iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiPeriodId | integer | |
iiPeriodYear | integer | |
iiPeriodPeriod | integer |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcFromTxzTaxZone | character | PostingVat.FromTxzTaxZone | From Tax Zone. |
api annotation: | ? | ||
tiPostingLine_ID | integer | PostingVat.PostingLine_ID | Link to PostingLine |
tdPostingLineCreditLC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC | BC Credit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depends on the value of PostingLineCreditTC, PostingLineExchangeRate & PostingLineRateScale. BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update is false, enter a value for this field. | ||
tdPostingLineCreditTC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC | TC Credit |
tdPostingLineDebitLC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC | BC Debit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineExchangeRate and PostingLineRateScale. BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update = false, enter the correct value into this field. | ||
tdPostingLineDebitTC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC | TC Debit |
tdPostingLineExchangeRate | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineExchangeRate | Exchange Rate |
api annotation: | Default value for this field depends on the exchang erate shared set specified for the current domain. | ||
tdPostingLineRateScale | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineRateScale | Scale Factor |
api annotation: | The default value is 1. | ||
tdPostingVatBaseCreditLC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatBaseCreditLC | BC (Base/Local Currency) Base Credit amount. |
tdPostingVatBaseCreditTC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatBaseCreditTC | TC (Transaction Currency) Base Credit amount. |
tdPostingVatBaseDebitLC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatBaseDebitLC | BC (Base/Local Currency) Base Debit amount. |
tdPostingVatBaseDebitTC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatBaseDebitTC | TC (Transaction Currency) Base Debit amount. |
tcPostingVatInOut | character | PostingVat.PostingVatInOut | In/Out? |
api annotation: | Aivalable value for this field: "INPUT" represents purchases, "OUTPUT" represents sales. | ||
tdPostingVatTaxCreditTC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatTaxCreditTC | TC (Transaction Currency) Tax Credit amount. |
api annotation: | ? | ||
tdPostingVatTaxDebitTC | decimal | PostingVat.PostingVatTaxDebitTC | TC (Transaction Currency) Tax Debit amount. |
api annotation: | ? | ||
tcPostingVatTaxTransType | character | PostingVat.PostingVatTaxTransType | Tax Transaction Type? |
api annotation: | Available value for this field: 29 represents "AP Payment Check (Discount at Payment)", 55 represents "AP Transactions", 22 represents "AP Invoice", 18 represents "AR Invoice", 16 represents "AR Operational Invoice", 19 represents "AR Payment (Discount at Payment)", 56 represents "AR Transactions", 45 represents "Logistic Accounting - DO Shipment", 27 represents "Logistic Accounting - PO Receipt", 43 represents "Logistic Accounting - SO Shipment", 20 represents "Purchase Order", 21 represents "Purchase Order Receipt", 25 represents "Purchase Order Return" | ||
tcPostingVatTransType | character | PostingVat.PostingVatTransType | Transaction Type? |
api annotation: | Available value for this field is: ACQUISITION represents "IC Acquisition", BOTH represents "Both", EXPORT represents "Export", IN represents "IN", OUT represents "OUT", IMPORT represents "Import", INLAND-PURCHASE represents "INLAND-PURCHASE", INLAND-SALES represents "INLAND-SALES", PURCHASE represents "Inland Purchase", SALES represents "Inland Sales", SUPPLY represents "IC Supply", TRIANGULARPURCHASE represents "Triangular Purchase", TRIANGULARSALES represents "Triangular Sales". | ||
tcToTxzTaxZone | character | PostingVat.ToTxzTaxZone | To Tax Zone |
api annotation: | ? | ||
tcTxclTaxCls | character | PostingVat.TxclTaxCls | Tax Class. A tax class previously defined in Tax Class Maintenance. Tax classes group addresses taxed at specific rates or that are tax-exempt and help determine the default tax environment (set of tax types) for related transactions. |
api annotation: | The value of Tax Class defaults to the header of transactions created for this address | ||
tcTxenvTaxEnv | character | PostingVat.TxenvTaxEnv | Tax Environment. A code (maximum 16 characters) that identifies a set of tax types for a tax zone/tax class combination. On transactions, this code identifies the transaction or line-item tax environment. |
api annotation: | ? | ||
tcTxtyTaxType | character | PostingVat.TxtyTaxType | Tax Type |
tcTxuTaxUsage | character | PostingVat.TxuTaxUsage | Tax Usage. A tax usage code previously defined in Tax Usage Maintenance. Tax usage codes identify the normal use of items sold to this address. Common tax usages are retail, manufacturing, and industrialization. |
api annotation: | The value of Tax Usage defaults to the header of transactions created for this address. | ||
tcTxuTaxUsage2 | character | Vat.TxuTaxUsage | Tax Usage |
tiVat_ID | integer | PostingVat.Vat_ID | Tax Code |
tcVatCode | character | Vat.VatCode | Tax Code |
tcVatInOut | character | Vat.VatInOut | Tax In/Out |
tcVatPercentageLevel | character | Vat.VatPercentageLevel | Tax Percentage Level |
tiVatPeriod_ID | integer | PostingVat.VatPeriod_ID | Link to VatPeriod |
tiVatPeriodPeriod | integer | VatPeriod.VatPeriodPeriod | Tax Period |
tiVatPeriodYear | integer | VatPeriod.VatPeriodYear | Tax Year |
tcVatTransactionType | character | Vat.VatTransactionType | Transaction Type |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(PostingVat),rowid(PostingLine),rowid(Vat),rowid(VatPeriod) |