project QadFinancials > class BBusinessRelation > business logic query AddressByIDMinimal


AddressByIDMinimal: query that has a very limited output dataset: it just holds some tax-related fieds and has no jions.
Please keep this query as simple as it is because it is used in the Posting-class

This query returns the address info by addressID.



query condition

  each Address where
Address.Address_ID = iiAddressID

query resultset tqAddressByIDMinimal

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tiAddress_IDintegerAddress.Address_IDRecord ID
tlAddressIsTaxablelogicalAddress.AddressIsTaxableTaxable Address. This field indicates if business activities for this address are normally subject to tax.
The taxable status of the address defaults to transactions where the address is used.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false.
tlAddressIsTaxInCitylogicalAddress.AddressIsTaxInCityTax in City. This field determines whether the address is in the city limits for taxation purposes. It is used only with the Sales and Use Tax Interface for US and Canadian tax processing.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to true.
tlAddressIsTaxIncludedlogicalAddress.AddressIsTaxIncludedTax Is Included. This field indicates if line item prices for this address normally include tax.
The value of Tax Is Included defaults to the header of transactions created for this address.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false.
tiAddressTaxDeclarationintegerAddress.AddressTaxDeclarationThis field is mandatory.
tcAddressTaxIDFederalcharacterAddress.AddressTaxIDFederalFederal Tax. The value of this filed is the tax ID assigned to this address by the federal or national government.
If Tax Report is true, the Federal tax ID must be unique; otherwise, related business relations can share an ID.
tcAddressTaxIDMisc1characterAddress.AddressTaxIDMisc1Miscellaneous Tax 1.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful.
This field can be blank.
tcAddressTaxIDMisc2characterAddress.AddressTaxIDMisc2Miscellaneous Tax 2.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful.
This field can be blank.
tcAddressTaxIDMisc3characterAddress.AddressTaxIDMisc3Miscellaneous Tax 3.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful.
This field can be blank.
tcAddressTaxIDStatecharacterAddress.AddressTaxIDStateState Tax. This field is for reference and documentation purposes, the value of the field is either a state or provincial tax identification number or a VAT registration number.
tiAddressType_IDintegerAddress.AddressType_IDAddress Type
tiBusinessRelation_IDintegerAddress.BusinessRelation_IDLink to BusinessRelation
tiCountry_IDintegerAddress.Country_IDCountry Format
tcTxclTaxClscharacterAddress.TxclTaxClsTax Class. This field indicates the tax class of the address. This field helps to determine the default tax environment (set of tax types) for related transactions.
The value of this field defaults to the header of transactions created for this address.
This field can be blank.
tcTxuTaxUsagecharacterAddress.TxuTaxUsageTax Usage. This field identifies the normal use of items sold to this address.
Tax usage codes, along with tax class and tax date, determine which tax rates apply.
Tax usage codes identify the normal use of items sold to this address.
This field can be blank.
tcTxzTaxZonecharacterAddress.TxzTaxZoneTax Zone. This field indicates the tax zone for this address. This field is mandatory.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to a value the system searches for based on the country, state or province, county, city, and postal code of the current address.

Internal usage

method BCInvoice.CreateCIPostingGetShipTo
method BDInvoice.CreateDIPostingGetShipFrom
method BPosting.AddPostingLineTaxValAndDef