project QadFinancials > class TSetStatutoryCurrency > method SetStatutoryCurrencyValidate


Validations done before convertin the SC.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrency

program code (program1/tsetstatutorycurrency.p)

assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0.

/* =========== */
/* Definitions */
/* =========== */
define buffer  bACExchangeRateType for ExchangeRateType.
define buffer  bSCExchangeRateType for ExchangeRateType.
define buffer  bTXExchangeRateType for ExchangeRateType.
define buffer  bOldSCCurrency      for Currency.
define buffer  bNewSCCurrency      for Currency.
define buffer  bBaseCurrency       for Currency.

/* ================ */
/* Validation Block */
/* ================ */                                
    /* ================================= */
    /* Read the required exch-rate-types */
    /* ================================= */
    /* Accounting */
    find bACExchangeRateType where 
         bACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeCode     = {&EXCHANGERATETYPE-ACCOUNTING} and 
         bACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeIsActive = true
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bACExchangeRateType
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -130
               ocErrorMessage      = "The accounting exchange rate type is missing from the system or is inactive".
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bACExchangeRateType */
    else assign viACExchangeRateTypeID = bACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID.

    /* Statutory */
    find bSCExchangeRateType where 
         bSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeCode     = {&EXCHANGERATETYPE-STATUTORY} and 
         bSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeIsActive = true
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bSCExchangeRateType
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -131
               ocErrorMessage      = "The statutory exchange rate type is missing from the system or is inactive".
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bACExchangeRateType */    
    else assign viSCExchangeRateTypeID = bSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID
                vlSCIsFallBack         = bSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeIsFallBack.

    /* Vat */
    find bTXExchangeRateType where 
         bTXExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeCode     = {&EXCHANGERATETYPE-VAT} and 
         bTXExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeIsActive = true
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bTXExchangeRateType
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -132
               ocErrorMessage      = "The tax exchange rate type is missing from the system or is inactive".
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bTXExchangeRateType */ 
    else assign viTXExchangeRateTypeID = bTXExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID.

    /* ===================================== */
    /* Validate the required input is filled */
    /* ===================================== */
    /* DomainCode */
    if icDomainCode = "":U or 
       icDomainCode = ?
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -110
               ocErrorMessage      = "The domain was not specified: please specify the domain".
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if icDomainCode = "":U or  */

    /* New SC Code */
    if icNewSCCode = "":U or 
       icNewSCCode = ?
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -111
               ocErrorMessage      = "The new statutory-currency was not specified: please specify the new statutory-currency".
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if icNewSCCode = "":U or  */

    /* ================== */
    /* Domain Validations */
    /* ================== */
    find Domains where
         Domains.DomainCode = icDomainCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available Domains
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -100
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the Domain with code &1", icDomainCode).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available Domains */    

    find DomainProperty where 
         DomainProperty.Domain_ID = Domains.Domain_ID
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available DomainProperty
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -101
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the DomainProperty for code &1", icDomainCode).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available DomainProperty */
    else do :
        if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsSetupCompl <> true
        then do :
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -120
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Domain is not yet marked as 'Setup completed'; you should thus use the normal domain-maintenance to make any chnage to the domain.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsSetupCompl <> true */
        /* The history-daemon should have completed its requests first */
        for each company where
                 company.domain_id = domains.domain_id 
            first qpostingline where
                  qpostingline.company_id = company.company_id 
                  no-lock :
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -121
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("The history-daemon should finish all its requests before this routine can be started. There still are some requests for Entity &1 in Domain &2.", Company.CompanyCode, icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* for each company where */

        /* Invoice Certification validation */
        if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsInvCertific = true
        then do:
            find Currency where 
                 CurrencyCode = "EUR"
                 no-lock no-error.
            if available currency and
                DomainProperty.Currency_ID <> Currency.Currency_ID and
                icNewSCCode                <> "EUR"
            then do:
                assign viLocalReturnStatus = -122
                       ocErrorMessage      = substitute("This domain (&1) was set up for Invoice Certification.  Since the base currency is not EUR, the Statutory Currency Code has to be EUR.", icDomainCode).
                leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
            end. /* if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsInvCert = true */
        end. /* if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsInvCert = true */
    end. /* if available DomainProperty */


    /* ==================== */
    /* Currency Validations */
    /* ==================== */
    /* Find original Statutory Currency */
    find bOldSCCurrency where 
         bOldSCCurrency.Currency_ID = DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bOldSCCurrency
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -102
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the current statutory-currency of Domain &1 based on its ID &2", icDomainCode, DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bOldSCCurrency */

    /* Find original Base Currency */
    find bBaseCurrency where 
         bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID = DomainProperty.Currency_ID
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bBaseCurrency
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -103
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the base-currency of Domain &1 based on its ID &2", icDomainCode, DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bBaseCurrency */
    else assign viLocalCurrencyID = bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID.

