project QadFinancials > class TFRWTreeView > method GetFRWTreeLevel2NodeCaculateBalanceAndActivity
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tfrwtreeview.p)
/* Now we can calculate the balance/activity for the requested period. */
assign viteller = 0.
for each tancode:
find tnode where tnode.tinodeid = tancode.tileafnodeid no-error.
if not available tnode then do:
/*corruption. tnode not available with id #*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-63'Corruption. tnode not available with id # '&1'.':255(81869038)T-63#, string(tancode.tileafnodeid))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /*end if not available tnode then do */
for each tPerrange:
for each tanalelemcubedim where tanalelemcubedim.tccubename = vccubenames and
tanalelemcubedim.tcancode = tancode.tcancode use-index analelemcubedimanindex,
each frwcubedim where frwcubedim.frwcubedim_id = tanalelemcubedim.ticubedimid no-lock,
each frwcubemeas where frwcubemeas.frwcubedim_id = frwcubedim.frwcubedim_id and
frwcubemeasreportyear = tPerrange.tiyear and
frwcubemeasreportperiod >= tPerrange.tifromperiod and
frwcubemeasreportperiod <= tPerrange.titoperiod no-lock:
for each tColPer where tColPer.tiPerSeq = tPerrange.tiPerrangeSeq,
each tCols where tCols.tiSeq = tColPer.tiColSeq:
/* now we are sure about that this FRWCubeMeas needs to be added to some columns */
assign vdAmountx = 0.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ACT" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityDRPC - FRWCubeMeasactivityCRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ACTDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityDRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ACTCR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityCRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ACTQTY" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasAcitivtyQTY.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ABC" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityDRLC - FRWCubeMeasactivityCRLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ABCDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityDRLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "ABCCR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasactivityCRLC.
if tCols.tcMeas begins "OP" and
FRWCubeMeasReportyear = tCols.tiFromYear and
FRWCubeMeasReportPeriod = tCols.tiFromPeriod then do:
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPEN" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPENDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalDRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPENCR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalCRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPENQTY" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalQTY.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPBC" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPBCDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalDRLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "OPBCCR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasOpenBalCRLC.
end. /* if tCols.tcMeas begins "OPEN" */
if tCols.tcMeas begins "CLO" and
FRWCubeMeasReportyear = tCols.tiToYear and
FRWCubeMeasReportPeriod = tCols.tiToPeriod then do:
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOSE" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOSEDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalDRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOSECR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalCRPC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOSEQTY" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasClosingBalQTY.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOBC" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOBCDR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalDRLC.
if tCols.tcMeas = "CLOBCCR" then
assign vdAmountx = FRWCubeMeasCloseBalCRLC.
end. /* if tCols.tcMeas begins "CLOSE" */
if tCols.tiSeq = 1 then assign tNode.tdOpeningBalance = tNode.tdOpeningBalance + vdAmountx.
if tCols.tiSeq = 2 then assign tNode.tdActivityDR = tNode.tdActivityDR + vdAmountx.
if tCols.tiSeq = 3 then assign tNode.tdActivityCR = tNode.tdActivityCR + vdAmountx.
if tCols.tiSeq = 4 then assign tNode.tdClosingBalance = tNode.tdClosingBalance + vdAmountx.
if vdAmountx <> 0 then assign tNode.tlHasDetails = yes.
end. /* for each tCols */
end. /* for each tqAnalElemCubedim, FRWCubeDim, FRWCubeMeas */
end. /* for each tPerrange */
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if tnode.tlisinvertactivitysign = yes then do:
if vccoltype[viColNum] = "a" then do:
if viColNum = 1 then assign tnode.tdOpeningBalance = - tnode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign tnode.tdActivityDR = - tnode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign tnode.tdActivityCR = - tnode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign tnode.tdClosingBalance = - tnode.tdClosingBalance.
end. /* end if vccoltype[viColNum] = "a" */
end. /* end if tnode.tlisinvertactivitysign = yes then do */
if tnode.tlisinvertbalancesign = yes then do:
if vccoltype[viColNum] = "b" then do:
if viColNum = 1 then assign tnode.tdOpeningBalance = - tnode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign tnode.tdActivityDR = - tnode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign tnode.tdActivityCR = - tnode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign tnode.tdClosingBalance = - tnode.tdClosingBalance.
