project BLF > class BSystem > method ApiSynchronise


This method will do the synchronisation (=upload of some fixed data) and the upload of the classes, areas and activities.


icSynchronizeTypeinputcharacterCan be
SYNCHRONIZEFULL (synchronize all topics)
SYNCHRONIZELIMITED (synchronize limited topics, see output of ApiGetSynchronizationTopics)
SYNCHRONIZETOPIC + nr (synchronize one topic)
tTopicinput-outputtemp-tableInput-output temp-table with the Topics that need to be synchronised
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TApplication.Synchronize

program code (program9/bsystem.p)

assign vcSynchronizeType = icSynchronizeType.

/* ================================================================================ */
/* Log the Synchronisation in vcSynchroniseLogFile                                  */
/* ================================================================================ */
assign vcFile = search ("server.xml":U)
       vhFcComponent = ?.
<M-3 run MainBlock  () in XML>

<M-28 run ReadXMLNodeValue
   (input  vcFile (icXMLFile), 
    input  'logging':U (icStartTag), 
    input  'LoggingDirectory':U (icNodeTag), 
    output vcSynchroniseLogFile (ocNodeValue), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in XML>

if index(vcSynchroniseLogFile,"$ENVROOT") > 0
then do:
    <M-1 run ReadXMLNodeValue
       (input  vcFile (icXMLFile), 
        input  'serverConfiguration' (icStartTag), 
        input  'ENVROOT' (icNodeTag), 
        output vcFile (ocNodeValue), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in XML>
    vcSynchroniseLogFile = replace(vcSynchroniseLogFile,"$ENVROOT",vcFile).

run gipr_DeleteProcedure in vhFcComponent.
delete procedure vhFcComponent.

if vcSynchroniseLogFile <> ""
then do:
    file-info:file-name = vcSynchroniseLogFile.
    if file-info:file-type = ?
    or index(file-info:file-type,"D":U) = 0
    or index(file-info:file-type,"R":U) = 0
        vcSynchroniseLogFile = "".    /* not a valid directory with write permissions */
        vcSynchroniseLogFile = file-info:full-pathname.

if vcSynchroniseLogFile = ""
THEN ASSIGN vcSynchroniseLogFile = REPLACE (search ("server.xml":U),"server.xml":U,"BSystem.ApiSynchronise.out":U).
Else ASSIGN vcSynchroniseLogFile = vcSynchroniseLogFile + "/BSystem.ApiSynchronise.out":U.

output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put '':U  skip.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
    'Following data will be synchronized: ':U vcSynchronizeType skip.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
    '!! Remark that the order is not the order of execution. To get the order of execution, look at the Program Flow.' skip.

for each tTopic where
         by tTopic.tlSelected by tTopic.tiTopicNumber :
    if vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType  or
       vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-TOPIC} + string (tTopic.tiTopicNumber)
    then  put unformatted string (now) '> ':U '   '
                     tTopic.tlSelected ' ' 
                     tTopic.tcTopicName ' (' tTopic.tiTopicNumber ') ' 
put '':U skip.
output close.

output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
    "Program Flow:":U skip.
put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
    "BSystem.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
output close.

/* ============================================== */
/* Return if no actions are required              */
/* Fill the output-param default with all zero's  */
/* ============================================== */
if not can-find (first tTopic where tTopic.tlSelected = true)
then return.

for each tTopic :
    assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = "":U.
end. /* for each tTopic */

/* =============================================== */
/* Make sure all external components are 'cleared' */
/* =============================================== */
<M-186 run StopExternalInstances
   (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BSystem>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then return.

