GL open item control for consistency check
icFile | input | character | |
ocConCheckLineDetResult | output | character | |
otConCheckLineDetStartDate | output | date | |
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime | output | integer | |
oiConCheckLineDetDuration | output | integer | |
iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
iiPeriodID | input | integer | |
iiSessionID | input | integer | |
oiErrorNumbers | output | integer | |
ocConCheckLineDetVersion | output | character | |
icAppVersion | input | character | |
icSumFile | input | character | |
ihTranslationHandle | input | handle | Translation Handle. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tconcheck.p)
/* ================================================================================= */
/* This is the method for GL Open Items with GL */
/* ================================================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
assign vdStartEtime = etime(no)
otConCheckLineDetStartDate = now
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime = time
oiErrorNumbers = 0
ocConCheckLineDetVersion = icAppVersion + '.1'.
/* open logfile stream */
OUTPUT STREAM sTechOut TO value(icFile) APPEND.
OUTPUT STREAM sSumOut TO value(icSumFile) APPEND.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted ' ' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted '##### GL Open Items with GL #####' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Version: ' ocConCheckLineDetVersion skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Validation Start At: ' string(now, '99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS') skip.
do on error undo, throw:
/* Get CompanyCode by iiCompanyId */
find first Company where
Company.Company_id = iiCompanyID
no-lock no-error.
if iiCompanyID = ? or iiCompanyID = 0 or not available Company
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter CompanyID is null or Company not found." skip.
assign vcCompanyCodeLocal = Company.Companycode.
/* Get YearPeriod by iiPeriodID */
find first Period of Company where
Period_id = iiPeriodID
no-lock no-error.
if iiPeriodID = ? or iiPeriodID = 0 or not available Period
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter PeriodID is null or Period not found." skip.
assign viSelectedYearPeriod = Period.PeriodYearPeriod.
/* init variables */
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.
for each companysharedset of company no-lock, each sharedset of companysharedset where sharedset.sharedsettypecode = "GL" no-lock:
assign viGLSharedSetID = sharedset.sharedset_ID.
def buffer bMove for GLOpenItemMovement.
def buffer bPostLine for PostingLine.
def buffer bComp for Company.
def buffer bPer for Period.
def buffer bQPostingLine for QPostingLine.
empty temp-table tqOpenItem.
empty temp-table tqReport.
empty temp-table tqGLCurrency.
/* loop through all GL accounts of type 'Open Item' */
for each GL where GL.SharedSet_ID = viGLSharedSetID and
GL.GLTypeCode = "OPENITEM" no-lock:
/* Below code is commentted by PO decision. When 'allocate later' is resolved, this code will be reopen to use. */
/* for each GLOpenItem of GL where GLOpenItem.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemClosingDate > period.periodenddate no-lock:
assign vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = no.
for each GLOpenItemMovement of GLOpenItem no-lock, each postingline of GLOpenItemMovement no-lock by postingline.postingdate:
if postingline.postingdate <= period.periodenddate and
postingline.postingyearperiod <= period.periodyearperiod then do: /* also the period must be checked because of the year closing 13 that ends on the same day as period 12 */
assign vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = yes.
if vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = no then next.
find first tqGLCurrency where tqGLCurrency.tiGLID = GL.gl_ID and
tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID = GLOpenItem.currency_ID no-error.
if not available tqGLCurrency then do:
create tqGLCurrency.
assign tqGLCurrency.tiGLID = GL.gl_ID
tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode = GL.GLCode
tqGLCurrency.tcGLDescription = GL.GLDescription
tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID = GLOpenItem.currency_ID.
find first Currency where Currency.Currency_id = GLOpenItem.currency_ID no-lock no-error.
if available Currency then assign tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode = Currency.CurrencyCode.
assign tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC
tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC
tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC.
