project QadFinancials > class PGTM > dataset tTaxParameters

table tTaxParameters


Parameters required for GTM

field namedata typedescription
tcTransactionTypecharacterTransaction Type
tcDocumentReferencecharacterDocument Reference : invoice number, voucher number, ...
tcDocumentNumbercharacterDocument Number : eg po number, payment number, ...
tlTaxIsIncludedlogicalis the Amount with taxes or without ?
ttTaxPointDatedatetax point date
ttPostingDatedateposting date
tcTaxEnvCodecharacterTax Environment
tcFromTaxZoneCodecharacterFrom Tax Zone : Tax zone of the company or tax zone of default site of creditor/debtor
tcToTaxZoneCodecharacterTo Tax Zone : Tax Zone of creditor/debtor or Tax Zone of ship-to site of Invoice
tcTaxClassCodecharacterTax Class
tcTaxUsageCodecharacterTax Usage
tdAmountTCdecimal(4)Amount TC : invoice amount with or without taxes, you can indicate that by setting the input parameter ilTaxIsIncluded
tdExchangeRateScaledecimal(10)Scale factor of the exchange rate
tdExchangeRatedecimal(10)exchange rate
tdAdjustmentFactordecimalAdjustment Factor
tdPaymentConditionPercentagedecimal(3)discount percentage
tlIsTaxInCityFromCompanylogicalIn city flag from the Headoffice address of the company
tlIsTaxInCityFromShipTologicalIn city flag from the headoffice address of the ship to

Internal usage