    /* Find new Staturoy Currency */
    find bNewSCCurrency where 
         bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode = icNewSCCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available bNewSCCurrency
    then do :
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -104
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get the new statutory-currency for Domain &1 based on its code &2", icDomainCode, icNewSCCode).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if not available bNewSCCurrency */
    else if bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyIsActive <> true
         then do :
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -105
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("The new statutory-currency &2 for Domain &1 is inactive", icDomainCode, icNewSCCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
         end. /* if bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyIsActive <> true */
         else assign viNewSCID = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID.
    /* SC needs to differ from Base Currency, when using SC */
    if bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode = bBaseCurrency.CurrencyCode and
       ilDomainIsStatutoryCurrency = true
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -106
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Statutory Currency can only be enabled if the Statutory Currency (&1) is different from the Base Currency (&2).", bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode, bBaseCurrency.CurrencyCode ).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID  = bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID and */

    /* SC needs to be equal to Base currency when not using SC */
    if bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode <> bBaseCurrency.CurrencyCode and
       ilDomainIsStatutoryCurrency  = false
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -107
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("The Base Currency (&1) needs to be equal to the Statutory Currency (&2) when statutory currency is not enabled for the domain.", bBaseCurrency.CurrencyCode, bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode ).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID  = bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID and */

    /* New SC needs to differ from old SC, unless it is overruled */
    if bOldSCCurrency.CurrencyCode  = bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode and
       ilPerformUpdatesAnyway      <> true
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -108
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("The New Statutory Currency (&1) needs to be different from the existing Statutory Currency (&2) when the Force Update was not flagged.", bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode, bOldSCCurrency.CurrencyCode ).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* if bOldSCCurrency.CurrencyCode <> bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode and */

    /* Retrieve Rounding Information for the new SC Currency */
    find RoundingMethod where 
         RoundingMethod.RoundingMethod_ID = bNewSCCurrency.RoundingMethod_ID
         no-lock no-error.
    if not available RoundingMethod
    then do:
        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -109
               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Rounding Method record could be found for the New Statutory Currency (&1).", bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode).
        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
    end. /* find RoundingMethod where */
    assign vdRoundingMethodUnit      = RoundingMethod.RoundingMethodUnit
           vdRoundingMethodThreshold = RoundingMethod.RoundingMethodThreshold.

    /* ================================================================================================================ */
    /* Validate if we have at least a single exchange-rate in case we need to get exchange-rates further on in the flow */
    /* ================================================================================================================ */
    if bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID <> bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID 
    then do :
        for each domains where
                 domains.domain_id = domainproperty.domain_id 
            each domainsharedset where
                 domainsharedset.domain_id = domains.domain_id 
            each sharedset where
                 sharedset.sharedset_id  = domainsharedset.sharedset_id and 
                 sharedset.sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-EXCHANGERATE} 
            each company where
                 company.domain_id = domains.domain_id 
            find first Posting where
                       Posting.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID
                       use-index CyPostingDate
                       no-lock no-error.
            if available Posting
            then do :
                find first ExchangeRate where
                           ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID               = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID                     and
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID        = BSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID    and 
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom <= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill >= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                           (ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID or 
                            ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID   = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID)
                           no-lock no-error.
                if not available ExchangeRate
                then do:
                    find first ExchangeRate where 
                               ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID               = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID                     and
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID        = BACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID    and 
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom <= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill >= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                               (ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID or 
                                ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID   = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID)
                               no-lock no-error.
                    if not available ExchangeRate
                    then do :
                        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -140
                               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get an exchange-rate (Statutory/Accounting) using the statutory-currency &1 on the first posting-date &2 in entity &3 of domain &4", bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode, Posting.PostingDate, Company.CompanyCode, icDomainCode).
                        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
                    end. /* if not available ExchangeRate */
                end. /* if not available ExchangeRate */
            end. /* if available Posting */

            find last Posting where
                      Posting.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID
                      use-index CyPostingDate
                      no-lock no-error.
            if available Posting
            then do :
                find first ExchangeRate where
                           ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID               = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID                     and
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID        = BACExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID    and 
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom <= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                           ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill >= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                           (ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID or 
                            ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID   = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID)
                           no-lock no-error.
                if not available ExchangeRate
                then do :
                    find first ExchangeRate where
                               ExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID               = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID                     and
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateType_ID        = BSCExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateType_ID    and 
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom <= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                               ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateTill >= Posting.PostingDate                        and 
                               (ExchangeRate.FromCurrency_ID = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID or 
                                ExchangeRate.ToCurrency_ID   = bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID)
                               no-lock no-error.
                    if not available ExchangeRate
                    then do :
                        assign viLocalReturnStatus = -142
                               ocErrorMessage      = substitute("Unable to get an accounting exchange-rate (Statutory/Accounting) using the statutory-currency &1 on the last posting-date &2 in entity &3 of domain &4", bNewSCCurrency.CurrencyCode, Posting.PostingDate, Company.CompanyCode, icDomainCode).
                        leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
                    end. /* if not available ExchangeRate */                
                end. /* if not available ExchangeRate */
            end. /* if available Posting */
        end. /* for each domains of domainproperty no-lock, */

        /* ======================================= */
        /* Check if we have a rounding account     */
        /* Check the Shared Set for Exchange Rates */
        /* ======================================= */
        assign viExchangeRateSharedSetID = 0
               viDomainGLSharedSetID     = 0.
        for each domainsharedset where
                 domainsharedset.domain_id = domainproperty.domain_id
            find sharedset where
                 sharedset.sharedset_id = domainsharedset.sharedset_id
                 no-lock no-error.
            if available sharedset
            then do:
                if sharedset.sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-GL}
                then assign viDomainGLSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
                if sharedset.sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-EXCHANGERATE}
                then assign viExchangeRateSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
                if sharedset.sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DIVISION}
                then assign viDomainDivisionSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
                if sharedset.sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-COSTCENTRE}
                then assign viDomainCostCentreSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
        end. /* for each domainsharedset where */
        if viExchangeRateSharedSetID = 0
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -152
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Exchange Rate Shared Set could be found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available domainsharedset */
        if viDomainDivisionSharedSetID = 0
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -155
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Division Shared Set could be found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available domainsharedset */
        if viDomainCostCentreSharedSetID = 0
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -156
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No CostCentre Shared Set could be found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available domainsharedset */

        if viDomainGLSharedSetID = 0
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -150
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No GL Shared Set could be found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available domainsharedset */

        find first gl where
                   gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                   gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-ROUND}
                   no-lock no-error.
        if not available gl
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -151
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Rounding account was found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available gl */
        else assign viRoundGLID = gl.gl_id.

        find first gl where
                   gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                   gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEREALLOSS}
                   no-lock no-error.
        if not available gl
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -153
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Exchnage rate loss account was found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available gl */
        else assign viExchRealLossGLID = gl.gl_id.

        find first gl where
                   gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                   gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEREALPROFIT}
                   no-lock no-error.
        if not available gl
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -154
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No Exchnage rate profit account was found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available gl */
        else assign viExchRealProfitGLID = gl.gl_id.

        find first gl where
                   gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                   gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALLOSS}
                   no-lock no-error.
        if not available gl
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -153
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No unrealized Excgnage rate loss account was found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available gl */
        else assign viExchUnrealLossGLID = gl.gl_id.

        find first gl where
                   gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                   gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALPROFIT}
                   no-lock no-error.
        if not available gl
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -154
                   ocErrorMessage      = substitute("No unrealized  Exchnage rate profit account was found for domain &1.", icDomainCode).
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if not available gl */
        else assign viExchUnrealProfitGLID = gl.gl_id.

    end. /* If bNewSCCurrency.Currency_ID <> bBaseCurrency.Currency_ID */    

    /* If SC needs to be calculated, then the daemons should have processed all records */
    for each company where
             company.domain_id = domains.domain_id
        /* History Daemon */
        if can-find(first QPostingLine where
                          QPostingLine.Company_id = Company.Company_id)
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -161
                   ocErrorMessage      = "The History Daemon should have processed all records successfully before Statutory Currency can be set.".
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if can-find(first QPostingLine where */

        /* Cross Company Daemon */
        if can-find(first QCrossCyPosting where
                          QCrossCyPosting.Company_id = Company.Company_id)
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -161
                   ocErrorMessage      = "The Cross Company Daemon should have processed all records successfully before Statutory Currency can be set.".
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if can-find(first QCrossCyPosting where */

        /* Balance Daemon */
        if can-find(first QCInvoiceMovement where
                          QCInvoiceMovement.Company_id = Company.Company_id) or
           can-find(first QDInvoiceMovement where
                          QDInvoiceMovement.Company_id = Company.Company_id)
        then do:
            assign viLocalReturnStatus = -161
                   ocErrorMessage      = "The Balance Daemon should have processed all records successfully before Statutory Currency can be set.".
            leave VALIDATEBLOCK.
        end. /* if can-find(first QCInvoiceMovement where */

    end. /* for each company where */

assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.