end. /* end if vccoltype[viColNum] = "b" then do */
end. /* end if tnode.tlisinvertbalancesign = yes then do */
end. /* end do with vicolnum = 1 to vicoldetseq */
/* now the calculated balance should be pushed up in the hierarchy, but stopped when a calculation node is encountered */
assign vicurrentparentid = tnode.tiparentnodeid
vimaxloop = tnode.titreelevel - 1
viteller = 0
tnode.tlisaddedtoparent = yes.
do while true:
assign viteller = viteller + 1.
if vicurrentparentid = 0 then leave. /* we reached the top - root node */
if viteller > vimaxloop then do:
/*the tree temp-table is corrupted(2). there were more loops than levels:#. aborting*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-53'The tree temp-table is corrupted(2). there were more loops than levels:# '&1' aborting.':255(668596211)T-53#, string(vimaxloop))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
find bnode where bnode.tinodeid = vicurrentparentid no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/*the tree temp-table is corrupted(2).parent node with id # was not found*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-3'The tree temp-table is corrupted(2).parent node with id # '&1' was not found.':255(435010320)T-3#, string(vicurrentparentid))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if bnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 'c' or
bnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 't' then leave.
assign vicurrentparentid = bnode.tiparentnodeid
bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = yes.
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 then assign bnode.tdOpeningBalance = bnode.tdOpeningBalance + tnode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign bnode.tdActivityDR = bnode.tdActivityDR + tnode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign bnode.tdActivityCR = bnode.tdActivityCR + tnode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign bnode.tdClosingBalance = bnode.tdClosingBalance + tnode.tdClosingBalance.
end. /* do while true */
end. /* for each tancode */
/* now lets try to resolve all calculations */
assign viprevcalctodo = 0.
do while true:
if viprevcalctodo = vicalctodo and
viprevcalctodo <> 0 then do:
/*the tree seems to have circular calculation references (calculation a needs the result of calculation b and calculation b needs the result of calculation a).resolve this first
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12012 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-33'The tree seems to have circular calculation references (calculation a needs the result of calculation b and calculation b needs the result of calculation a).Resolve this first':255(126225294)T-33#)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* run to the tree completely to mark all the nodes that have all children added */
for each tnode where tnode.tlhasallchildrenadded = no:
assign vlalladded = yes.
for each bnode where bnode.tiparentnodeid = tnode.tinodeid:
if bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no then assign vlalladded = no.
assign tnode.tlhasallchildrenadded = vlalladded.
assign viprevcalctodo = vicalctodo
vicalctodo = 0.
for each tnode where tnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 'c' and
tnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no:
assign vicalctodo = vicalctodo + 1.
find frwancode where frwancode.frwancode_id = tnode.tiancodeid no-lock no-error.
if not available frwancode then do:
/*error in tree structure node with id # has invalid analysis code id # . aborting program.
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12433 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=string(tnode.tinodeid) &MSGARG2=string(tnode.qancodeid) &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-76'Error in tree structure. Node with ID #'&1' contains an invalid analysis code ID #'&2' .':255(990290776)T-76#, STRING(tnode.tinodeid), STRING(tnode.tiancodeid)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if frwancode.frwancodeanalysetype <> "c" then do:
/*error in tree structure node with analysis code # is expected to be calculation, but is no
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12435 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=frwancode.frwancodecode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-2'Error in tree structure. Node with analysis code #'&1' is expected for a calculation, but is missing.':255(78092698)T-2#, frwancode.frwancodecode)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if frwancode.frwancodeanalysetype = "c" and
frwancode.frwancodecalcelement = ""
then do:
/*error in analysis code definition analysis code # is expected to have a calculation but that is blank
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12437 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=frwancode.frwancodecode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(#T-25'Error in analysis code definition. Analysis code # '&1' is expected to have a calculation but that is blank':255(926022673)T-25#, frwancode.frwancodecode)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
assign vcinputcalccode = frwancode.frwancodecalcelement
vigeonumberoffset = tnode.tigeonumber.
