project QadFinancials > class BERSProcessor > dataset tERSProcessorLogRef

copy of dataset tFcMessages

table tERSProcessorLogRef


Errors raised during ERS processor

field namedata typedescription
tcFcBusMethodcharacterBusiness method that is the origin of the error
tcFcContextcharacterextra context info
tcFcExplanationcharacterextra explanation info
tcFcFieldLabelcharacterLabel of the database field, used in case the field has no corresponding control on the user interface.
tcFcFieldNamecharacterCan contain the name of a database field or a public data item. With this, the error can be linked to a specific input field on the user interface.
tcFcFieldValuecharacterCan contain the value of the database field or public data item to which to error is linked.
Warning: for some control types screen-value may be different from the data value.
tcFcIdentificationcharacterextra identification info
tcFcMessagecharacterthe message string
tcFcMsgNumbercharacterunique reference to locate the error message in the business source code
tcFcRowidcharacterCan contain the value of tc_Rowid to identify a record in the class temp-tables that caused the error.
tiFcSeverityintegerSeverity of the errror.
1 = critical
2 = high
3 = normal
4 = low
tcFcTypecharacterType of message.
E (user-correctable error)
D (non-correctable error)
W (warning)

Internal usage

method BERSProcessor.APIERSProcessorRun
method BERSProcessor.ERSProcessBatch
method BERSProcessor.ERSProcessFinish
method BERSProcessor.GetERSLegalDocuments
method BERSProcessor.GetERSLegalDocumentsLC
method BERSProcessor.GetERSLegalDocumentsNoLC
method BERSProcessor.GetERSPendingVouchers
method BERSProcessor.GetERSPendingVouchersPORec