iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
icCreditorCode | input | character | |
icDebtorCode | input | character | |
icPaymentInstrument | input | character | |
oiBankNumberID | output | integer | |
ocBankNumber | output | character | |
ocBankNumberExtension | output | character | |
icOwnBankNumber | input | character | |
icGLCode | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/bbanknumber.p)
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
viLocalReturn = 0.
do on error undo, leave:
/* Default values output parameter */
assign oiBankNumberID = 0
ocBankNumber = ?
ocBankNumberExtension = ?.
/* Normalize input parameters */
if icCreditorCode = "":U then icCreditorCode = ?.
if icDebtorCode = "":U then icDebtorCode = ?.
if icPaymentInstrument = "":U then icPaymentInstrument = ?.
/* Type of bank account Customer/Supplier */
assign vcParentType = (if icCreditorCode <> ?
/* Check the type of the payment INLAND/FOREIGN */
if icPaymentInstrument <> ?
then do:
assign vcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-FOREIGN}.
/* Retrieve creditor or debtor's country code to determine if payment is inland or foreign*/
then do:
<Q-84 run CreditorAddressInfoByCreditor (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (CreditorId)
input iiCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input icCreditorCode, (CreditorCode)
output dataset tqCreditorAddressInfoByCreditor) in BCreditor >
for first tqCreditorAddressInfoByCreditor:
assign vcCountryCode = tqCreditorAddressInfoByCreditor.tcCountryCode.
end. /*if(icCreditorCode <> ?) */
else do:
<Q-53 run DebtorByDebtor (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input ?, (DebtorId)
input icDebtorCode, (DebtorCode)
output dataset tqDebtorByDebtor) in BDebtor >
for first tqDebtorByDebtor:
assign vcCountryCode = tqDebtorByDebtor.tcCountryCode.
end. /* else do */
/* Retrieve own company's country code to determine if payment is within the same country (inland) */
<Q-30 run CompanyPropertyByBusinessRel (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiCompanyID, (CompanyId)
output dataset tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel) in BCompanyProperty >
for first tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel:
assign vlInland = (tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcAddressCountryCode = vcCountryCode)
end. /* Check the type of the payment INLAND/FOREIGN */
/* Get Supplier's bank numbers */
then do:
<Q-64 run CreditorForBankNumber (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input ?, (Creditor_ID)
input icCreditorCode, (CreditorCode)
output dataset tqCreditorForBankNumber) in BCreditor >
if icPaymentInstrument <> ?
then do:
/* Determine if there is only one bank which matches criteria */
find tqCreditorForBankNumber where
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH}) and
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID
/* Determine if there is a company specific default bank which matches the criteria */
if not available tqCreditorForBankNumber
then find first tqCreditorForBankNumber where
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH}) and
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tlBankNumberIsDefault and
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID
/* Determine if any bank matches the criteria but is not in this company (cross company payment) */
if not available tqCreditorForBankNumber
then find first tqCreditorForBankNumber where
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH})
end. /* if(icPaymentInstrument <> ?) */
/* Use default bank for this company if no banks match the criteria, or payment instrument not specified */
if not available tqCreditorForBankNumber
then find first tqCreditorForBankNumber where
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tlBankNumberIsDefault and
tqCreditorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID
/* Use any default bank (assumes a cross company payment) */
if not available tqCreditorForBankNumber
then find first tqCreditorForBankNumber where
if available tqCreditorForBankNumber
then assign oiBankNumberID = tqCreditorForBankNumber.tiBankNumber_ID
ocBankNumber = tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcBankNumber
ocBankNumberExtension = tqCreditorForBankNumber.tcBankNumberExtension.
end. /* if vcParentType = {&BANKNUMBERPARENTTYPE-CREDITOR} */
/* Get Customers's bank numbers */
else do:
<Q-18 run DebtorForBankNumber (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input ?, (DebtorID)
input icDebtorCode, (DebtorCode)
output dataset tqDebtorForBankNumber) in BDebtor >
if icPaymentInstrument <> ?
then do:
/* Determine if there is only one bank which matches criteria */
find tqDebtorForBankNumber where
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH}) and
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID and
(if icOwnBankNumber <> ? and icOwnBankNumber <> "":U
then tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcOwnBankNumber = icOwnBankNumber
else true) and
(if icGLCode <> ? and icGLCode <> "":U
then tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcGLCode = icGLCode
else true) no-error.
/* Determine if there is a company specific default bank which matches the criteria */
if not available tqDebtorForBankNumber
then find first tqDebtorForBankNumber where
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH}) and
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tlBankNumberIsDefault and
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID
/* Determine if any bank matches the criteria but is not in this company (cross company payment) */
if not available tqDebtorForBankNumber
then find first tqDebtorForBankNumber where
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = icPaymentInstrument and
(tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = vcPayFormatTypePayType or
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcPayFormatTypePayType = {&PAYFORMATPAYTYPE-BOTH})
end. /* if(icPaymentInstrument <> ?) */
/* Use default bank for this company if no banks match the criteria, or payment instrument not specified */
if not available tqDebtorForBankNumber
then find first tqDebtorForBankNumber where
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tlBankNumberIsDefault and
tqDebtorForBankNumber.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID
/* Use any default bank (assumes a cross company payment) */
if not available tqDebtorForBankNumber
then find first tqDebtorForBankNumber where
if available tqDebtorForBankNumber
then assign oiBankNumberID = tqDebtorForBankNumber.tiBankNumber_ID
ocBankNumber = tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcBankNumber
ocBankNumberExtension = tqDebtorForBankNumber.tcBankNumberExtension.
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturn.