project QadFinancials > class BSystem > method ApiSynchroniseCustom
ApiSynchroniseScba; this non-api method will do the synchronisation (=upload of some fixed data) for project Scba and is called from method ApiSynchronise.
Note1; that all mentioned components in icComponents will be handled in a separate transaction.
Note2. all entries in ocUpdatedComponents are default set on false (except for the components that were already handled by ApiSunchronise).
Note3; when you add functionality for a new component then please do also update method stopexternal instances.
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/bsystem.p)
/* ======================== */
/* ======================== */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 8 and /* Daemons */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
assign vlDaemonsUpdated = no.
/* Cross Company Posting Daemon */
<I-1 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BCrossCyDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BCrossCyDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BCrossCyDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-3 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BCrossCyDaemon>
<I-4 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BCrossCyDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BCrossCyDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* Balance Daemon */
<I-5 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BBalanceDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BBalanceDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BBalanceDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-7 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BBalanceDaemon>
<I-8 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BBalanceDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BBalanceDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* Budget Daemon */
<I-11 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BBudgetDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BBudgetDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BBudgetDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-13 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BBudgetDaemon>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BBudgetDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
<I-14 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BBudgetDaemon"}>
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* History Daemon */
<I-15 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BHistoryDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BHistoryDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BHistoryDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-17 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemon>
<I-18 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BHistoryDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BHistoryDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* Cube Daemon */
<I-36 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BCubeDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BCubeDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BCubeDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-63 run ApiSynchronise
(output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BCubeDaemon>
<I-892 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BCubeDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BCubeDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* Replication Daemon */
<I-75 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BReplicaDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BReplicaDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BReplicaDaemon':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-77 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BReplicaDaemon>
<I-78 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BReplicaDaemon"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BReplicaDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
/* State result */
if vlDaemonsUpdated = ?
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-88'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-88#.
else if vlDaemonsUpdated = yes
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-74'Updates Done':30(3760)T-74#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-73'No Updates Required':30(62653)T-73#.
end. /* if available tTopic 8 */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 101 and /* GLTYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-19 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BGLType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BGLType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BGLType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-21 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BGLType>
<I-22 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BGLType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BGLType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-69'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-69#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-25'Updates Done':30(3760)T-25#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-26'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-26#).
end. /* if available tTopic 10 */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 102 and /* JOURNALTYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-27 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BJournalType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BJournalType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-29 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BJournalType>
<I-30 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BJournalType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-85'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-85#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-43'Updates Done':30(3760)T-43#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-44'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-44#).
end. /* if available tTopic 20 */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 103 and /* PROFILETYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-31 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BProfileType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BProfileType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BProfileType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-33 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BProfileType>
<I-34 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BProfileType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BProfileType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-62'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-62#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-45'Updates Done':30(3760)T-45#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-46'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-46#).
end. /* if available tTopic 30 */
/* ===================== */
/* ===================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 104 and /* EXCHANGERATETYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-35 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BExchangeRateType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BExchangeRateType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BExchangeRateType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-37 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BExchangeRateType>
<I-38 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BExchangeRateType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BExchangeRateType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-270'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-270#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-47'Updates Done':30(3760)T-47#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-48'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-48#).
end. /* if available tTopic 40 */
/* =================== */
/* WHEN PaymentFormatTYPE */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 105 and /* PaymentFormatTYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-39 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BPaymentFormat"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BPaymentFormat.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BPaymentFormat':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-41 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentFormat>
<I-42 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BPaymentFormat"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BPaymentFormat.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-80'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-80#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-49'Updates Done':30(3760)T-49#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-50'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-50#).
end. /* if available tTopic 50 */
/* =================== */
/* WHEN AddressTYPE */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 106 and /* AddressTYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-51 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BAddressType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BAddressType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BAddressType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-53 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BAddressType>
<I-54 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BAddressType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BAddressType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-94'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-94#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-64'Updates Done':30(3760)T-64#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-65'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-65#).
end. /* if available tTopic 60 */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
find tTopic where
tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 107 and /* GLSYSTEMTYPE */
tTopic.tlSelected = true
if available tTopic and
(vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
then do :
<I-55 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BGLSystemType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BGLSystemType.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.
/* Set indication in the logging. */
publish "Logging.LogSetIndication" (input 'BGLSystemType':U, output viFcReturnSuper).
<M-57 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone),
output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BGLSystemType>
<I-58 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BGLSystemType"}>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BGLSystemType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-90'Update Failed':30(2976562)T-90#.
if vlUpdatesDone
then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-66'Updates Done':30(3760)T-66#).
else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-67'No Updates Required':30(3761)T-67#).
end. /* if available tTopic 70 */
/* ============== */
/* Call submethod */
/* ============== */
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BSystem.ApiSynchroniseCustom2 Start":U skip.
output close.
<M-79 run ApiSynchroniseCustom2 (output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BSystem>
output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
"BSystem.ApiSynchroniseCustom2 End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
output close.
if viSynchroniseError < 0
or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.