project QadFinancials > class TConCheck > method UnpostedTransactionCheck
icFile | input | character | |
ocConCheckLineDetResult | output | character | |
otConCheckLineDetStartDate | output | date | |
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime | output | integer | |
oiConCheckLineDetDuration | output | integer | |
iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
iiPeriodID | input | integer | |
iiSessionID | input | integer | |
oiErrorNumbers | output | integer | |
ocConCheckLineDetVersion | output | character | |
icAppVersion | input | character | |
icSumFile | input | character | |
ihTranslationHandle | input | handle | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tconcheck.p)
/* ================================================================================= */
/* This is the check for unposted transactions */
/* ================================================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
assign vdStartEtime = etime(no)
otConCheckLineDetStartDate = now
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime = time
oiErrorNumbers = 0
ocConCheckLineDetVersion = icAppVersion + '.1'.
/* open logfile stream */
OUTPUT STREAM sTechOut TO value(icFile) APPEND.
OUTPUT STREAM sSumOut TO value(icSumFile) APPEND.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted ' ' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted '##### Unposted Transactions Check #####' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Version: ' ocConCheckLineDetVersion skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Validation Start At: ' string(now, '99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS') skip.
do on error undo, throw:
/* Get CompanyCode by iiCompanyId */
find first Company where
Company.Company_id = iiCompanyID
no-lock no-error.
if iiCompanyID = ? or iiCompanyID = 0 or not available Company
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter CompanyID is null or Company not found." skip.
/* Get YearPeriod by iiPeriodID */
find first Period of Company where
Period_id = iiPeriodID
no-lock no-error.
if iiPeriodID = ? or iiPeriodID = 0 or not available Period
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter PeriodID is null or Period not found." skip.
find first Domains of Company no-lock no-error.
if not available Domains
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Domains of the input entity not found." skip.
for each glt_det where glt_domain = Domains.DomainCode and
glt_entity = Company.CompanyCode and
glt_effdate <= Period.PeriodEndDate no-lock:
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if oiErrorNumbers = 0
then assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.
else assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}.
end. /* main_block */
assign oiConCheckLineDetDuration = etime - vdStartEtime.
/* to format the total duration time */
assign viMilliSecs = oiConCheckLineDetDuration.
assign viSecs = TRUNCATE (oiConCheckLineDetDuration / 1000, 0).
assign viMilliSecs = viMilliSecs mod 1000.
assign vcTotalTime = string(viSecs, 'HH:MM:SS') + '.' + string(viMilliSecs).
PUT STREAM sSumOut unformatted ' ' skip.
PUT STREAM sSumOut unformatted '---------------------' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-78'Execution Result':255(510391963)T-78#) + ': ' + ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
if ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}
then do:
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Number of unposted transactions with effective date before the selected period end: ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-98'Number of unposted transactions with effective date before the selected period end':200(431919454)T-98#)
': ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
else do:
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'There are no unposted transactions with an effective date before the selected period end.' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-71'There are no unposted transactions with an effective date before the selected period end.':200(188968231)T-71#)
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Duration: ' vcTotalTime skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Result: ' ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '**********************************************************************' skip.
output stream sTechOut close.
put stream sSumOut unformatted "____________________________________________________________" skip.
output stream sSumOut close.
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.