iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icAddressType | character |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiAddress_ID | integer | Address.Address_ID | Record ID |
tcAddressCity | character | Address.AddressCity | City. The city for this address. This field can be used to decide the tax zone of the address. |
tcAddressCountryCode | character | Country1.CountryCode | Country Code |
tlAddressIsEUCountry | logical | Country1.CountryIsEUCountry | EU Member |
tlAddressIsTaxInCity | logical | Address.AddressIsTaxInCity | Tax in City. This field determines whether the address is in the city limits for taxation purposes. It is used only with the Sales and Use Tax Interface for US and Canadian tax processing. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to true. | ||
tcAddressState | character | Address.AddressState | Obsolete field |
tcAddressStreet1 | character | Address.AddressStreet1 | Address: Line one of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressStreet2 | character | Address.AddressStreet2 | Address.Line two of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressStreet3 | character | Address.AddressStreet3 | Address.Line three of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressTaxIDState | character | Address.AddressTaxIDState | State Tax. This field is for reference and documentation purposes, the value of the field is either a state or provincial tax identification number or a VAT registration number. |
tcAddressTypeCode | character | AddressType.AddressTypeCode | Address Type |
tcAddressZip | character | Address.AddressZip | Zip. The postal code or US zip code associated with this address. This field is used to decide the tax zone for the address. This field can be blank. |
tiBusinessRelation_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.BusinessRelation_ID | Mandatory |
tcBusinessRelationAVRCode | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationAVRCode | Obsolete field |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode | Business Relation. A code to identify the business relation. If this field does not have a input from the user, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Business Relation Autonumber Create. |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationName1 | Name: The full name of the business relation. This field sets the default name for linked addresses such as customers and suppliers. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to the BusinessRelationCode. | ||
tlCompanyPropertyIsARUseTaxDate | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsARUseTaxDate | AR Exchange Rate - Use Taxpoint Date |
tiCountry_ID | integer | Country1.Country_ID | Record ID |
tcCountryDescription | character | Country1.CountryDescription | Description |
tiCounty_ID | integer | County.County_ID | Record ID |
tcCountyCode | character | County.CountyCode | County Code |
tcCountyDescription | character | County.CountyDescription | Description |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tiIdentityCountry_ID | integer | VatNumber.IdentityCountry_ID | Country Tax Identification |
tcIdentityCountryCode | character | Country2.CountryCode | Country Code |
tlIdentityIsEUCountry | logical | Country2.CountryIsEUCountry | EU Member |
tiState_ID | integer | State.State_ID | Record ID |
tcStateCode | character | State.StateCode | State |
tcStateDescription | character | State.StateDescription | Description |
tcTxzTaxZone | character | Address.TxzTaxZone | Tax Zone. This field indicates the tax zone for this address. This field is mandatory. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to a value the system searches for based on the country, state or province, county, city, and postal code of the current address. | ||
tiVatNumber_ID | integer | VatNumber.VatNumber_ID | Record ID |
tcVatNumberIdentity | character | VatNumber.VatNumberIdentity | Obsolete field |