  viLastActualsSeq (iiLastActualsSeq), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView (icCashReportGLCurrencyView), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID (iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID), 
                    input  tCashReport.tc_Rowid (icCashReportRowid), 
                    input  tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods (iiCashReportNumberOfPeriods), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC (idCashReportGLAmountLC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC (idCashReportGLAmountTC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC (idCashReportGLAmountCC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsCumul (ilCashReportGLIsCumul), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>
            end. /* when {&GLTYPECODE-DEBT} */
            when {&GLTYPECODE-CRED}
            then do:
                /* Get all the Creditor Invoices that were entered with the specified Debtor Control Account*/
                /* Only invoices that were already entered by the ActualsDate and were also still open      */
                /* after the ActualsDate are taken into consideration.                                      */
                /* To further narrow the query, only invoices whose DueDate falls within the range of       */
                /* the forecast period are considered.                                                      */
                <M-52 run RecalculateGLTypeCodeCreditorAmounts
                   (input  viGLDivisionID (iiGLDivisionID), 
                    input  tqGLByCode.tiGL_ID (iiGLByCodeGL_ID), 
                    input  vtLastPostingDate (itLastPostingDate), 
                    input  vtPeriodEndDate (itPeriodEndDate), 
                    input  vtLastIntervalDate (itLastIntervalDate), 
                    input  tCashReport.Currency_ID (iiCashReportCurrency_ID), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid (icCashReportGLRowid), 
                    input  viLastActualsSeq (iiLastActualsSeq), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView (icCashReportGLCurrencyView), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID (iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID), 
                    input  tCashReport.tc_Rowid (icCashReportRowid), 
                    input  tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods (iiCashReportNumberOfPeriods), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC (idCashReportGLAmountLC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC (idCashReportGLAmountTC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC (idCashReportGLAmountCC), 
                    input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsCumul (ilCashReportGLIsCumul), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>

            end. /* when {&GLTYPECODE-CRED} */

                /* Calculate the Amounts for the remaining periods (= from the one containing the ActualsDate onwards   */
                /* based on the Percentages the user entered for each of those periods.                                 */
                for each tCashReportGLLine where
                         tCashReportGLLine.tc_Status                <> 'D':U                                  and
                         tCashReportGLLine.tc_ParentRowid           =  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid                 and
                         tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineSeq      >  viLastActualsSeq                       and
                         tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCurrView =  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView and
                         tCashReportGLLine.Currency_ID              =  tCashReportGL.Currency_ID:

                    assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC = (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC + 
                                                                   tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountLC + 
                                                                  * tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLinePerc / 100.
                    assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC = (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC + 
                                                                   tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountTC + 
                                                                  * tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLinePerc / 100.
                    assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC = (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC + 
                                                                   tCashReportGL.CashReportGLActualAmountCC + 
                                                                  * tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLinePerc / 100.

                end. /* for each tCashReportGLLine */

                if (tCashReportGL.CashReportGLIsCumul)
                then do:
                    <M-7 run ConvertMovementsToBalance
                       (input  tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid), 
                        input  tCashReport.CashReportNumberOfPeriods (iiNumberOfPeriods), 
                        input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountLC (idStartBalanceLC), 
                        input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountTC (idStartBalanceTC), 
                        input  tCashReportGL.CashReportGLAmountCC (idStartBalanceCC), 
                        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>

            end. /* otherwise */

        end. /* case tqGLByCode.tcGLTypeCode: */
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
        then do: 
            assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            if oiReturnStatus < 0
            then next.
    end. /* for each tCashReportGL */


<Q-46 run GLByCode  (Stop) in BGL >
<Q-41 run DInvoiceByControlGL  (Stop) in BDInvoice >
<Q-40 run DInvoiceMovementByDate  (Stop) in BDInvoice >
<Q-42 run CInvoiceByControlGL  (Stop) in BCInvoice >
<Q-43 run CInvoiceMovementByDate  (Stop) in BCInvoice >

/* If the procedure reaches its end correctly and no validation errors were encountered */
/* then assign the return status 'OK' */
if oiReturnStatus = -98 then 
   assign oiReturnStatus = 0.