project QadFinancials > class BMFGInvoiceHistory > business logic query InvoiceHistoryByInvNbr
icInvoiceNumber | character | |
icDomainCode | character | |
query condition
each ih_hist where
ih_hist.ih_inv_nbr = icInvoiceNumber AND
ih_hist.ih_domain = icDomainCode
query resultset tqInvoiceHistoryByInvNbr
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcih__chr01 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr01 | |
tcih__chr02 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr02 | |
tcih__chr03 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr03 | |
tcih__chr04 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr04 | |
tcih__chr05 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr05 | |
tcih__chr06 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr06 | |
tcih__chr07 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr07 | |
tcih__chr08 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr08 | |
tcih__chr09 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr09 | |
tcih__chr10 | character | ih_hist.ih__chr10 | |
tdih__dec01 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__dec01 | |
tdih__dec02 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__dec02 | |
ttih__dte01 | date | ih_hist.ih__dte01 | |
ttih__dte02 | date | ih_hist.ih__dte02 | |
tlih__log01 | logical | ih_hist.ih__log01 | |
tdih__qad01 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qad01 | |
tdih__qad02 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qad02 | |
tdih__qad03 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qad03 | |
tiih__qad04 | integer | ih_hist.ih__qad04 | |
tcih__qadc01 | character | ih_hist.ih__qadc01 | QAD Field |
tcih__qadc02 | character | ih_hist.ih__qadc02 | QAD Field |
tcih__qadc03 | character | ih_hist.ih__qadc03 | QAD Field |
tcih__qadc04 | character | ih_hist.ih__qadc04 | QAD Field |
tcih__qadc05 | character | ih_hist.ih__qadc05 | QAD Field |
tdih__qadd01 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qadd01 | QAD Field |
tdih__qadd02 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qadd02 | QAD Field |
tdih__qadd03 | decimal | ih_hist.ih__qadd03 | QAD Field |
tiih__qadi01 | integer | ih_hist.ih__qadi01 | QAD Field |
tiih__qadi02 | integer | ih_hist.ih__qadi02 | QAD Field |
tiih__qadi03 | integer | ih_hist.ih__qadi03 | QAD Field |
tlih__qadl01 | logical | ih_hist.ih__qadl01 | QAD Field |
tlih__qadl02 | logical | ih_hist.ih__qadl02 | QAD Field |
tlih__qadl03 | logical | ih_hist.ih__qadl03 | QAD Field |
ttih__qadt01 | date | ih_hist.ih__qadt01 | QAD Field |
ttih__qadt02 | date | ih_hist.ih__qadt02 | QAD Field |
ttih__qadt03 | date | ih_hist.ih__qadt03 | QAD Field |
tcih_ar_acct | character | ih_hist.ih_ar_acct | AR Account |
tcih_ar_cc | character | ih_hist.ih_ar_cc | Cost Ctr |
tcih_ar_sub | character | ih_hist.ih_ar_sub | AR Sub-Account |
tcih_bank | character | ih_hist.ih_bank | Bank |
tcih_batch | character | ih_hist.ih_batch | Batch |
tcih_bill | character | ih_hist.ih_bill | Bill-To |
tcih_bol | character | ih_hist.ih_bol | BOL |
tcih_ca_nbr | character | ih_hist.ih_ca_nbr | Call |