/* ================================================================= */
/* Create tCalcCode table */
/* ================================================================= */
for each tcalccode:
delete tcalccode.
assign viteller = 0
vlalladded = no
vlcalcnodeready = yes.
if index(vcinputcalccode,",") <> 0 then do:
repeat viteller = 1 to num-entries(vcinputcalccode):
assign vlconstantvalue = no.
if substring(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),1,1,"CHARACTER":U) = "(" then do:
assign vccurrentcalccode = substring(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),2,length(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),"CHARACTER":U) - 2,"CHARACTER":U).
assign vccurrentoperator = "-".
find last bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber < vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
find first bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber > vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/* maybe it is just a constant */
assign vdconstant = dec(vccurrentcalccode) no-error.
if vdconstant = 0 then do: /* it is not a valid constant */
/*calculation formula # contains a (negative) analysis code #
that could not be foundas non-text in the tree
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12441 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=vcinputcalccode &MSGARG2=vccurrentcalccode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-77'Calculation formula #'&1' contains a (negative) analysis code #'2'.':255(751853738)T-77#, vcinputcalccode, vccurrentcalccode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
else do:
assign vlconstantvalue = yes.
end. /* if substring(ENTRY */
else do:
assign vccurrentcalccode = entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode)
vccurrentoperator = "+".
find last bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber < vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
find first bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber > vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/* maybe it is just a constant */
assign vdconstant = dec(vccurrentcalccode) no-error.
if vdconstant = 0 then do: /* it was not a valid constant */
/*calculation formula # contains an positive analysis code # that could not be foundas non-text in the tree
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12443 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=vcinputcalccode &MSGARG2=vccurrentcalccode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-15'Calculation formula #'&1' contains an positive analysis code #'&2' that could not be foundas non-text in the tree':255(309054271)T-15#,
vcinputcalccode, vccurrentcalccode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
else do:
assign vlconstantvalue = yes.
end. /*end else do */
if vlconstantvalue = no then do:
assign vicurrentparentid = bnode.tinodeid.
/* now check if all the children have been added to this calculation component */
assign vlalladded = yes.
if bnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 'c' then do:
if bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no then assign vlalladded = no.
else do:
for each bnode where bnode.tiparentnodeid = vicurrentparentid:
if bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no then assign vlalladded = no.
if vlalladded = yes then do:
create tcalccode.
assign tcalccode.tccalccode = vccurrentcalccode
tcalccode.tccalcoperator = vccurrentoperator
tcalccode.ticalcnodeid = vicurrentparentid.
else do:
assign vlcalcnodeready = no.
else do:
create tcalccode.
assign tcalccode.tccalccode = vccurrentcalccode
tcalccode.tccalcoperator = vccurrentoperator
tcalccode.ticalcnodeid = 0
tcalccode.tdconstant = vdconstant.
end. /* REPEAT viteller = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(vcinputcalccode)*/
end. /* if index(vcinputcalccode,",") <> 0 */
else do:
if index(vcinputcalccode,"*") <> 0 and
index(vcinputcalccode,"/") <> 0 then do:
if index(vcinputcalccode,"*") < index(vcinputcalccode,"/") then assign vifirstoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"*")
visecondoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"/")
vcfirstoperator = "*"
vcsecondoperator = "/".
else assign vifirstoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"/")
visecondoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"*")
vcfirstoperator = "/"
vcsecondoperator = "*".
else do:
if index(vcinputcalccode,"*") <> 0 then assign vifirstoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"*")
visecondoperatorpos = 0
vcfirstoperator = "*"
vcsecondoperator = "".
if index(vcinputcalccode,"/") <> 0 then assign vifirstoperatorpos = index(vcinputcalccode,"/")
visecondoperatorpos = 0
vcfirstoperator = "/"
vcsecondoperator = "".
if index(vcinputcalccode,"*") = 0 and
index(vcinputcalccode,"/") = 0 then assign vifirstoperatorpos = 0
visecondoperatorpos = 0
vcfirstoperator = ""
vcsecondoperator = "".
assign vcsavedinputcalccode = vcinputcalccode.
assign vcinputcalccode = replace(vcinputcalccode, "*", ",").
assign vcinputcalccode = replace(vcinputcalccode, "/", ",").
if num-entries(vcinputcalccode) > 3 then do:
/*Calculation with non supported formula found: #
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12447 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=vcsavedinputcalccode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-55'Caculation with non supported formula found: # '&1'.':255(545666745)T-55#, vcsavedinputcalccode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
repeat viteller = 1 to num-entries(vcinputcalccode):
assign vlconstantvalue = no.
