project QadFinancials > class BCashReport > method RecalculateGLTypeCodeCreditorAmounts


itPeriodEndDateinputdatevtPeriodEndDate: End date of the period (see calling method(
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BCashReport.Recalculate

program code (program4/bcashreport.p)

/* Assign the error status to 'Unknown error' */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

<Q-4 run CInvoiceByControlGL  (Start) in BCInvoice >
<Q-5 run CInvoiceMovementByDate  (Start) in BCInvoice >

/* Get all the Creditor Invoices that were entered with the specified Debtor Control Account*/
/* Only invoices that were already entered by the ActualsDate and were also still open      */
/* after the ActualsDate are taken into consideration.                                      */
/* To further narrow the query, only invoices whose DueDate falls within the range of       */
/* the forecast period are considered.                                                      */

 <Q-8 run CInvoiceByControlGL (all)  (Read)  (NoCache)  
                             (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId) 
                              input iiGLDivisionID, (DivisionID) 
                              input itLastPostingDate, (FromClosingDate) 
                              input iiGLByCodeGL_ID, (GLID) 
                              input {&MOVEMENTTYPE-INITIAL}, (MovementType) 
                              input itLastIntervalDate, (ToDueDate) 
                              input itLastPostingDate, (ToPostingDate)
                              output dataset tqCInvoiceByControlGL) in BCInvoice >

for each tqCInvoiceByControlGL :
    if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView       = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} and 
       tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tiCInvoiceCurrency_ID <> iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID
    then next. 
    if iiGLDivisionID <> 0 and 
       iiGLDivisionID <> ? and 
       tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tiDivision_ID <> iiGLDivisionID
    then next.

    assign vdInvoiceBalanceLC = tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceDebitLC
                                - tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceCreditLC
           vdInvoiceBalanceTC = tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceDebitTC
                               - tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceCreditTC
           vdInvoiceBalanceCC = tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceDebitCC
                               - tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tdCInvoiceBalanceCreditCC.

   /* The Cut-Off period and the optional ActualsDate that were entered by the user    */
   /* are meant to take a snapshot of the situation at a certain point in time.        */
   /* Therefore, we need to revert any movements that were made on an invoice during   */
   /* the forecast period.                                                             */
   /* For example, a payment that was made during the forecast period (i.e. after the  */
   /* ActualsDate) will not be shown.  Instead, the payment will be "predicted"        */
   /* to occur at the invoice's DueDate. If the actual payment needs to be shown,      */
   /* the ActualsDate should be moved to (after) the paydate.                          */
   if itLastPostingDate > itPeriodEndDate
   then do :
        <Q-9 run CInvoiceMovementByDate (all) (Read) (NoCache)
          (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
           input itLastPostingDate, (FromPostingDate)
           input tqCInvoiceByControlGL.tiCInvoice_ID, (InvoiceID)
           output dataset tqCInvoiceMovementByDate) in BCInvoice >
        for each tqCInvoiceMovementByDate :
            if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView  = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} and 
               tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tiCurrency_ID <> iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID
            then next. 
            assign vdInvoiceBalanceLC = vdInvoiceBalanceLC 
                                      + (tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineDebitLC 
                                      - tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineCreditLC) * -1
                   vdInvoiceBalanceTC = vdInvoiceBalanceTC 
                                      + (tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineDebitTC 
                                      - tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineCreditTC) * -1
                   vdInvoiceBalanceCC = vdInvoiceBalanceCC 
                                      + (tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineDebitCC 
                                      - tqCInvoiceMovementByDate.tdPostingLineCreditCC) * -1.
       end. /* for each tqCInvoiceMovementByDate */
    end. /* if itLastPostingDate > itPeriodEndDate */    

    for each tCashReportGLLine where
             tCashReportGLLine.tc_Status               <> 'D':U                                    and
             tCashReportGLLine.tc_ParentRowid           =  icCashReportGLRowid                     and
             tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineDate     >= tqCInvoiceByControlGL.ttCInvoiceDueDate and
             tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCurrView =  icCashReportGLCurrencyView 
             by tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineSeq:
        if tCashReportGL.CashReportGLCurrencyView  = {&CURRENCYTYPE-TC} and 
           tCashReportGLLine.Currency_ID          <> iiCashReportGLCurrency_ID
        then next. 
        /* Decrease the receivables with the predicted Creditor payment. */
        assign tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC = tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineLC 
                                                   + vdInvoiceBalanceLC
              tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC = tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineTC 
                                                   + vdInvoiceBalanceTC
              tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC = tCashReportGLLine.CashReportGLLineCC 
                                                   + vdInvoiceBalanceCC.
end. /* for each tqCInvoiceByControlGL */

if (ilCashReportGLIsCumul)
then do:
   <M-10 run ConvertMovementsToBalance
      (input  icCashReportGLRowid (icParentRowid), 
       input  iiCashReportNumberOfPeriods (iiNumberOfPeriods), 
       input  idCashReportGLAmountLC (idStartBalanceLC), 
       input  idCashReportGLAmountTC (idStartBalanceTC), 
       input  idCashReportGLAmountCC (idStartBalanceCC), 
       output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCashReport>

if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = -98)
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.

<Q-6 run CInvoiceByControlGL  (Stop) in BCInvoice >
<Q-7 run CInvoiceMovementByDate  (Stop) in BCInvoice >

/* If the procedure reaches its end correctly and no validation errors were encountered */
/* then assign the return status 'OK' */
if oiReturnStatus = -98 then 
   assign oiReturnStatus = 0.