project QadFinancials > class BAccountingInterface > method FillProDsAccntBook


This method is used to generate prodataset for Account Book Report.


ohAccntBookoutputhandleHandle for Account Book Prodataset.
icAccntBookNoinputcharacterAccount Book Number.
icOrganizationCodeinputcharacterOrganization Code.
icFiscalYearinputcharacterFiscal Year.
icGLAccntStructureinputcharacterGL Account Structure.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BAccountingInterface.BulidProDataSet

program code (program3/baccountinginterface.p)

assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
/* Empty the temp-tables which will be used later */
empty temp-table tAccntBook.
empty temp-table tReport.

/* to create a temp table, due to EDI limitation */
create tReport.
assign tReport.tiReportID = 1.

if icCOACrossRefCode <> ? and icCOACrossRefCode <> ''
then do:
    <Q-16 run COACrossRefByAll (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input ?, (COACrossRefID)
        input viDomainID, (SourceDomainID)
        input ?, (TargetDomainID)
        input ?, (AltCOAStructID)
        input icCOACrossRefCode, (COACrossRefCode)
        input {&COACROSSREFTYPE-ALTERNATE}, (COACrossRefType)
        input ?, (COACrossRefIsActive)
        input vcDomainCode, (SourceDomainCode)
        input ?, (TargetDomainCode)
        input ?, (AltCOAStructCode)
        output dataset tqCOACrossRefByAll) in BCOACrossRef >
    find first tqCOACrossRefByAll no-error.
    if available tqCOACrossRefByAll
    then do:
        assign vcAltCOAStructCodeTemp = tqCOACrossRefByAll.tcAltCOAStructCode.

<Q-4 run CompanySharedSetBySharedSet (all) (Read) (NoCache)
   (input ?, (SharedSetId)
    input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
    output dataset tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet) in BCompany >
/* Start querys */
<Q-6 run CompanyByIDAllInfo  (Start) in BCompany >
/*<Q-7 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDType  (Start) in BCompany >*/
<Q-13 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI  (Start) in BCompany >
<Q-8 run CompanyPropertyByCompany  (Start) in BCompanyProperty >
for each tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet:
    <Q-2 run CompanyByIDAllInfo (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet.tiCompany_ID, (CompanyId)
        output dataset tqCompanyByIDAllInfo) in BCompany >
    /*<Q-3 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDType (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input ?, (CompanyId)
        input tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID, (SharedSetID)
        input ?, (SharedSetCode)
        input ?, (SharedSetTypeCode)
        output dataset tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDType) in BCompany >*/
    <Q-12 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input ?, (CompanyId)
        input tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID, (SharedSetID)
        input ?, (SharedSetCode)
        input ?, (SharedSetTypeCode)
        output dataset tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI) in BCompany >
    <Q-5 run CompanyPropertyByCompany (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet.tiCompany_ID, (CompanyId)
        input ?, (CompanyCode)
        input ?, (CurrencyCode)
        output dataset tqCompanyPropertyByCompany) in BCompanyProperty >
    find first tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI no-error.
    if available tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI
    then do:
        if tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI.tcSharedSetTypeCode = 'GL'
        then do:
            create tAccntBook.
                tAccntBook.tcAccountingBookNo = icAccntBookNo
                tAccntBook.tcOrganizationCode = icOrganizationCode
                tAccntBook.tcCompanyType = #T-17'QYDW':255(733772260)T-17#
                tAccntBook.tcIndustry = icIndustry
                tAccntBook.tcSoftwareProvidor = 'QAD inc.':U
                tAccntBook.tcVersion = '':U
                tAccntBook.tcFiscalYear = icFiscalYear
                tAccntBook.tcGLAccountStructure = icGLAccntStructure
                tAccntBook.tcShareSetDescription = tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI.tcSharedSetDescription
                tAccntBook.tiReportID = 1.
            for first tqCompanyByIDAllInfo:
                assign tAccntBook.tcCompanyDescription = tqCompanyByIDAllInfo.tcCompanyDescription.
            end. /* for first tqCompanyByIDAllInfo: */
            for first tqCompanyPropertyByCompany:
                assign tAccntBook.tcCurrencyCode = tqCompanyPropertyByCompany.tcCurrencyCode.
            end. /* for first tqCompanyPropertyByCompany: */
            if icCOACrossRefCode <> ? and icCOACrossRefCode <> ''
            then do:
                assign tAccntBook.tcGLAccountStructure = vcAltCOAStructCodeTemp.
        end. /* if tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDType.tcSharedSetTypeCode = 'GL' */
    end. /* if available tqCompanySSBySSCodeIDType */
end. /* for each tqCompanySharedSetBySharedSet: */

/* Use prodataset to encapsulate the temp-table */
/*create dataset ohAccntBook in widget-pool "non-persistent".
ohAccntBook:set-buffers(buffer tReport:handle, buffer tAccntBook:handle).
ohAccntBook:add-relation(buffer tReport:handle, buffer tAccntBook:handle, 'tiReportID,tiReportID',?,true).
ohAccntBook:name = {&EXPORTREPORTCODE-DZZB}.*/

create dataset ohAccntBook in widget-pool "non-persistent". 
create buffer vhReport for table buffer tReport:handle in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create buffer vhAccntBook for table buffer tAccntBook:handle in widget-pool "non-persistent".
ohAccntBook:set-buffers(vhReport, vhAccntBook).
ohAccntBook:add-relation(vhReport, vhAccntBook, 'tiReportID,tiReportID', ?, true).
ohAccntBook:name = {&EXPORTREPORTCODE-DZZB}.

/* ohAccntBook:WRITE-XML("file", "C:\Develop\wht\Client\testDZZB.xml", YES, ?, ?, NO, NO). */

/* Stop querys */
<Q-9 run CompanyByIDAllInfo  (Stop) in BCompany >
/*<Q-10 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDType  (Stop) in BCompany >*/
<Q-14 run CompanySSBySSCodeIDTypeForCAI  (Stop) in BCompany >
<Q-11 run CompanyPropertyByCompany  (Stop) in BCompanyProperty >

if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.