/* now subtract the movements after the period end */
for each bMove of GLOpenItem where glopenitemmovementtype = "MOVEMENT" no-lock,
each bPostLine of bMove where bPostLine.postingdate > period.periodenddate no-lock:
assign tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC - bPostLine.PostingLineDebitTC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditTC
tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC - bPostLine.PostingLineDebitLC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditLC
tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC - bPostLine.PostingLineDebitCC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditCC.
end. /* for each GLOpenItem */
/* now we look for postinglines that have happened on this account in the checked period only */
for each postingline where postingline.company_ID = company.company_ID and postingline.gl_ID = GL.GL_ID and
postingline.postingyearperiod = viSelectedYearPeriod no-lock use-index CompanyGLYearPd:
find GLOpenItemMovement where GLOpenItemMovement.postingline_id = postingline.postingline_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available GLOpenItemMovement
then do:
/* this is not an error. It happens with Allocate later cases */
<M-61 run GetPostingLineKey
(input postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence).
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Information: Allocate later status for posting (" + string(postingline.posting_id) + "): " + vcKey
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 3.
assign viAllocateLater = viAllocateLater + 1.
find GLOpenItem of GLOpenItemMovement no-lock no-error.
if not available GLOpenItem then do:
/* run iprGetPostingLineKey. */
<M-28 run GetPostingLineKey
(input postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity error: GLOpenItemMovement without parent GLOpenItem: " + vcKey + " glopenitemmovement_ID: " + string(glopenitemmovement_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
find tqOpenItem where tqOpenItem.tiOpenItemID = GLOpenItem.GLOpenItem_ID no-lock no-error.
if available tqOpenItem then next. /* we already checked this item */
create tqOpenItem.
assign tqOpenItem.tiOpenItemID = GLOpenItem.GLOpenItem_ID
viItemsChecked = viItemsChecked + 1.
/* now check the open item balance and status */
vdCurrDebitLC = 0
vdCurrCreditLC = 0
vdCurrDebitTC = 0
vdCurrCreditTC = 0
vdCurrDebitCC = 0
vdCurrCreditCC = 0
vtLastPostingDate = 01/01/1900
viInitPostID = 0.
for each bMove of GLOpenItem no-lock:
find bPostLine where bPostLine.PostingLine_ID = bMove.PostingLine_ID no-lock no-error.
if not available bPostLine then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity Error. Postingline not available for GLOpenItemMovement " + vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + " GL: " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemMovement_ID: " + string(bMove.GLOpenItemMovement_ID) + " PostingLine_ID: " + string(bMove.PostingLine_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bMove.Currency_ID <> GLOpenItem.currency_id then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-27 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Currency. " + vcKey + " GLOpenItemMovement.Currency_ID: " + string(bMove.Currency_ID) + " GLOpenItem.Currency_ID: " + string(GLOpenItem.Currency_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bMove.GLOpenItemMovementPostDate <> bPostLine.PostingDate then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-10 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in PostingDate. " + vcKey + " GLOpenItemMovementPostDate: " + string(bMove.GLOpenItemMovementPostDate) +
" PostingLine.PostingDate: " + string(bPostLine.PostingDate)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bMove.Currency_ID <> bPostLine.currency_id then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-47 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Currency. " + vcKey + " GLOpenItemMovement.Currency_ID: " + string(bMove.Currency_ID) +
" PostingLine.Currency_ID: " + string(bPostLine.currency_id)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bMove.GLOpenItemMovementType <> "INITIAL" and
bMove.GLOpenItemMovementType <> "MOVEMENT" then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-40 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in movement with wrong type." + vcKey + " GLOpenItemMovementType: " + trim(bMove.GLOpenItemMovementType)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bMove.GLOpenItemMovementType = "INITIAL" then do:
assign viInitPostID = bPostLine.PostingLine_ID.
/* now compare the postingline amounts with the original GLOpenItem amounts */
if bPostLine.PostingLineDebitLC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitLC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-41 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original BC Debit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineDebitLC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineDebitLC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalDebitLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bPostLine.PostingLineCreditLC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditLC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-56 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original BC Credit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineCreditLC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineCreditLC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalCreditLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bPostLine.PostingLineDebitTC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitTC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-96 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original TC Debit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineDebitTC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineDebitTC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalDebitTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bPostLine.PostingLineCreditTC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditTC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-2 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original TC Credit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineCreditTC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineCreditTC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalCreditTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bPostLine.PostingLineDebitCC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitCC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-15 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original SC Debit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineDebitCC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineDebitCC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalDebitCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalDebitCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if bPostLine.PostingLineCreditCC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditCC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-71 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Original SC Credit Amount." + vcKey + " PostingLineCreditCC " + string(bPostLine.PostingLineCreditCC) +
" GLOpenItemOriginalCreditCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemOriginalCreditCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* accumulate the amounts */
vdCurrDebitLC = vdCurrDebitLC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitLC
vdCurrCreditLC = vdCurrCreditLC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditLC
vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitTC
vdCurrCreditTC = vdCurrCreditTC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditTC
vdCurrDebitCC = vdCurrDebitCC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitCC
vdCurrCreditCC = vdCurrCreditCC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditCC.