if substring(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),1,1,"CHARACTER":U) = "(" then do:
assign vccurrentcalccode = substring(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),2,length(entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode),"CHARACTER":U) - 2,"CHARACTER":U).
if viteller = 1 then assign vccurrentoperator = "-".
if viteller = 2 then assign vccurrentoperator = trim(vcfirstoperator) + "-".
if viteller = 3 then assign vccurrentoperator = trim(vcsecondoperator) + "-".
find last bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber < vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
find first bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber > vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/* maybe it is just a constant */
assign vdconstant = dec(vccurrentcalccode) no-error.
if vdconstant = 0 then do: /* it was not a valid constant */
/*calculation formula # contains a (negative) analysis code #
that could not be found in the tree
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12441 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=vcsavedinputcalccode &MSGARG2=vccurrentcalccode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-30'Calculation formula #'&1' contains a (negative) analysis code #'2'.':255(751853738)T-30#, vcinputcalccode, vccurrentcalccode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
else do:
vlconstantvalue = yes.
end. /*end else do */
end. /*if not available bnode then do:*/
end. /* if not available bnode then do:*/
end. /* if substring */
else do:
assign vccurrentcalccode = entry(viteller,vcinputcalccode).
if viteller = 1 then assign vccurrentoperator = "+".
if viteller = 2 then assign vccurrentoperator = trim(vcfirstoperator) .
if viteller = 3 then assign vccurrentoperator = trim(vcsecondoperator).
find last bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber < vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
find first bnode where bnode.tcancodecode = vccurrentcalccode and
bnode.tigeonumber > vigeonumberoffset use-index ancodegeonumberindex no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/* maybe it is just a constant */
assign vdconstant = dec(vccurrentcalccode) no-error.
if vdconstant = 0 then do: /* it was not a valid constant */
/*calculation formula # contains an positive analysis code # that could not be found in the tree
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12443 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=vcsavedinputcalccode &MSGARG2=vccurrentcalccode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-46'Calculation formula #'&1' contains an positive analysis code #'&2' that could not be foundas non-text in the tree':255(309054271)T-46#,
vcinputcalccode, vccurrentcalccode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
else do:
vlconstantvalue = yes.
end. /* else do */
end. /* if not available bnode then do*/
end. /* if not available bnode then do: */
end. /* else do */
if vlconstantvalue = no then do:
assign vicurrentparentid = bnode.tinodeid.
/* now check if all the children have been added to this calculation component */
assign vlalladded = yes.
if bnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 'c' then do:
if bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no then assign vlalladded = no.
else do:
for each bnode where bnode.tiparentnodeid = vicurrentparentid:
if bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = no then assign vlalladded = no.
if vlalladded = yes then do:
create tcalccode.
assign tcalccode.tccalccode = vccurrentcalccode
tcalccode.tccalcoperator = vccurrentoperator
tcalccode.ticalcnodeid = vicurrentparentid.
else do:
assign vlcalcnodeready = no.
end. /*if vlconstantvalue = no */
else do:
create tcalccode.
assign tcalccode.tccalccode = vccurrentcalccode
tcalccode.tccalcoperator = vccurrentoperator
tcalccode.ticalcnodeid = 0
tcalccode.tdconstant = vdconstant.
end. /* else do */
end. /* REPEAT viteller = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(vcinputcalccode)*/
end. /* else do */
/* End create tCalcCode table */
if vlcalcnodeready = no then next.
if not can-find(first tcalccode) then do:
/*error in analysis code definition analysis code # has invalid analysis codes or invalid operators
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12016 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=frwancode.frwancodecode &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-88'error in analysis code definition analysis code # '&1' is expected to have a calculation but that is blank':255(393136343)T-88#, frwancode.frwancodecode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* perform calculation */
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = 0.
for each tcalccode:
if tcalccode.ticalcnodeid <> 0 then do:
find bnode where bnode.tinodeid = tcalccode.ticalcnodeid no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/*program error. bnode with id # not found
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12440 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=string(tcalccode.ticalcnodeid) &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-8'Program error. bnode with id #'&1' not found':255(386154302)T-8#, string(tcalccode.ticalcnodeid)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "+" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] + bNode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] + bNode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] + bNode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] + bNode.tdClosingBalance.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] - bNode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] - bNode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] - bNode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] - bNode.tdClosingBalance.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "*" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * bNode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * bNode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * bNode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * bNode.tdClosingBalance.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "/" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 and bNode.tdOpeningBalance <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / bNode.tdOpeningBalance.
if viColNum = 2 and bNode.tdActivityDR <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / bNode.tdActivityDR.
if viColNum = 3 and bNode.tdActivityCR <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / bNode.tdActivityCR.
if viColNum = 4 and bNode.tdClosingBalance <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / bNode.tdClosingBalance.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "*-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * (- bNode.tdOpeningBalance).
if viColNum = 2 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * (- bNode.tdActivityDR).
if viColNum = 3 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * (- bNode.tdActivityCR).
if viColNum = 4 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * (- bNode.tdClosingBalance).