/*set flag on session that synchronise is running*/
<I-177 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "Session"}>

<M-178 run SetLogicalValue
   (input  'SynchronizeIsRunning':U (icName), 
    input  true (ilValue), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in Session>

<I-179 {bFcCloseInstance
            &CLASS           = "Session"}>

/* ======================== */
/* ======================== */
    /* =================== */
    /* 1. WHEN Language    */
    /* =================== */
    find tTopic where 
         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 1 and /* Language */
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then do :
        <I-84 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BLanguage"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BLanguage.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-86 run ApiSynchronise
           (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
            output viLngSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BLanguage>

        <I-87 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BLanguage"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BLanguage.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viLngSynchroniseError)' ':U ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viLngSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viLngSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viLngSynchroniseError.

        if viLngSynchroniseError < 0
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-20'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-20#.
        if vlUpdatesDone
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-97'Updates Done':30(449)t-97#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-98'No Updates Required':30(450)t-98#).
    end. /* if available tTopic 1 */                
    /* ====================== */
    /* 2. WHEN Translations   */
    /* ====================== */
    find tTopic where 
         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 12 and /* Translations */
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then if viLngSynchroniseError < 0
    then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-518'Skipped':30(781314445)T-518#.
    else do:
        <I-159 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BFcTranslation"}>

        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BFcTranslation.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-161 run APISynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                           output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BFcTranslation>

        <I-162 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BFcTranslation"}>

        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        for each tFcMessages where tFcMessages.tcFcType = "F":
            put unformatted string (now) '> ':U tFcMessages.tcFcMessage skip.
            delete tFcMessages.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BFcTranslation.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-17'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-17#.
        if vlUpdatesDone
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-163'Updates Done':30(449)T-163#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-164'No Updates Required':30(450)T-164#).
    end. /* if available tTopic -10 */

    /* ================================================================= */
    /* 4. WHEN settings configuration                                    */
    /* ================================================================= */
    find tTopic where 
         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 9 and
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then do:
        <I-165 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BSettingConfiguration"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BSettingConfiguration.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-167 run apiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                           output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BSettingConfiguration>

        <I-168 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BSettingConfiguration"}>

        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BSettingConfiguration.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-53'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-53#.
        if vlUpdatesDone
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-169'Updates Done':30(449)T-169#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-170'No Updates Required':30(450)T-170#).
    end. /* if available tTopic 9 */
    /* ===================== */
    /* 5.WHEN SharedSetType  */
    /* ===================== */
    find tTopic where 
         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 4 and /* SharedSetType */
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then do :
        <I-42 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BSharedSetType"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BSharedSetType.ApiSynchronise Start":U ' ':U skip.
        output close.
        <M-46 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                          output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BSharedSetType>

        <I-45 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BSharedSetType"}>                        
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BSharedSetType.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-19'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-19#.
        if vlUpdatesDone
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-103'Updates Done':30(449)t-103#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-104'No Updates Required':30(450)t-104#).
    end. /* if available tTopic 4 */
    /* ==================== */
    /* 6. WHEN default roles*/
    /* ==================== */
    find tTopic where 
         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 6 and /* Role */
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then do :
        <I-61 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BRole"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BRole.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-65 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                          output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BRole>

        <I-64 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BRole"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BRole.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-33'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-33#.
        if vlUpdatesDone
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-21'Updates Done':30(449)T-21#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-9'No Updates Required':30(64147886)T-9#).
    end. /* if available tTopic 6 */
    /* ==================== */
    /* 7. WHEN Daemons      */
    /* ==================== */
    find tTopic where 

         tTopic.tiTopicNumber = 8 and
         tTopic.tlSelected    = true
    if available tTopic and
      (vcSynchronizeType = {&SYNCHRONIZETYPE-FULL} or
       tTopic.tcSynchronizeType = vcSynchronizeType)
    then do:
        assign vlDaemonsUpdated = no.
        /* Process the XMLDaemon */
        <I-70 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BXmlDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BXmlDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-72 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                          output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BXmlDaemon>

        <I-73 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BXmlDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BXmlDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
                    vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
        if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.

