project QadFinancials > class TConCheck > method TechnicalValidation01Posting
Submethod of TechnicalValidation for checking posting
iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
iiPeriodID | input | integer | |
iiSelectedYearPeriod | input | integer | |
itFromDate | input | date | |
itToDate | input | date | |
oiErrorNumbers | output | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tconcheck.p)
/* woa add checks on CrossCy and checks on PeriodMark_ID */
/* woa add a check from PostingLine --> Subledger ? */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
/* IPR_GL_Check */
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted " " skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix2 + "START Validation of GL (" + STRING (itFromDate) + ")" skip.
/* =========================================== */
/* 1- do some basic checking first */
/* =========================================== */
assign viPrevCompanyID = -1.
find first Posting where
Posting.Company_ID > viPrevCompanyID
no-lock no-error.
if not available Posting
then leave.
else do:
assign viPrevCompanyID = Posting.Company_ID.
if not can-find (Company of Posting)
then do:
for each Posting where
Posting.Company_ID = viPrevCompanyID and
Posting.PostingDate >= itFromDate and
Posting.PostingDate <= itToDate
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING:" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Posting(s) found with no valid company;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
end. /* for each Posting */
end. /* if */
end. /* else do */
end. /* repeat */
assign viPrevCompanyID = -1.
find first PostingLine where
PostingLine.Company_ID > viPrevCompanyID
no-lock no-error.
if not available PostingLine
then leave.
else do:
assign viPrevCompanyID = PostingLine.Company_ID.
if not can-find (Company of PostingLine)
then do:
for each PostingLine where
PostingLine.Company_ID = viPrevCompanyID and
PostingLine.PostingDate >= itFromDate and
PostingLine.PostingDate <= itToDate
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTINGLINE:" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine(s) found with no valid company;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
end. /* for each Posting */
end. /* if */
end. /* else do */
end. /* repeat */
/* ========================================================================== */
/* 2- Go trough each Posting/PostingLine */
/* ========================================================================== */
for each company where company.company_id = iiCompanyID,
first companyProperty of company no-lock,
first Domains of Company no-lock,
first DomainProperty of Domains no-lock:
/* Get sharedset of the company */
for each companysharedset no-lock where companysharedset.company_id = company.company_id,
each sharedset of companysharedset no-lock:
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-GL} then
assign viGLShareSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DIVISION} then
assign viDivisionSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-COSTCENTRE} then
assign viCostCenterSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-PROJECT} then
assign viProjectSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-JOURNAL} then
assign viJournalSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
if sharedsettype = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-CREDITOR} then
assign viCreditorSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_id.
end. /* end each companysharedset */
/* Check if all postingline has a regular posting ref */
for each PostingLine of company no-lock where
PostingLine.PostingDate >= itFromDate and
PostingLine.PostingDate <= itToDate
break by PostingLine.Posting_ID :
if first-of (PostingLine.Posting_ID)
then do :
if not can-find (first Posting of PostingLine)
then do :
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine without Posting found;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
end. /* FOR each postingline */
assign viPrevPeriodID = 0.
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Go trough each Posting */
/* ======================================================================== */
for each Posting of Company no-lock where
Posting.PostingDate >= itFromDate and
Posting.PostingDate <= itToDate :
/* Check Journal */
assign vcJournalCode = ''.
find first Journal where
Journal.Journal_id = Posting.Journal_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available Journal or journal.sharedset_id <> viJournalSharedSetID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "Posting;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";No or wrong Journal was used;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
else if available Journal
then do:
assign vcJournalCode = Journal.JournalCode.
/* Check Period */
if viPrevPeriodID <> 0 or viPrevPeriodID <> Posting.Period_ID
then do:
find period of Posting no-lock no-error.
if not available Period
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Period not found;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
assign viPrevPeriodID = Period.Period_ID
vidbPeriodYear = Period.PeriodYear
vidbPeriodPeriod = period.PeriodPeriod
vidbPeriodYearPeriod = Period.PeriodYearperiod
vtdbPeriodStartDate = Period.PeriodStartDate
vtdbPeriodEndDate = Period.PeriodEndDate. .
if Posting.PostingYear <> vidbPeriodYear or
Posting.PostingPeriod <> vidbPeriodPeriod or
Posting.PostingYearPeriod <> vidbPeriodYearPeriod
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch in Period between POSTING and Period table;" +
string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ";" + Posting.LastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if Posting.PostingDate < vtdbPeriodStartDate or
Posting.PostingDate > vtdbPeriodEndDate
then do :
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch Posting Start/End : " +
string (Period.PeriodYearperiod) + ' * ' + string (Period.PeriodStartDate) + ' * ' + string (Period.PeriodEndDate) + ' * ' + string (Posting.PostingDate) + ';' +
string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ";" + Posting.LastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Go trough each PostingLine */
/* ======================================================================== */
assign vdBalanceLC = 0
vdBalanceCC = 0.
for each PostingLine of Posting no-lock :
assign vdBalanceLC = vdBalanceLC + PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC - PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC
vdBalanceCC = vdBalanceCC + PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC - PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC.
/* Check GL */
assign vlGLIsProjectAccount = ?
vlGLIsCostcentreAccount = ?
vlGLIsDivisionAccount = ?.
find first GL where
GL.GL_id = PostingLine.GL_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available GL or gl.sharedset_id <> viGLShareSetID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTINGLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";No or wrong GL was used;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
else if available GL
then do:
assign vlGLIsProjectAccount = Gl.GLIsProjectAccount
vlGLIsCostcentreAccount = gl.GLIsCostcentreAccount
vlGLIsDivisionAccount = GL.GLIsDivisionAccount.