/* let's also save the latest postingdate for this item to check the closingdate */
if bMove.GLOpenItemMovementPostDate > vtLastPostingDate then do:
assign vtLastPostingDate = bMove.GLOpenItemMovementPostDate.
/* net the calculated balances, because that is also done in the OI postings */
if vdCurrDebitLC > vdCurrCreditLC then do:
assign vdCurrDebitLC = vdCurrDebitLC - vdCurrCreditLC
vdCurrCreditLC = 0.
else do:
assign vdCurrCreditLC = vdCurrCreditLC - vdCurrDebitLC
vdCurrDebitLC = 0.
if vdCurrDebitTC > vdCurrCreditTC then do:
assign vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC - vdCurrCreditTC
vdCurrCreditTC = 0.
else do:
assign vdCurrCreditTC = vdCurrCreditTC - vdCurrDebitTC
vdCurrDebitTC = 0.
if vdCurrDebitCC > vdCurrCreditCC then do:
assign vdCurrDebitCC = vdCurrDebitCC - vdCurrCreditCC
vdCurrCreditCC = 0.
else do:
assign vdCurrCreditCC = vdCurrCreditCC - vdCurrDebitCC
vdCurrDebitCC = 0.
/* one of the movements must have been the initial */
if viInitPostID = 0 then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity error. Open Item without intial type movement." + vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + "GL:" + trim(GL.GLCode) + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey + " GLOpenItem_ID: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItem_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
find bPostLine where bPostLine.PostingLine_ID = viInitPostID no-lock no-error.
/* we have now the complete balance of the item and we can check it */
if vdCurrDebitLC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-60 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance BC Debit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitLC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdCurrCreditLC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-89 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance BC Credit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrCreditLC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdCurrDebitTC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-59 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance TC Debit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitTC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdCurrCreditTC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-1 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance TC Credit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrCreditTC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdCurrDebitCC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-44 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance SC Debit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitCC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if vdCurrCreditCC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-42 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance SC Credit Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrCreditCC) +
" In GLOpenItem record: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* also check the net balance amount in the open item */
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-82 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance BC Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemBalanceLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitLC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceTC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-57 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance TC Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemBalanceTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceTC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitTC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC <> GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC - GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-81 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Balance SC Amount. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceDebitCC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCreditCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* now we check the status */
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen = False and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC <> 0 then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-70 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Open Item Status. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemIsOpen: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen = False and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC <> 0 then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-23 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Open Item Status. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemIsOpen: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen = False and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemClosingDate <> vtLastPostingDate then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-43 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Closing Date. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" Expected date: " + string(vtLastPostingDate) +
" GLOpenItemClosingDate:" + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemClosingDate)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen = True and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC = 0 and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC = 0 then
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-90 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Open Item Status. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemIsOpen: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceLC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceLC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceTC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceTC) +
" GLOpenItemBalanceCC: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemBalanceCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen = True and
GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemClosingDate <> 12/31/9999 then do:
/* run iprGetbPostLineKey. */
<M-24 run GetPostingLineKey
(input bpostline.posting_id (iiPostingId),
input-output oiErrorNumbers (biErrorNumbers),
output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode),
output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher),
input bpostline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId),
output vlBothFound (olBothFound),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
if vlBothFound = yes
then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + trim(GL.GLCode) + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999").
else next.
