This procedure takes the inv_nbr and domain as the input, to get year, daybook and voucher number from nr_mstr table, which are make up the standard invoice number.
icInvoiceNumber | input | character | |
icGlobalDomain | input | character | |
oiYear | output | integer | |
ocJournalCode | output | character | |
oiVoucherNumber | output | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bmfglegaldocument.p)
/* Get Customer Invoice History data by Invoice Number */
<Q-92 run InvoiceHistoryByInvNbr (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input icInvoiceNumber, (InvoiceNumber)
input icGlobalDomain, (DomainCode)
output dataset tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr) in BMfgInvoiceHistory>
find first tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr no-error.
if available tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr
then assign ocJournalCode = tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr.tcih_daybook
vtEffDate = tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr.ttih_inv_date.
/* Get Number Range data by Journal Code */
<Q-47 run NumberRangeForSequenceID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input icGlobalDomain, (Domain)
input ocJournalCode, (Seq)
output dataset tqNumberRangeForSequenceID) in BMfgNRM>
find first tqNumberRangeForSequenceID no-error.
if available tqNumberRangeForSequenceID
then assign vcNumRangeSegType = tqNumberRangeForSequenceID.tcnr_seg_type
vcNumRangeSegVal = tqNumberRangeForSequenceID.tcnr_seg_value
vcNumRangeSegFormat = tqNumberRangeForSequenceID.tcnr_seg_format.
/* Get GL year */
<Q-98 run GLCalendarYrByDateDomain (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input icGlobalDomain, (DomainCode)
input vtEffDate, (Date)
output dataset tqGLCalendarYrByDateDomain) in BMfgGLCalendar>
find first tqGLCalendarYrByDateDomain no-error.
if available tqGLCalendarYrByDateDomain
then assign viCurrentYear = tqGLCalendarYrByDateDomain.tiglc_year.
do viCounter = 1 to num-entries(vcNumRangeSegType):
assign vcSegType = trim(entry(viCounter, vcNumRangeSegType))
vcSegValue = trim(entry(viCounter, vcNumRangeSegVal))
vcSegFormat = trim(entry(viCounter, vcNumRangeSegFormat)).
case vcSegType:
/* Fiscal - Year */
when "3"
then do:
if vcSegFormat = "Y2" and length(vcSegValue, "CHARACTER") = 2
then assign oiYear = truncate((viCurrentYear / 100 ),0) * 100 + int(vcSegValue).
else if vcSegFormat = "Y1" and length(vcSegValue, "CHARACTER") = 1
then assign oiYear = truncate((viCurrentYear / 10 ),0) * 10 + int(vcSegValue).
else assign oiYear = int(vcSegValue).
/* Date */
when "2"
then assign oiYear = int(vcSegValue).
/* Int - Voucher */
when "1"
then assign oiVoucherNumber = int(vcSegValue).