Sub-method that finds the pending vouchers attached to a legal document.
icDomainCode | input | character | Filtering parameter: domain code. |
icSupplier | input | character | Filtering parameter: supplier codes. |
icSupplierFrom | input | character | Filtering parameter: start value for the supplier codes. |
icSupplierTo | input | character | Filtering parameter: end value for the supplier codes. |
icSite | input | character | |
icSiteFrom | input | character | Filtering parameter: start value for the site codes. |
icSiteTo | input | character | Filtering parameter: end value for the site codes. |
icReceiver | input | character | Filtering parameter: receiver number. |
icReceiverFrom | input | character | Filtering parameter: start value for the receiver number. |
icReceiverTo | input | character | Filtering parameter: end value for the receiver number. |
itReceiptDate | input | date | Filtering parameter: receipt dates. |
itReceiptDateFrom | input | date | Filtering parameter: beginng date of the receipt dates. |
itReceiptDateTo | input | date | Filtering parameter: endign date of the receipt dates. |
icLegalDocument | input | character | |
icLegalDocumentFrom | input | character | |
icLegalDocumentTo | input | character | Filtering parameter: end value for the legal document number. |
itEffIssueDate | input | date | Filtering parameter: beginng date of the effective issue dates. |
itEffIssueDateFrom | input | date | Filtering parameter: beginng date of the effective issue dates. |
itEffIssueDateTo | input | date | Filtering parameter: ending date of the effective issue dates. |
tERSProcessorRef | output | temp-table | Output temp-table: used to store the pending vouchers being considered for ERS Processing. |
tERSProcessorLogRef | output | temp-table | Output temp-table: used to log status information for the pending vouchers being considered by the ERS Processor. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bersprocessor.p)
/* =================================================================================================== *
* Retrieve pending vouchers with logistical charge which can be processed by ERS processor and for *
* which Legal documents exist *
* =================================================================================================== */
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Get legal document lines fitting the input parameters condition */
/* =================================================================================================== */
<Q-40 run LegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForERS (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input icDomainCode, (Domain)
input icSupplier, (Supplier)
input icSupplierFrom, (SupplierFrom)
input icSupplierTo, (SupplierTo)
input icSite, (Site)
input icSiteFrom, (SiteFrom)
input icSiteTo, (SiteTo)
input itReceiptDate, (ReceiptDate)
input itReceiptDateFrom, (ReceiptDateFrom)
input itReceiptDateTo, (ReceiptDateTo)
input icLegalDocument, (LegalDoc)
input icLegalDocumentFrom, (LegalDocFrom)
input icLegalDocumentTo, (LegalDocTo)
input itEffIssueDate, (EffDate)
input itEffIssueDateFrom, (EffDateFrom)
input itEffIssueDateTo, (EffDateTo)
output dataset tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE) in BMFGLegalDocument>
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Remove pending vouchers, that were incorrectly read. We cannot have that directly done in the query */
/* because of complexity */
/* =================================================================================================== */
for each tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE:
/* Remove those pending vouchers that were posted already */
if tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tllgd_posted = true
then do:
delete tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.
end. /* for each tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE: */
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Process retrieved legal documents */
/* =================================================================================================== */
for each tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE
break by tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_domain
by tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.ttlgd_effdate
by tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_nbr
by tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom:
/* Read all details about the legal document */
if first-of(tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom)
then do:
/* Read legal document data only when not yet done */
if not(can-find(first tLgddDetMatForAPMERS where
tLgddDetMatForAPMERS.tclgd_domain = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_domain and
tLgddDetMatForAPMERS.tclgd_nbr = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_nbr and
tLgddDetMatForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.ttlgd_effdate and
tLgddDetMatForAPMERS.tclgd_shipfrom = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom)) and
not(can-find(first tLgddDetLCForAPMERS where
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_domain = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_domain and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_nbr = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_nbr and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.ttlgd_effdate and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_shipfrom = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom))
then do:
/* instantiate method */
if viBMFGLegalDocumentID = 0 or
viBMFGLegalDocumentID = ?
then do:
<I-56 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BMFGLegalDocument"}>
else if not valid-handle(vhBMFGLegalDocumentInst)
then do:
<I-69 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BMFGLegalDocument"}>
/* Retrieve all legal document lines for one legal document */
<M-17 run GetLegalDocumentDetForAPMatching
(input tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_domain (icLgdDomain),
input tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_nbr (icLgdNbr),
input tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom (icLgdSuppl),
input tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.ttlgd_effdate (itLgdEffDate),
input ? (icInvSuppl),
input ? (iiLgddLine),
input ? (icLgddDocType),
input ? (icLgddOrder),
input ? (iiLgddOrderLine),
output tLgddDetMatForAPMERS (tLgddDetMatForAPM),
output tLgddDetLCForAPMERS (tLgddDetLCForAPM),
output tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS (tLgddDetLCDistForAPM),
output tLgddDetTaxForAPMERS (tLgddDetTaxForAPM),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMFGLegalDocument>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0 then return.