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency in Closing Date. Expected 12/31/9999 for OPEN status. " + vcKey + " Key: " + GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemKey +
" GLOpenItemIsOpen: " + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemIsOpen) +
" GLOpenItemClosingDate:" + string(GLOpenItem.GLOpenItemClosingDate)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
end. /* for each postingline */
end. /* for each GL */
for each GLOpenItemMovement where GLOpenItemMovementPostDate >= period.periodstartdate and
GLOpenItemMovementPostDate <= period.periodenddate no-lock:
find GLOpenItem of GLOpenItemMovement no-lock no-error.
if not available GLOpenItem then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity Error. Open Item Movement with invalid parent Open Item ID. GLOpenItemMovement_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItemMovement_ID) +
" GLOpenItem_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItem_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if GLOpenItem.Company_ID <> Company.Company_ID then next.
if not can-find(Currency of GLOpenItemMovement) then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity Error. Open Item Movement with invalid Currency ID. GLOpenItemMovement_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItemMovement_ID) +
" Currency_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.Currency_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
if not can-find(PostingLine of GLOpenItemMovement) then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Integrity Error. Open Item Movement with invalid parent PostingLine ID. GLOpenItemMovement_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.GLOpenItemMovement_ID) +
" PostingLine_ID: " + string(GLOpenItemMovement.PostingLine_ID)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
end. /* for each GLOpenItemMovement */
/* Below code is commentted by PO decision. When 'allocate later' is resolved, this code will be reopen to use. */
for each tqGLCurrency:
for each postinghist where postinghist.company_ID = Company.Company_ID and
postingHist.GL_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiGLID and
postinghist.Currency_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID and
postinghistyearperiodfrom <= period.periodyearperiod and
postinghistyearperiodtill >= period.periodyearperiod no-lock:
assign tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitLC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditLC
tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitTC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditTC
tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitCC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditCC.
if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC then do:
find first bQPostingLine where bQPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and bQPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and bQPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
if available bQPostingLine then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC) +
" payment sub-ledger in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
else do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC) +
" payment sub-ledger in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
assign viInconsistencyWarning = viInconsistencyWarning + 1.
if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC then do:
find first bQPostingLine where bQPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and bQPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and bQPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
if available bQPostingLine then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC) +
" payment sub-ledger in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
else do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC) +
" payment sub-ledger in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
assign viInconsistencyWarning = viInconsistencyWarning + 1.
if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC then do:
find first bQPostingLine where bQPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and bQPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and bQPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
if available bQPostingLine then do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC) +
" payment sub-ledger in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
else do:
create tqReport.
assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode + " Currency: " + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode +
" GL balance in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC) +
" payment sub-ledger in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC)
tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
assign viInconsistencyWarning = viInconsistencyWarning + 1.
end. /* for each tqGLCurrency */
end. /* main_block */
if can-find(first tqReport where tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1)
then do:
assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}
oiErrorNumbers = 0.
/* print output */
for each tqReport use-index ErrorSeverityIndex:
put stream sTechOut unformatted tqReport.tcReportText + ", Severity " + string(tqReport.tiErrorSeverity) skip.
if tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1 then
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
assign oiConCheckLineDetDuration = etime - vdStartEtime.
/* to format the total duration time */
assign viMilliSecs = oiConCheckLineDetDuration.
assign viSecs = TRUNCATE (oiConCheckLineDetDuration / 1000, 0).
assign viMilliSecs = viMilliSecs mod 1000.
assign vcTotalTime = string(viSecs, 'HH:MM:SS') + '.' + string(viMilliSecs).
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Duration: ' vcTotalTime skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Result: ' ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '<Error Count:> ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '**********************************************************************' skip.
output stream sTechOut close.
put stream sSumOut unformatted ' ' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim({&CONCHECKLINEDETTYPE-OPENITEMGL-TR}) skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted '---------------------' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-84'Execution Result':255(510391963)T-84#) + ': ' + ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
if ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}
then do:
put stream sSumOut unformatted
trim(#T-46'Total number of errors':100(376712702)T-46#)
+ ': ' + string(oiErrorNumbers) skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted
trim(#T-76'Please see details in the file':150(806040074)T-76#) ' ' icFile ')' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted
trim(substitute(#T-29'Information: &1 journal entries with 'Allocate Later' status in this period.':100(312558691)T-29#, string(viAllocateLater)))
put stream sSumOut unformatted "____________________________________________________________" skip.
output stream sSumOut close.
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.