        /* Process the EventDaemon */
        <I-79 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BEventDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BEventDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-83 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                          output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BEventDaemon>

        <I-82 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BEventDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BEventDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
                    vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
        if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
        /* Process the ScanDaemon */
        <I-89 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BScanDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BScanDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-96 run ApiSynchronise (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
                          output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BScanDaemon>

        <I-92 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BScanDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BScanDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
                    vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
        if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
        /* Process the ReportDaemon */
        <I-188 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
             &CLASS                = "BReportDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BReportDaemon.ApiSynchronise Start":U skip.
        output close.
        <M-190 run ApiSynchronise
           (output vlUpdatesDone (olUpdatesDone), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BReportDaemon>

        <I-191 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
             &CLASS           = "BReportDaemon"}>
        output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
        put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
            "BReportDaemon.ApiSynchronise End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) ' ':U string (vlUpdatesDone) skip.
        output close.
        if viSynchroniseError < 0
        or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError
                    vlDaemonsUpdated = ?.
        if vlUpdatesDone = yes and vlDaemonsUpdated = no then assign vlDaemonsUpdated = true.
        /* State result */
        if vlDaemonsUpdated = ?
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = #T-88'Update Failed':30(829486138)T-88#.
        else if vlDaemonsUpdated = yes
        then assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-111'Updates Done':30(449)t-111#).
        else assign tTopic.tcUpdateInformation = trim(#T-112'No Updates Required':30(450)t-112#).
    end. /* if available tTopic 8 */

    /* ======================================================================== */
    /* Call method ApiSynchroniseScba that will handle the pure Scba-components */
    /* ======================================================================== */
    output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
    put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
        "BSystem.ApiSynchroniseCustom Start":U skip.
    output close.
    <M-141 run ApiSynchroniseCustom  (output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BSystem>
    output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
    put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
        "BSystem.ApiSynchroniseCustom End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) skip.
    output close.
    if viSynchroniseError < 0
    or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

    output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
    put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
        "BSystem.ApiSynchronise2 Start":U skip.
    output close.
     <M-152 run ApiSynchronise2
        (input  viLngSynchroniseError (iiLngSynchroniseError), 
         output viSynchroniseError (oiReturnStatus)) in BSystem>

    output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
    put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
        "BSystem.ApiSynchronise2 End : ":U string (viSynchroniseError) skip.
    output close.    

    if viSynchroniseError < 0
    or (oiReturnStatus = 0 and viSynchroniseError > 0)
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viSynchroniseError.

/* ======================================================== */
/* Check for errors; stop all accesed components and return */
/* ======================================================== */
if can-find (first tFcMessages)
then do :

    output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
    put '':U skip.
    for each tFcMessages :     
        put unformatted
            (if tFcMessages.tcFcType = 'W' then  'Warning'  else if tFcMessages.tcFcType = 'E' then 'Error' else tFcMessages.tcFcType) '=<':U 
            tFcMessages.tcFcMsgNumber ',':U 
            tFcMessages.tcFcMessage ',':U 
            tFcMessages.tcFcFieldName ',':U 
            tFcMessages.tcFcFieldValue '>':U 
    put '':U skip.
    output close.
    <M-187 run StopExternalInstances
       (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BSystem>
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */

/*set flag on session that synchronise is running*/
<I-174 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "Session"}>

<M-175 run SetLogicalValue
   (input  'SynchronizeIsRunning':U (icName), 
    input  false (ilValue), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in Session>

<I-176 {bFcCloseInstance
            &CLASS           = "Session"}>

output to value (vcSynchroniseLogFile) append.
if oiReturnStatus = 0
then  put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
         "BSystem.ApiSynchronise Ended successfully (oiReturnStatus=":U string (oiReturnStatus) ")" skip.
if oiReturnStatus > 0
then  put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
         "BSystem.ApiSynchronise Ended successfully, warnings were found (oiReturnStatus=":U string (oiReturnStatus) ")" skip.
else put unformatted string (now) '> ':U
         "BSystem.ApiSynchronise Ended with errors (oiReturnStatus=":U string (oiReturnStatus) ")" skip.
output close.