end. /* if not-can find(first tLgddDetMatForAPMERS where */
for each tLgddDetLCForAPMERS where
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_domain = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_domain and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_nbr = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_nbr and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_shipfrom = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom and
tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate = tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.ttlgd_effdate,
each tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS where
tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tc_ParentRowid = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tc_Rowid:
assign vcInvoiceReference = substitute("&1,&2/&3/&4":U,
string((year(tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate) modulo 100), "99"),
string(month(tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate), "99"),
string(day(tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate), "99")).
/* create record in resulting temporary table */
create tERSProcessorRef.
assign tERSProcessorRef.tiPvoId = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tiPvoId
tERSProcessorRef.tiPvodLineId = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tiPvodIdLine
tERSProcessorRef.tcCInvoiceCurrencyCode = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_curr
tERSProcessorRef.tcCInvoiceReference = vcInvoiceReference
tERSProcessorRef.tcDomainCode = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcPvoDomain
tERSProcessorRef.tcPurchaseOrderNbr = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclc_charge
tERSProcessorRef.tcReceiverNbr = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_internal_ref
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchQty = 0
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchUnitPriceLC = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tdAmountLC
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMLnMatchUnitPriceBaseTC = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tdAmountBaseLC
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchUnitPriceTC = tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchUnitPriceLC
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnExtendedCostLC = tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchUnitPriceLC
tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnExtendedCostTC = tERSProcessorRef.tdAPMatchingLnMatchUnitPriceTC
tERSProcessorRef.tiPurchaseOrderLineNbr = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tipvo_line
tERSProcessorRef.tlIsLogCharge = true
tERSProcessorRef.tlIsSelected = true
tERSProcessorRef.tlIsProcessed = false
tERSProcessorRef.tcFcRowid = string(tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tdoid_lgdd_det) + '|':U +
string(tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate) + '|':U +
tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcSupplier + '|':U +
tERSProcessorRef.tiERSStatus = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tipvo_ers_status
tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tipvo_ers_opt
/* Price list is not relevant, as we are taking price from the legal document */
tERSProcessorRef.tiERSPriceListOption = ?
tERSProcessorRef.tcLegalDocNbr = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_nbr
tERSProcessorRef.tcLegalDocType = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_doc_type
tERSProcessorRef.tcPOProjectCode = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_project
tERSProcessorRef.ttEffectiveIssueDate = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.ttlgd_effdate
tERSProcessorRef.tcSupplier = tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcSupplier
tERSProcessorRef.tcShipFrom = tLgddDetLCForAPMERS.tclgd_shipfrom.
/* ================================================================================ *
* For logistic charges we needjust ERS Option. When the value is not stored in the *
* pending voucher, then value is taken from the ers maintenance with following *
* order: *
* Supplier & Site *
* Supplier *
* Site *
* ================================================================================ */
if tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = ? or
tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = 0
then do:
assign vcSite = if (tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_order_type = {&PENDINGVOUCHER-ORDERTYPE-SO} OR
tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_order_type = {&PENDINGVOUCHER-ORDERTYPE-DO})
then tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_shipfrom
else tLgddDetLCDistForAPMERS.tcpvo_shipto.
<M-35 run GetERSPendingVouchersERSOpt
(input tERSProcessorRef.tcSupplier (icCreditorCode),
input vcSite (icSiteCode),
input ? (icPartCode),
input-output tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt (biERSOption),
input-output viDummy (biERSPriceListOption),
output viLocalReturn (oiReturnStatus)) in BERSProcessor>
end. /* if tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = ? or */
/* if any error occured during processing of receipt -> remove it from processing */
if viLocalReturn < 0 then assign tERSProcessorRef.tiERSStatus = {&PVO_ERS_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESS}.
/* should be this receipt processed by ERS */
if tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = 0 or /* 0 - should not be, but for sure */
tERSProcessorRef.tiERSOpt = 1 /* 1 - NO ERS Process allowed */
then do:
delete tERSProcessorRef.
empty temp-table tFcMessages.
else do:
<M-62 run CopyToReceiptErrors
(input tERSProcessorRef.tcFcRowid (icReceiptRowId),
input true (ilDeleteSystemErrors),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BERSProcessor>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return.
end. /* for each tLgddDetLCForAPMERS where */
end. /* if first-of(tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE.tclgd_shipfrom) */
end. /* for each tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherLCForE */