project QadFinancials > class TSetStatutoryCurrency > method SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPMGetGL


SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPMGetGL: Submethod of SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPM that will return the GL to be used for the VarExchRate-postingline of the matching


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TSetStatutoryCurrency.SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPM

program code (program1/tsetstatutorycurrency.p)

/* ========================================================================================================= */
/* SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPMGetGL: Submethod of SetStatutoryCurrencyBasedOnTCAPM that will return     */
/* the GL and other analysis details to be used for the VarExchRate-postingline of the matching              */
/* The logic in this method is copy of what's in BAPMatching:AdditionalUpdatesAllLinesPLVarExchRateAccount() */
/* ========================================================================================================= */

/* ================================================================================================================== */
/* Note: the logic here accesses operational tables so this has to be done via data-objects that use dynamic querying */
/* ================================================================================================================== */

/* ==================================================================================== */
/* Find out the correct GL, Division and CostCentre that are used for this posting-line */
/* in case of rate-variances (project will always be empty)                             */
/* Case 1: Get the info from the DefAccountMstr-acdf (Gain + incl:prod-line)            */
/* Case 2: Get the info from the DefAccountMstr-acdf (Gain + excl:prod-line)            */
/* Case 3: Get the info from the system G/L-Account for 'Exchange - Unrealised Profit'  */
/* Case 4: Get the info from the DefAccountMstr-acdf (Loss + incl:prod-line)            */
/* Case 5: Get the info from the DefAccountMstr-acdf (Loss + excl:prod-line)            */
/* Case 6: Get the info from the system G/L-Account for 'Exchange - Unrealised Loss'    */
/* ==================================================================================== */

/* ======================== */
/* Define dataobjects       */
/* Set default ReturnStatus */
/* ======================== */
define variable DOProductMaster         as com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.ProductMaster.
define variable DOAccountDefaultMaster  as com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.AccountDefaultMaster.
assign oiReturnStatus      = -98
       viLocalReturnStatus = 0.

/* =========================== */
/* Major block for this method */
/* =========================== */
    /* First get the item/product definition as we need the pruduct-line to get the correct account */  
    DOProductMaster = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.ProductMaster (APMatchingLn.PvoDomain,
    assign vcProductLine = DOProductMaster:ProductLine 
    if valid-object(DOProductMaster) 
    then delete object DOProductMaster no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */

    /* Get the account */    
    if ilGetGainAccount = true /* CreditLC > 0 /* meaning a Gain */ */
    then do :
        /* Find acdf (account defaults): currency and prod-line */
        DOAccountDefaultMaster = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.AccountDefaultMaster (APMatchingLn.PvoDomain,
        /* === Case 1 === */
        if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster) 
        then do :
            if DOAccountDefaultMaster:Available
            then assign vcGLCode         = DOAccountDefaultMaster:GLCode 
                        vcDivisionCode   = DOAccountDefaultMaster:DivisionCode
                        vcCostCentreCode = DOAccountDefaultMaster:CostCentreCode
            delete object DOAccountDefaultMaster no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */
        end. /* if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster)  */
        if vcGLCode = "":U or
           vcGLCode = ?
        then do :
            DOAccountDefaultMaster = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.AccountDefaultMaster (APMatchingLn.PvoDomain,
            /* === Case 2 === */
            if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster) 
            then do :
                if DOAccountDefaultMaster:Available
                then assign vcGLCode         = DOAccountDefaultMaster:GLCode 
                            vcDivisionCode   = DOAccountDefaultMaster:DivisionCode
                            vcCostCentreCode = DOAccountDefaultMaster:CostCentreCode
                delete object DOAccountDefaultMaster no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */
            end. /* if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster)  */
            if vcGLCode = "":U or
               vcGLCode = ?
            then do :
                if {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALPROFIT} = "":U or 
                then do :
                    assign viLocalReturnStatus = -602
                           ocErrorMessage      = "Internal error. The system cannot find the system GL account for exchange rate unrealized profit because the preprocessor for this type of account is not defined.":U.
                    Leave FINDACCOUNTBLOCK.
                end. /* if {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALPROFIT} = "":U or */
                find first gl where
                           gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                           gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALPROFIT}
                           no-lock no-error.
                if not available gl
                then do:
                    assign viLocalReturnStatus = -603
                           ocErrorMessage      = "Internal error. The system cannot find the system GL account for exchange rate unrealized profit.":U.
                    Leave FINDACCOUNTBLOCK.      
                end. /* if not available gl */
                /* === Case 3 */
                assign oiGLID           = GL.GL_ID
                       vcGLCode         = GL.GLCode
                       vcDivisionCode   = "":U
                       vcCostCentreCode = "":U.
            end. /* if vcGLCode = "":U or */
        end. /* if vcGLCode = "":U or */
    end. /* if ilGetGainAccount = true : vdCreditLC > 0 /* meaning a Gain */ */
    else do :
        /* Find acdf (account defaults): currency and prod-line */
        DOAccountDefaultMaster = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.AccountDefaultMaster (APMatchingLn.PvoDomain,
        /* === Case 4 === */
        if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster) 
        then do :
            if DOAccountDefaultMaster:Available
            then assign vcGLCode         = DOAccountDefaultMaster:GLCode 
                        vcDivisionCode   = DOAccountDefaultMaster:DivisionCode
                        vcCostCentreCode = DOAccountDefaultMaster:CostCentreCode
            delete object DOAccountDefaultMaster no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */
        end. /* if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster)  */
        if vcGLCode = "":U or
           vcGLCode = ?
        then do :
            /* Find acdf (account defaults): currency */
            DOAccountDefaultMaster = new com.qad.eefin.tsetstatutorycurrency.AccountDefaultMaster (APMatchingLn.PvoDomain,
            /* === Case 5 === */
            if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster) 
            then do :
                if DOAccountDefaultMaster:Available
                then assign vcGLCode         = DOAccountDefaultMaster:GLCode 
                            vcDivisionCode   = DOAccountDefaultMaster:DivisionCode
                            vcCostCentreCode = DOAccountDefaultMaster:CostCentreCode
                delete object DOAccountDefaultMaster no-error. /* Needed to free up memory */
            end. /* if valid-object(DOAccountDefaultMaster)  */
            if vcGLCode = "":U or
               vcGLCode = ?
            then do :
                if {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALLOSS} = "":U or 
                then do :
                    assign viLocalReturnStatus = -604
                           ocErrorMessage      = "Internal error. The system cannot find the system GL account for exchange rate unrealized loss because the preprocessor for this type of account is not defined":U.
                    Leave FINDACCOUNTBLOCK.
                end. /* if {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALLOSS} = "":U or */
                find first gl where
                           gl.sharedset_id = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
                           gl.glsystemtype = {&GLSYSTEMTYPE-EXCHANGEUNREALLOSS}
                           no-lock no-error.
                if not available gl
                then do:
                    assign viLocalReturnStatus = -605
                           ocErrorMessage      = "Internal error. The system cannot find the system GL account for exchange rate unrealized loss":U.
                    Leave FINDACCOUNTBLOCK.      
                end. /* if not available tqGLByGLSystemType */
                /* === Case 6 */
                assign oiGLID           = GL.GL_ID
                       vcGLCode         = GL.GLCode
                       vcDivisionCode   = "":U
                       vcCostCentreCode = "":U.
            end. /* if vcGLCode = "":U or */
        end. /* if vcGLCode = "":U or */
    end. /* if ilGetGainAccount <> true : vdCreditLC <= 0 /* meaning a Loss */ */

/* ============================================================================================= */
/* Transfer the account-information to the output-params after converting the Codes into the IDs */
/* ============================================================================================= */
if vcGLCode <> "":U and 
   vcGLCode <> ?    and
   (oiGLID = 0 or 
    oiGLID = ?)
then do :
    find GL where
         GL.SharedSet_ID = viDomainGLSharedSetID and
         GL.GLCode       = vcGLCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if available GL
    then assign oiGLID = GL.GL_ID.
end. /* if vcGLCode <> "":U and */
if vcDivisionCode <> "":U and 
   vcDivisionCode <> ?    and
   (oiDivisionID = 0 or 
    oiDivisionID = ?)
then do :
    find Division where
         Division.SharedSet_ID = viDomainDivisionSharedSetID and
         Division.DivisionCode = vcDivisionCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if available Division
    then assign oiDivisionID = Division.Division_ID.
end. /* if vcDivisionCode <> "":U and */
if vcCostCentreCode <> "":U and 
   vcCostCentreCode <> ?    and
   (oiCostCentreID = 0 or 
    oiCostCentreID = ?)
then do :
    find CostCentre where
         CostCentre.SharedSet_ID = viDomainCostCentreSharedSetID and
         CostCentre.CostCentreCode = vcCostCentreCode
         no-lock no-error.
    if available CostCentre
    then assign oiCostCentreID = CostCentre.CostCentre_ID.
end. /* if vcCostCentreCode <> "":U and */

/* ================== */
/* Exception handling */
/* ================== */    
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.