field name | data type | description |
tiShipToAddressID | integer | |
tiShipFromAddressID | integer | |
tcShipToAddrLine1 | character | |
tcShipToAddrLine2 | character | |
tcShipToAddrLine3 | character | |
tcShipToAddrCity | character | |
tcShipToAddrState | character | |
tcShipToAddrZip | character | |
tcShipToAddrCountry | character | |
tcShipToAddrCounty | character | |
tcCustomerCode | character | |
tlIsAvataxCommit | logical | |
tcInvoiceType | character | |
tcCurrencyCode | character | |
tcTransactionType | character | Transaction Type |
tcDocumentReference | character | Document Reference : invoice number, voucher number, ... |
tcDocumentNumber | character | Document Number : eg po number, payment number, ... |
tcTrailerCode | character | |
tlTaxable | logical | |
tlTaxIsIncluded | logical | is the Amount with taxes or without ? |
ttTaxPointDate | date | tax point date |
ttPostingDate | date | posting date |
tcTaxEnvCode | character | Tax Environment |
tcFromTaxZoneCode | character | From Tax Zone : Tax zone of the company or tax zone of default site of creditor/debtor |
tcToTaxZoneCode | character | To Tax Zone : Tax Zone of creditor/debtor or Tax Zone of ship-to site of Invoice |
tcTaxClassCode | character | Tax Class |
tcTaxUsageCode | character | Tax Usage |
tdAmountTC | decimal(4) | Amount TC : invoice amount with or without taxes, you can indicate that by setting the input parameter ilTaxIsIncluded |
tdExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | Scale factor of the exchange rate |
tdExchangeRate | decimal(10) | exchange rate |
tcCompanyCode | character | |
tdAdjustmentFactor | decimal | Adjustment Factor |
tdPaymentConditionPercentage | decimal(3) | discount percentage |
tlIsTaxInCityFromCompany | logical | In city flag from the Headoffice address of the company |
tlIsTaxInCityFromShipTo | logical | In city flag from the headoffice address of the ship to |