/* Check PostingLine.Company_ID */
if PostingLine.Company_ID <> Posting.Company_ID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch between PostingLine.Company_ID and Posting.Company_ID: " +
string (PostingLine.Company_ID) + ' * ' + string (Posting.Company_ID)
+ ";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check PostingLine.Period_ID */
if PostingLine.Period_ID <> Posting.Period_ID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch between PostingLine.Period_ID and Posting.Period_ID: " +
string (PostingLine.Period_ID) + ' * ' + string (Posting.Period_ID)
+ ";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check PostingLine.PostingYearPeriod */
if PostingLine.PostingYearPeriod <> Posting.PostingYearPeriod
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch between PostingLine.PostingYearPeriod and Posting.PostingYearPeriod: " +
string (PostingLine.PostingYearPeriod) + ' * ' + string (Posting.PostingYearPeriod)
+ ";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check PostingLine.PostingDate */
if PostingLine.PostingDate <> Posting.PostingDate
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Mismatch between PostingLine.PostingDate and Posting.PostingDate: " +
string (PostingLine.PostingDate) + ' * ' + string (Posting.PostingDate)
+ ";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check PostingLine.Currency_ID */
if PostingLine.Currency_ID = 0 or PostingLine.Currency_ID = ?
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine without currency specified;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check consistency in TC vs LC */
/* This test is skipped for exchange rate accounts, rounding and autobalance account and reval postings */
if PostingLine.Currency_ID = CompanyProperty.currency_id and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'ROUND' and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'AUTOBALANCE' and
available Journal and not (Journal.JournalTypeCode begins 'REVAL')
then do :
if PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC <> PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine in LC but TC <> LC (debit): "
+ vcJournalCode + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC) + ';' +
string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC <> PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine in LC but TC <> LC (credit): "
+ vcJournalCode + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC) + ';'
+ string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check consistency in TC vs SC */
if DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID = PostingLine.Currency_ID and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'ROUND' and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'AUTOBALANCE' and
available Journal and not (Journal.JournalTypeCode begins 'REVAL')
then do:
if PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC <> PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine Currency is same as Statutory Currency but TC amount <> CC amount(debit): "
+ vcJournalCode + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitTC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC) + ';' +
string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC <> PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";PostingLine Currency is same as Statutory Currency but TC amount <> CC amount (credit): "
+ vcJournalCode + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditTC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC) + ';'
+ string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check consistency in BC SC */
if DomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsStatutory = false and
DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID = CompanyProperty.currency_id and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'ROUND' and
GL.GLSystemType <> 'AUTOBALANCE':U and
available Journal and not (Journal.JournalTypeCode begins 'REVAL')
then do:
if PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC <> PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTINGLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) +
";SC is disabled but the debit values in SC are different from BC : " +
string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitLC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineDebitCC) +
";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC <> PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTINGLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) +
";SC is disabled but the credit values in SC are different from BC : " +
string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditLC) + ' * ' + string (PostingLine.PostingLineCreditCC) +
";" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
end. /* Check consistency in BC SC */
/* Check Division */
if PostingLine.Division_ID <> 0 and PostingLine.Division_ID <> ?
then do:
find first Division where
Division.Division_id = PostingLine.Division_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available Division or Division.sharedset_id <> viDivisionSharedSetID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";No or wrong Division was used;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check Gl.GLIsDivisionAccount */
if not vlGLIsDivisionAccount AND PostingLine.Division_ID > 0
then do :
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";Transactions on sub-accounts found on account which is disabled for sub-accounts; " +
string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check CostCentre */
if PostingLine.CostCentre_ID <> 0 and PostingLine.CostCentre_ID <> ?
then do:
find first CostCentre where
CostCentre.CostCentre_id = PostingLine.CostCentre_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available CostCentre or CostCentre.sharedset_id <> viCostCenterSharedSetID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";No or wrong CostCentre was used;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if not vlGLIsCostcentreAccount AND PostingLine.Costcentre_ID > 0
then do :
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";Transactions on costcentres found on account which is disabled for costcentres; " +
string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* Check Project */
if PostingLine.Project_ID <> 0 and PostingLine.Project_ID <> ?
then do:
find first qaddb.Project where
qaddb.Project.Project_id = PostingLine.Project_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available qaddb.Project or qaddb.Project.sharedset_id <> viProjectSharedSetID
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";No or wrong Project was used;" + string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if not vlGLIsProjectAccount AND PostingLine.project_ID > 0
then do :
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix + "PostingLine;" + string (PostingLine.PostingLine_ID) + ";Transactions on projects found on account which is disabled for projects; " +
string (PostingLine.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + PostingLine.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
end. /* for each PostingLine of Posting no-lock */
if vdBalanceLC <> 0
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Posting not in balance for LC amounts;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdBalanceCC <> 0
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Posting not in balance for CC amounts;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Check Unmarked Transactions */
/* ======================================================================== */
if Posting.PeriodMarK_ID = 0 or Posting.PeriodMarK_ID = ?
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "POSTING;" + string (Posting.Posting_ID) + ";Unmarked Transaction;" + string (Posting.LastModifiedDate) + ';' + Posting.lastModifiedUser skip.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1
vlIsHasUnmarkedTransaction = yes.
end. /* end if Posting.PeriodMarK_ID = 0 or Posting.PeriodMarK_ID = ?*/
end. /* for each Posting of Company */
if not vlIsHasUnmarkedTransaction
then do:
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix "No unmarked transactions were found for the selected GL period." skip.
end. /* for each company */
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted vcPrefix2 + "END Validation GL." skip.
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.