icProcessName | input | character | |
icProcessDesc | input | character | |
icProcessResult | input | character | |
icProcessParam | input | character | |
icParentRowName | input | character | |
iiProcessStatus | input | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bbankimportline.p)
define buffer bBankImpLineProcBuf for tBankImpLineProcessRef.
/* Create process temp table */
create tBankImpLineProcessRef.
assign tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcBankImpLineProcessName = if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-CREATEDDOCUMENT} then 'ProcessBankImpLineNewDDocument':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-PAIDDDOCUMENT} then 'ProcessBankImpLineDDocStatusChg':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-PAIDCDOCUMENT} then 'ProcessBankImpLineCDocStatusChg':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-BOUNCEDDDOCUMENT} then 'ProcessBankImpLineDDocStatusChg':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-BOUNCEDCDOCUMENT} then 'ProcessBankImpLineCDocStatusChg':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-CREATEBE} then 'ProcessBankImpLineNewBankEntry':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-CONFIRM} then 'ProcessBankImpLineConfirm':U
else if icProcessName = {&BANKIMPORTACTION-OTHER} then 'CompanyForAddressInfo':U
else icProcessName
tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcBankImpLineProcessDesc = if icProcessDesc = ? then '':U else icProcessDesc
tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcBankImpLineProcessParam = if icProcessParam = ? then '':U else icProcessParam
tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcBankImpLineProcessResult = if icProcessResult = ? then '':U else icProcessResult
tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcBankImpLineProcessStatus = if iiprocessstatus = -1 then {&BANKIMPLINEPROCSTATUS-FAILED} else {&BANKIMPLINEPROCSTATUS-PASS}.
/* Calculate process level */
if icParentRowName <> ? and
icParentRowName <> '':U then
assign tBankImpLineProcessRef.tcParentRow = icParentRowName.
find first bBankImpLineProcBuf where bBankImpLineProcBuf.tcBankImpLineProcessName = icParentRowName no-error.
if available bBankImpLineProcBuf
then assign tBankImpLineProcessRef.tiRowLevel = bBankImpLineProcBuf.tiRowLevel + 1.
else assign tBankImpLineProcessRef.tiRowLevel = 1.