tiih_cartons | integer | ih_hist.ih_cartons | Cartons |
tcih_channel | character | ih_hist.ih_channel | Channel |
tiih_cmtindx | integer | ih_hist.ih_cmtindx | Comment Index |
ttih_cncl_date | date | ih_hist.ih_cncl_date | Cancel Date |
ttih_conf_date | date | ih_hist.ih_conf_date | Confirmed Date |
tcih_conrep | character | ih_hist.ih_conrep | Netting Logic |
tcih_cr_card | character | ih_hist.ih_cr_card | Credit Card |
tcih_cr_init | character | ih_hist.ih_cr_init | Cr Initials |
tcih_cr_terms | character | ih_hist.ih_cr_terms | Credit Terms |
tlih_credit | logical | ih_hist.ih_credit | Credit |
tcih_crprlist | character | ih_hist.ih_crprlist | Credit Price List |
tcih_curr | character | ih_hist.ih_curr | Currency |
tcih_cust | character | ih_hist.ih_cust | Customer |
tcih_cust_po | character | ih_hist.ih_cust_po | End Customer PO |
tlih_custref_val | logical | ih_hist.ih_custref_val | Customer Ref Is Customer Item |
tcih_daybook | character | ih_hist.ih_daybook | Daybook |
tcih_daybookset | character | ih_hist.ih_daybookset | Daybook Set |
tdih_disc_pct | decimal | ih_hist.ih_disc_pct | Disc % |
tcih_div | character | ih_hist.ih_div | Division |
tcih_domain | character | ih_hist.ih_domain | Domain |
ttih_due_date | date | ih_hist.ih_due_date | Due Date |
tdih_ent_ex | decimal | ih_hist.ih_ent_ex | Exch Rate |
tdih_ex_rate | decimal | ih_hist.ih_ex_rate | Exch Rate |
tdih_ex_rate2 | decimal | ih_hist.ih_ex_rate2 | Exch Rate 2 |
tcih_ex_ratetype | character | ih_hist.ih_ex_ratetype | Rate Type |
tiih_export_batch | integer | ih_hist.ih_export_batch | Batch |
ttih_export_date | date | ih_hist.ih_export_date | Export Date |
tiih_export_time | integer | ih_hist.ih_export_time | Export Time |
tiih_exru_seq | integer | ih_hist.ih_exru_seq | Sequence |
tcih_fcg_code | character | ih_hist.ih_fcg_code | Charge Code |
tlih_fix_pr | logical | ih_hist.ih_fix_pr | Fixed Price |
tlih_fix_rate | logical | ih_hist.ih_fix_rate | Fixed Rate |
tcih_fob | character | ih_hist.ih_fob | FOB Point |
tcih_fr_list | character | ih_hist.ih_fr_list | Freight List |
tdih_fr_min_wt | decimal | ih_hist.ih_fr_min_wt | Frt Min Wt |
tcih_fr_terms | character | ih_hist.ih_fr_terms | Freight Terms |
tcih_fsm_type | character | ih_hist.ih_fsm_type | FSM Type |
tcih_fst_id | character | ih_hist.ih_fst_id | FST ID |
tcih_inv_cr | character | ih_hist.ih_inv_cr | Invoice To Credit |
ttih_inv_date | date | ih_hist.ih_inv_date | Invoice Date |
tcih_inv_mthd | character | ih_hist.ih_inv_mthd | Invoices Via |
tcih_inv_nbr | character | ih_hist.ih_inv_nbr | Invoice |
tlih_invoiced | logical | ih_hist.ih_invoiced | Invoiced |
tdih_invoicetotal | decimal | ih_hist.ih_invoicetotal | Total |
tcih_invoicetype | character | ih_hist.ih_invoicetype | Invoice Type |
tcih_lang | character | ih_hist.ih_lang | Language |
ttih_mod_date | date | ih_hist.ih_mod_date | Modified Date |
tcih_nbr | character | ih_hist.ih_nbr | Sales Order |
ttih_ord_date | date | ih_hist.ih_ord_date | Order Date |
tlih_partial | logical | ih_hist.ih_partial | Partial OK |
tcih_po | character | ih_hist.ih_po | Purchase Order |
tcih_pr_list | character | ih_hist.ih_pr_list | Price List |
