This method gets own bank number based on information of Bank Import Line.
oiBankNumberId | output | integer | Bank Number ID |
ocBankNumberNumber | output | character | Bank Number |
oiGLId | output | integer | Own bank account ID |
ocGLCode | output | character | GL Code |
oiBankPaymentFormatId | output | integer | Bank Payment Format ID |
ocPaymentFormatCode | output | character | Payment Format Code |
oiCurrencyId | output | integer | Own Bank Account Currency ID |
ocCurrencyCode | output | character | Own Bank Account Currency Code |
oiTransactionCompanyId | output | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program6/bbankimportline.p)
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Method : GetOwnBankNumberByBankImpLine */
/* Desc : This method gets information about own bank number */
/* !!! This method has to be in the same segment as parent methods (expects correct */
/* record in table tBankImpLine) - segment 6 */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Params: (0) BankNumberId ID of the bank number */
/* (O) BankNumberNumber Number of the bank number */
/* (O) GLId ID of the GL accouunt, own bank is defined for */
/* (O) GLCode Code of the GL account of own bank number */
/* (O) BankPaymentFormatId ID of the bank payment format */
/* (O) PaymentFormatCode Code of payment format */
/* (O) CurrencyId ID of the currency of own bank account */
/* (O) CurrencyCode Code of currency of own bank account */
/* =================================================================================================== */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
viLocalReturnStatus = 0
vcParam = '':U
vcCriteria = '':U.
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Default output values */
/* =================================================================================================== */
assign oiBankNumberId = ?
ocBankNumberNumber = ?
oiGLId = ?
ocGLCode = ?
oiBankPaymentFormatId = ?
ocPaymentFormatCode = ?.
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Validate input parameters */
/* =================================================================================================== */
if not available tBankImpLine
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-2'Missing definition of imported bank line.':255(67965)T-2#.
<M-1 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'S':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7560':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
if tBankImpLine.BankImpLineOwnBankNumber = ? or
tBankImpLine.BankImpLineOwnBankNumber = '':U
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-5'The own bank account number is missing from the transaction line.':255(68528)T-5#.
<M-4 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input tBankImpLine.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7561':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* Check if bank file format code is defined - it is mandatory field */
if tBankImpLine.BankImpLineFileFormatCode = ? or
tBankImpLine.BankImpLineFileFormatCode = '':U
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-7'The own bank file format is missing from the transaction line.':255(68529)T-7#.
<M-6 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input tBankImpLine.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7660':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Get Own bank number */
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Create processing info */
<M-95 run CreateBankImpLineProcessInfo
(input 'GetBankNumberByNumber':U (icProcessName),
input #T-40'Get own bank number':255(242707683)T-40# (icProcessDesc),
input ? (icProcessResult),
input ? (icProcessParam),
input 'GetOwnBankNumberByBankImpLine':U (icParentRowName),
input 0 (iiProcessStatus),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
<M-59 run GetBankNumberByNumber
(input {&BANKNUMBERPARENTTYPE-GL} (icBankNumberParentType),
input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineOwnBankNumber (icBankNumber),
output oiBankNumberId (oiBankNumberId),
output ocBankNumberNumber (ocBankNumber),
output oiGLId (oiParentObjectId),
output ocGLCode (ocParentObjectCode),
output oiCurrencyId (oiCurrencyId),
output ocCurrencyCode (ocCurrencyCode),
output oiTransactionCompanyId (oiTransactionCompanyId),
input ? (icBankImpCurrencyCode),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
assign vcParam = "BankNumberNumber = " + ocBankNumberNumber +
";GLCode = " + ocGLCode +
";CurrencyCode = " + ocCurrencyCode.
<M-46 run UpdateBankImpLineProcessResult
(input 'GetBankNumberByNumber':U (icProcessName),
input viLocalReturnStatus (iiProcessStatus),
input vcParam (icProcessResult),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
if viLocalReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Get bank payment format */
/* (there should be exactly one record) */
/* =================================================================================================== */
assign vcPaymentModule = (if tbankimpline.bankimplineInOut = {&TRANSDIRECTION-IN}
if vcPaymentModule <> {&PAYFORMATMODULE-AP}
then do:
<Q-12 run BankPayFormatForBankImp (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input oiBankNumberId, (BankNumberId)
input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineFileFormatCode, (BankFileFormatCode)
input vcPaymentModule, (PaymentModule)
output dataset tqBankPayFormatForBankImp) in BBankPayFormat >
find first tqBankPayFormatForBankImp no-error.
if not available tqBankPayFormatForBankImp
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-14'The combination of own bank account number &1 and bank file format for module &2 cannot be found.':255(68530)T-14# + " ":U
vcMessage = vcMessage + #T-15'You define this combination in Bank Payment Format Link.':255(68531)t-15#
vcMessage = substitute(vcMessage, ocBankNumberNumber,
if tbankimpline.bankimplineInOut = {&TRANSDIRECTION-IN}
<M-13 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input tBankImpLine.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7661':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* Create processing info */
else assign vcCriteria = "BankNumber = " + tqBankPayFormatForBankImp.tcBankNumber +
";BankFileFormatCode = " + tBankImpLine.BankImpLineFileFormatCode +
";PaymentModule = " + vcPaymentModule
vcParam = "PaymentFormatCode = " + tqBankPayFormatForBankImp.tcPayFormatTypeCode.
<M-65 run CreateBankImpLineProcessInfo
(input 'BankPayFormatForBankImp':U (icProcessName),
input #T-58'Get bank payment format':255(271580318)T-58# (icProcessDesc),
input vcParam (icProcessResult),
input vcCriteria (icProcessParam),
input 'GetOwnBankNumberByBankImpLine':U (icParentRowName),
input oiReturnStatus (iiProcessStatus),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
if oiReturnStatus = -1 then return.
/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Return */
/* =================================================================================================== */
assign oiBankPaymentFormatId = tqBankPayFormatForBankImp.tiBankPayFormat_ID
ocPaymentFormatCode = tqBankPayFormatForBankImp.tcPayFormatTypeCode.
if oiReturnStatus = -98 then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.