iiShipFromAddressId | input | integer | Address Id of ship from address (address of customer) |
ocShipFromTaxIDFeder | output | character | Tax ID federal of the ship from address |
ocShipFromTaxIDState | output | character | Tax ID State of the ship from address |
ocShipFromTaxIdMisc1 | output | character | Tax ID Misc1 of the ship from address |
ocShipFromTaxIdMisc2 | output | character | Tax ID Misc2 of the ship from address |
ocShipFromTaxIdMisc3 | output | character | Tax ID Misc3 of the ship from address |
oiShipFromTaxDeclaration | output | integer | Tax declaration of the ship from address |
ocShipFromTaxZone | output | character | Tax Zone of the ship from address |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
/* replace unknown values */ if iiShipFromAddressId = ? then assign iiShipFromAddressId = 0. if iiShipFromAddressId <> 0 then do: <Q-1 run AddressByIDMinimal (all) (Read) (NoCache) (input iiShipFromAddressId, (AddressID) output dataset tqAddressByIDMinimal) in BBusinessRelation > find first tqAddressByIDMinimal where tqAddressByIDMinimal.tiAddress_ID = iiShipFromAddressId no-lock no-error. if available tqAddressByIDMinimal then assign ocShipFromTaxIDFeder = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcAddressTaxIDFederal ocShipFromTaxIDState = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcAddressTaxIDState ocShipFromTaxIDMisc1 = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcAddressTaxIDMisc1 ocShipFromTaxIDMisc2 = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcAddressTaxIDMisc2 ocShipFromTaxIDMisc3 = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcAddressTaxIDMisc3 oiShipFromTaxDeclaration = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tiAddressTaxDeclaration ocShipFromTaxZone = tqAddressByIDMinimal.tcTxzTaxZone. end.