tcih_pr_list2 | character | ih_hist.ih_pr_list2 | List Price List |
tdih_prep_tax | decimal | ih_hist.ih_prep_tax | Prepaid Tax |
tdih_prepaid | decimal | ih_hist.ih_prepaid | Prepaid Amount |
ttih_priced_dt | date | ih_hist.ih_priced_dt | Last Price Dt |
ttih_pricing_dt | date | ih_hist.ih_pricing_dt | Pricing Date |
tlih_primary | logical | ih_hist.ih_primary | Primary SO |
tlih_print_bl | logical | ih_hist.ih_print_bl | Print Bill of Lading |
tlih_print_pl | logical | ih_hist.ih_print_pl | Print Pack List |
tlih_print_so | logical | ih_hist.ih_print_so | Print Sales Order |
tcih_project | character | ih_hist.ih_project | Project |
tlih_pst | logical | ih_hist.ih_pst | PST |
tcih_pst_id | character | ih_hist.ih_pst_id | PST ID |
tdih_pst_pct | decimal | ih_hist.ih_pst_pct | PST Pct |
tcih_quote | character | ih_hist.ih_quote | Quote |
ttih_req_date | date | ih_hist.ih_req_date | Required Date |
tiih_rev | integer | ih_hist.ih_rev | Revision |
tcih_rmks | character | ih_hist.ih_rmks | Remarks |
tdih_rstk_pct | decimal | ih_hist.ih_rstk_pct | Restocking Charge |
tcih_sa_nbr | character | ih_hist.ih_sa_nbr | Contract |
tcih_sch_mthd | character | ih_hist.ih_sch_mthd | Schedules Via |
tlih_sched | logical | ih_hist.ih_sched | Scheduled |
tlih_secondary | logical | ih_hist.ih_secondary | Secondary EMT Order |
tcih_ship | character | ih_hist.ih_ship | Ship-To |
ttih_ship_date | date | ih_hist.ih_ship_date | Ship Date |
tlih_ship_eng | logical | ih_hist.ih_ship_eng | Ship-To Engineer |
tcih_ship_po | character | ih_hist.ih_ship_po | Ship To PO |
tcih_shipvia | character | ih_hist.ih_shipvia | Ship Via |
tcih_site | character | ih_hist.ih_site | Site |
tdih_size | decimal | ih_hist.ih_size | Size |
tcih_size_um | character | ih_hist.ih_size_um | Size UM |
tcih_source | character | ih_hist.ih_source | Order Source |
tcih_stat | character | ih_hist.ih_stat | Action Status |
ttih_tax_date | date | ih_hist.ih_tax_date | Tax Date |
tcih_tax_env | character | ih_hist.ih_tax_env | Tax Environment |
tcih_tax_usage | character | ih_hist.ih_tax_usage | Tax Usage |
tlih_taxable | logical | ih_hist.ih_taxable | Taxable |
tcih_taxc | character | ih_hist.ih_taxc | Tax Class |
tlih_to_inv | logical | ih_hist.ih_to_inv | Ready to Invoice |
tdih_trl_amt | decimal | ih_hist.ih_trl_amt | Rounding Trailer Amount |
tdih_trl1_amt | decimal | ih_hist.ih_trl1_amt | Trailer Amt 1 |
tcih_trl1_cd | character | ih_hist.ih_trl1_cd | Trailer 1 |
tdih_trl2_amt | decimal | ih_hist.ih_trl2_amt | Trailer Amt 2 |
tcih_trl2_cd | character | ih_hist.ih_trl2_cd | Trailer 2 |
tdih_trl3_amt | decimal | ih_hist.ih_trl3_amt | Trailer Amt 3 |
tcih_trl3_cd | character | ih_hist.ih_trl3_cd | Trailer 3 |
tcih_type | character | ih_hist.ih_type | Type |
tcih_user1 | character | ih_hist.ih_user1 | Ufld1 |
tcih_user2 | character | ih_hist.ih_user2 | Ufld2 |
tcih_userid | character | ih_hist.ih_userid | User ID |
tdih_weight | decimal | ih_hist.ih_weight | Weight |
tcih_weight_um | character | ih_hist.ih_weight_um | Weight UM |
tdoid_ih_hist | decimal | ih_hist.oid_ih_hist | |
Internal usage