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "/-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if viColNum = 1 and bNode.tdOpeningBalance <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / (- bNode.tdOpeningBalance).
if viColNum = 2 and bNode.tdActivityDR <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / (- bNode.tdActivityDR).
if viColNum = 3 and bNode.tdActivityCR <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / (- bNode.tdActivityCR).
if viColNum = 4 and bNode.tdClosingBalance <> 0 then assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / (- bNode.tdClosingBalance).
end. /* tcalccode.ticalcnodeid <> 0 */
else do:
if tcalccode.tdconstant <> 0 then do:
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "+" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] + tcalccode.tdconstant.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] - tcalccode.tdconstant.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "*" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * tcalccode.tdconstant.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "/" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / tcalccode.tdconstant.
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "*-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] * (- tcalccode.tdconstant).
if tcalccode.tccalcoperator = "/-" then do:
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
assign vdAmount[viColNum] = vdAmount[viColNum] / (- tcalccode.tdconstant).
end. /* if tcalccode.tdconstant <> 0 */
end. /* for each tcalccode: */
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if vicolnum = 1 then assign tNode.tdOpeningBalance = round(vdAmount[viColNum],viNumOfDecimals).
if vicolnum = 2 then assign tNode.tdActivityDR = round(vdAmount[viColNum],viNumOfDecimals).
if vicolnum = 3 then assign tNode.tdActivityCR = round(vdAmount[viColNum],viNumOfDecimals).
if vicolnum = 4 then assign tNode.tdClosingBalance = round(vdAmount[viColNum],viNumOfDecimals).
/* end calculation */
/* push the balance up */
assign vicurrentparentid = tnode.tiparentnodeid
vimaxloop = tnode.titreelevel - 1
viteller = 0
tnode.tlisaddedtoparent = yes.
do while true:
assign viteller = viteller + 1.
if vicurrentparentid = 0 then leave. /* we reached the top - root node */
if viteller > vimaxloop then do:
/* the tree temp-table is corrupted(2). there were more loops than levels:#. aborting
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12420 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=string(timaxloop) &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-54'The tree temp-table is corrupted(2). there were more loops than levels:# '&1' aborting.':255(668596211)T-54#, string(vimaxloop)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
find bnode where bnode.tinodeid = vicurrentparentid no-error.
if not available bnode then do:
/*the tree temp-table is corrupted(2). parent node with id # was not found.
{us/bbi/pxmsg.i &MSGNUM=12421 &ERRORLEVEL=1 &MSGARG1=string(vicurrentparentid) &MSGBUFFER=tcErrorMessage}*/
create terrortable.
assign tErrorTable.tcErrorMessage = trim(substitute(#T-68'The tree temp-table is corrupted(2).parent node with id # '&1' was not found.':255(435010320)T-68#, string(vicurrentparentid)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
if bnode.tcanalysiscodetype = 'c' then leave.
assign vicurrentparentid = bnode.tiparentnodeid
bnode.tlisaddedtoparent = yes.
do with viColNum = 1 to viColDetSeq:
if vicolnum = 1 then bNode.tdOpeningBalance = bnode.tdOpeningBalance + tnode.tdOpeningBalance.
if vicolnum = 2 then bNode.tdActivityDR = bnode.tdActivityDR + tnode.tdActivityDR.
if vicolnum = 3 then bNode.tdActivityCR = bnode.tdActivityCR + tnode.tdActivityCR.
if vicolnum = 4 then bNode.tdClosingBalance = bnode.tdClosingBalance + tnode.tdClosingBalance.
end. /* do while true */
end. /* for each tnode type calc */
if vicalctodo = 0 then leave. /* all calculations are done */
end. /* do while true for checking all calculation nodes */