iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiGLID | integer | |
itFromPostingDate | date | |
itToPostingDate | date | |
itPostingDate | date | |
icLayerType | character | layer type |
iiJournalID | integer | |
icJournalCodes | character | List of Journal codes |
icDivisionCode | character | |
icCostCentreCode | character | |
icProjectCode | character | |
iiCurrencyID | integer | Currency ID |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcAllocationType | character | calculated | allocation type |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationName1 | Name: The full name of the business relation. This field sets the default name for linked addresses such as customers and suppliers. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to the BusinessRelationCode. | ||
tiCompany_ID | integer | Posting.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tcCompanyCode | character | Company.CompanyCode | Entity Code |
tiCostCentre_ID | integer | CostCentre.CostCentre_ID | Record ID |
tcCostCentreCode | character | CostCentre.CostCentreCode | Cost Center: A code that identifies the cost center. |
tcCostCentreDescription | character | CostCentre.CostCentreDescription | Description: a brief description of the cost center. |
tiCurrency_ID | integer | PostingLine.Currency_ID | Currency Code |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tiDivision_ID | integer | Division.Division_ID | Record ID |
tcDivisionCode | character | Division.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tcDivisionDescription | character | Division.DivisionDescription | Description |
tiGL_ID | integer | GL.GL_ID | Record ID |
tcGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tcGLDescription | character | GL.GLDescription | A description of the GL account. |
tiGLOpenItem_ID | integer | GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItem_ID | Link to GLOpenItem |
tdGLOpenItemBalanceLC | decimal | GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC | BC Balance |
tlGLOpenItemIsOpen | logical | GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen | Open |
tcGLOpenItemKey | character | GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey | Allocation Key |
tiGLOpenItemMovement_ID | integer | GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItemMovement_ID | Record ID |
tcGLOpenItemMovementType | character | GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItemMovementType | Type |
tcGLTypeCode | character | GL.GLTypeCode | A code identifying the type of account. |
tiJournal_ID | integer | Journal.Journal_ID | Record ID |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
tcJournalDescription | character | Journal.JournalDescription | A brief description of the daybook. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to null. | ||
tcJournalTypeCode | character | Journal.JournalTypeCode | A daybook type code. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to "Journal Entries". | ||
tiLayer_ID | integer | Journal.Layer_ID | Link to Layer |
tcLayerCode | character | Layer.LayerCode | Layer Code |
tiPosting_ID | integer | Posting.Posting_ID | Record ID |
tcPostingBatchNumber | character | Posting.PostingBatchNumber | Some financial input programs allow you to enter a batch number and to keep a control total on the screen of all the transactions entered with the same batch number. |
api annotation: | Not applicable for application integration. | ||
tcPostingBusinessRelationTxt | character | Posting.PostingBusinessRelationTxt | When the posting is a transaction linked to a business relation (for example, an invoice posting), this field contains the Business Relation Name. Used for information purposes on reports and browses. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to blank. | ||
ttPostingDate | date | Posting.PostingDate | The accounting date on which the journal entry is posted. The posting date must be a valid calendar date and must be within the GL calendar year (PostingYear) and period (PostingPeriod). |
tcPostingInvoiceReferenceTxt | character | Posting.PostingInvoiceReferenceTxt | When the posting is part of an invoice posting, then this field contains the invoice number (Year/Daybook/Voucher extended with supplier invoice Reference in case of a supplier invoice). Used for information purpose on reports and browsers. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to blank | ||
tiPostingLine_ID | integer | PostingLine.PostingLine_ID | Record ID |
tdPostingLineCC | decimal | calculated | |
tdPostingLineCreditCC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC | SC Credit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLinCreditTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale. SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, you should enter the correct value for this field | ||
tdPostingLineCreditLC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC | BC Credit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depends on the value of PostingLineCreditTC, PostingLineExchangeRate & PostingLineRateScale. BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update is false, enter a value for this field. | ||
tdPostingLineCreditTC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC | TC Credit |
tdPostingLineDebitCC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC | SC Debit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineCCRate & PostingLineCCScale. SC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/SC) * Scale Factor (TC/SC). If Partial Update is false, enter the correct value for this field. | ||
tdPostingLineDebitLC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC | BC Debit |
api annotation: | Partial Update = yes - it will get a default value depending on the value of PostingLineDebitTC, PostingLineExchangeRate and PostingLineRateScale. BC Amount = TC Amount * Exchange rate (TC/BC) * Scale Factor (TC/BC). If Partial Update = false, enter the correct value into this field. | ||
tdPostingLineDebitTC | decimal | PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC | TC Debit |
tdPostingLineLC | decimal | calculated | |
tiPostingLineOriginLineNbr | integer | PostingLine.PostingLineOriginLineNbr | Equivalent to PostingLineSequence, however there is a difference in format and the value may differ in a number of specific cases. MfgPro Equivalent: glt_line |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to 0. | ||
tdPostingLineTC | decimal | calculated | |
tcPostingLineText | character | PostingLine.PostingLineText | Description |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to blank. Note: if a new record is created through the user interface, the default value is as same as the value of "PostingText" of tPosting. | ||
tcPostingOriginDaybookCode | character | Posting.PostingOriginDaybookCode | Daybook Code (normally this corresponds with our JournalCode) MfgPro equivalent: glt_dy_code |
tcPostingOriginDaybookNumber | character | Posting.PostingOriginDaybookNumber | Daybook Number (normally this corresponds with our PostingVoucher) MfgPro equivalent: glt_dy_num |
tcPostingOriginDocument | character | Posting.PostingOriginDocument | Transaction History Number (Inventory or Operations) or Invoice Number (Sales Order) MfgPro equivalent: glt_doc |
tcPostingOriginDocumentType | character | Posting.PostingOriginDocumentType | Document Type (I for Invoice, OP for Work Orders) MfgPro equivalent: glt_doc_type |
tlPostingOriginIsExternal | logical | Posting.PostingOriginIsExternal | Indicate whether the posting is from an External Origin. When creating cross company postings, set this to true. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to false. | ||
tcPostingOriginReference | character | Posting.PostingOriginReference | GL Reference Number. Format is ZZYYMMDD999999 where ZZ = module (IC, SO, WO) YY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day, 999999 = Running Journal Number. MfgPro equivalent: glt_ref |
tcPostingOriginTransType | character | Posting.PostingOriginTransType | System generated code used to identify a transaction (IC for Inventory, WO for Work Orders, SO for Sales Orders, FA for Fixed Assets) MfgPro equivalent: glt_tr_type |
ttPostingSystemDate | date | Posting.PostingSystemDate | The system date of the posting corresponding to "PostingDate". |
api annotation: | In Create mode, when Partial Update = yes - this field gets a default value which is the current date of the system. | ||
tiPostingVoucher | integer | Posting.PostingVoucher | Voucher is a sequential number that uniquely identifies the journal entry (within the combination of an entity and a daybook code). |
api annotation: | In create mode,enter 0 in this field - the voucher number is generated by the system. In Modify/Delete, the correct voucher number must be entered because this identifies the record. | ||
tiPostingYearPeriod | integer | Posting.PostingYearPeriod | The GL calendar year/period for the posting. This field is determined by "PostingPeriod" and "PostingYear". |
api annotation: | If Partial Update is true, the value defaults using PostingPeriod and PostingYear. | ||
tiProject_ID | integer | Project.Project_ID | Record ID |
tcProjectCode | character | Project.ProjectCode | Project |
tcProjectDescription | character | Project.ProjectDescription | Description |