project QadFinancials > class BCashReport > method RecalculateGLActualAmounts
itCashReportActualsDate | input | date | |
iiCashReportCurrency_ID | input | integer | |
ilCashReportGLIsAccount | input | logical | |
icCashReportGLRowid | input | character | |
icCashReportGLCurrencyView | input | character | |
iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID | input | integer | |
iiGLByCodeGL_ID | input | integer | |
iiGLDivisionID | input | integer | |
itPeriodEndDate | input | date | |
iiLastActualsSeq | input | integer | |
ilGLIsBalanceAccount | input | logical | |
bdActualsLC | input-output | decimal | |
bdActualsTC | input-output | decimal | |
bdActualsCC | input-output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bcashreport.p)
oiReturnStatus = -98.
<Q-11 run PostingLineByPostingDateGL
(Start) in BPosting >
if (itCashReportActualsDate <> ? and ilCashReportGLIsAccount = true)
then do:
<Q-13 run PostingLineByPostingDateGL (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input itPeriodEndDate + 1, (FromPostingDate)
input iiGLByCodeGL_ID, (GLID)
input itCashReportActualsDate, (ToPostingDate)
input iiGLDivisionID, (DivisionID)
input ?, (GLCodeStart)
input ?, (GLCodeEnd)
input ?, (JournalID)
input ?, (GLIsBalanceAccount)
input ?, (LayerCando)
input ?, (JournalCando)
input ?, (DivisionCando)
input ?, (CostCentreCando)
input ?, (ProjectCando)
input ?, (Currency)
input ?, (FromICBusinessRelation)
input ?, (ToICBusinessRelation)
input ?, (GLCategory)
input ?, (ExcludeJournalTypeCode)
input ?, (CanCCID)
output dataset tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL) in BPosting>
for each tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL where
tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.ttPostingDate >= itPeriodEndDate + 1 and
tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.ttPostingDate <= itCashReportActualsDate and
tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tiGL_ID = iiGLByCodeGL_ID :
if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} and
tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tiCurrency_ID <> iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID
then next.
assign vdMovementLC = tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tdPostingLineDebitLC -
bdActualsLC = bdActualsLC + vdMovementLC
vdMovementTC = tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tdPostingLineDebitTC -
bdActualsTC = bdActualsTC + vdMovementTC
vdMovementCC = tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tdPostingLineDebitCC -
bdActualsCC = bdActualsCC + vdMovementCC.
if tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tcGLTypeCode = {&GLTYPECODE-DEBT} or
tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.tcGLTypeCode = {&GLTYPECODE-CRED}
then next.
/* Add the amount to the period that contains the PostingDate. */
/* No need to update if the period is not one of the "Actuals Periods" since */
/* the data will be overwritten further on anyway. */
for each tCashReportGLLine where
tCashReportGLLine.tc_Status <> 'D':U and
tCashReportGLLine.tc_ParentRowid = icCashReportGLRowid and
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineSeq <= iiLastActualsSeq and
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineDate >= tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL.ttPostingDate and
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCurrView = icCashReportGLCurrencyView
by tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineSeq:
if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} and
tCashReportGLLine.Currency_ID <> iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID
then next.
/* For Balance accounts, the Balance (DB/CR) reflects the effect on the Bank Account */
/* For P&L accounts, reverse the balance : Profit(CR) -> positive ; Loss(DB) -> negatieve */
if ilGLIsBalanceAccount
then assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC + vdMovementLC
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC + vdMovementTC
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC + vdMovementCC.
else assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC + (vdMovementLC * -1)
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC + (vdMovementTC * -1)
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC =
tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC + (vdMovementCC * -1).
end. /* for each tCashReportGLLine where */
end. /* for each tqPostingLineByPostingDateGL where */
end. /* if (tCashReport.CashReportActualsDate <> ?) */
<Q-12 run PostingLineByPostingDateGL
(Stop) in BPosting >
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then oiReturnStatus = 0.