iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCompany_ID | integer | Company.Company_ID | Record ID |
tcCompanyCode | character | Company.CompanyCode | Entity Code |
tcCompanyDescription | character | Company.CompanyDescription | Entity Description |
tcCompanyDomain | character | Company.CompanyDomain | Domain |
tlCompanyIsActive | logical | Company.CompanyIsActive | Active |
tiDomain_ID | integer | Company.Domain_ID | Domain |
ttLastModifiedDate | date | Company.LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date |
tiLastModifiedTime | integer | Company.LastModifiedTime | Last Modified Time |
tcLastModifiedUser | character | Company.LastModifiedUser | Last Modified User |
tcLocalisationCode | character | Company.LocalisationCode | When running any business component of the application, the framework will always lookup the localisation code of current company and if filled, will look for a localisation of that type for the business component, and if found will run that localisation in stead of the standard version of the business component. |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(Company) |