project QadFinancials > class TConCheck > method DPaymentControlGLBalance


AR payments with GLs of type Customer Payment Account


icSumFileinputcharacterSummary file
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TConCheck.MainEntry

program code (program1/tconcheck.p)

 /* ================================================================================= */
/* This is the method for AR payments with GLs of type Customer Payment Account      */
/* ================================================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

assign vdStartEtime               = etime(no)
       otConCheckLineDetStartDate = now
       oiConCheckLineDetStartTime = time
       oiErrorNumbers             = 0
       ocConCheckLineDetVersion   = icAppVersion + '.1'.

/* open logfile stream */
OUTPUT STREAM sTechOut TO value(icFile) APPEND.
OUTPUT STREAM sSumOut TO value(icSumFile) APPEND. 

PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted ' ' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted '##### AR payments with GL #####' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Version: ' ocConCheckLineDetVersion skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Validation Start At: ' string(now, '99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS') skip. 
do on error undo, throw:  
    empty temp-table tqReport.
    empty temp-table tqGLCurrency.
    empty temp-table tqPayment.
    define buffer bDDocPostLine for DDocumentPostingLine.
    define buffer bPostLine for PostingLine.
    define buffer bbank for banknumber.                                             
    define buffer bgl for gl.  
    /* Get CompanyCode by iiCompanyId */
    find first Company where 
               Company.Company_id = iiCompanyID 
               no-lock no-error.     
    if iiCompanyID = ? or iiCompanyID = 0 or not available Company
    then do:
       assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
       PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter CompanyID is null or Company not found." skip. 
    assign vcCompanyCodeLocal = Company.Companycode. 

    /* Get YearPeriod by iiPeriodID */
    find first Period of Company where 
               Period_id = iiPeriodID 
               no-lock no-error.    
    if iiPeriodID = ? or iiPeriodID = 0 or not available Period
    then do:
       assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
       PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter PeriodID is null or Period not found." skip. 
    assign viSelectedYearPeriod = Period.PeriodYearPeriod. 
    find first DomainProperty where DomainProperty.Domain_ID = Company.Domain_ID no-lock no-error.
    if available DomainProperty then
    assign viCompanyLC = DomainProperty.Currency_ID
           viCompanyCC = DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID.

    /* now we look for postinglines for payments that have happened in the checked period only */ 
    for each postingline where postingline.company_ID = company.company_ID and
    	postingline.postingyearperiod = viSelectedYearPeriod no-lock,
    	each DDocumentPostingLine of postingline no-lock:
    	find DDocument of DDocumentPostingLine no-lock no-error.
    	if not available DDocument then do:
            <M-32 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
    		else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Referential integrity error: DDocumentPostingLine without parent DDocument: " + vcKey + " DDocumentPostingLine_ID: " + string(DDocumentPostingLine_ID)
    			   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find tqPayment where tqPayment.tiPaymentID = DDocument.DDocument_ID no-error.
    	if available tqPayment then next. /* we already checked this payment */
    	create tqPayment.
    	assign tqPayment.tiPaymentID = DDocument.DDocument_ID.
    	if DDocument.DDocumentstatus = "INITIAL" then next.
    	/* now check the Allocations */
    	if DDocument.DDocumentstatus <> "BOUNCED" and
    	   DDocument.DDocumentstatus <> "PAID" and
    	   DDocument.DDocumentstatus <> "VOID" then do:
    			vdCurrDebitTC = 0.
    		for each DDocumentInvoiceXref of DDocument no-lock:
    			find Dinvoice where Dinvoice.Dinvoice_ID = DDocumentInvoiceXref.Dinvoice_ID no-lock no-error.
    			if not available DInvoice then do:
                    <M-17 run GetPostingLineKey
                       (input  postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                        input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                        output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                        output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                        input  postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                        output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
                    if vlBothFound = yes
                        then assign vcKey = " " + vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            		else next.
    				create tqReport.
    				assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Referential integrity error: DDocumentInvoiceXref with invalid DInvoice_ID: " + string(DDocumentInvoiceXref.Dinvoice_ID) + vcKey + " DDocumentPostingLine_ID: " + string(DDocumentPostingLine_ID)
    					   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    				assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    			find journal of Dinvoice no-lock no-error.
    			if not available Journal then do:
                    <M-7 run GetPostingLineKey
                       (input  postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                        input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                        output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                        output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                        input  postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                        output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
                    if vlBothFound = yes
                        then assign vcKey = " " + vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            		else next.
    				create tqReport.
    				assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Referential integrity error: DInvoice with invalid Journal_ID: " + string(DInvoice.Journal_ID) + vcKey + " DDocumentPostingLine_ID: " + string(DDocumentPostingLine_ID)
    					   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    				assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    			assign vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC - DDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTC.
    				if (DDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTC < 0 and
    				   journal.journaltypecode <> "DEBTORCREDITNOTECORRECT") or
    				   journal.journaltypecode = "DEBTORINVOICECORRECT"
    					assign vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC - DDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTC + DDocumentInvoiceXrefIntTC.
    				else assign vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC + DDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTC - DDocumentInvoiceXrefIntTC.
    		if vdCurrDebitTC <> (DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitTC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditTC) then do:
                <M-56 run GetPostingLineKey
                   (input  postingline.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                    input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                    output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                    output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                    input  postingline.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                    output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
                if vlBothFound = yes
                    then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
                else next.
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText = "Detial onconsistency error: Payment Allocation details do not match total payment. DDocument: " + vcKey + 
    				" Calculated Allocations in TC: " + string(vdCurrDebitTC) +
    				" Payment Total in TC: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitTC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditTC)
    				   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    			assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    	end. /* if DDocument.DDocumentstatus <> "BOUNCED" and */
    	/* now check the Payment balance and status */
    		vdCurrDebitLC = 0
    		vdCurrCreditLC = 0
    		vdCurrDebitTC = 0
    		vdCurrCreditTC = 0
    		vdCurrDebitCC = 0
    		vdCurrCreditCC = 0
    		vtLastPostingDate = 01/01/1900.
    	for each bDDocPostLine of DDocument no-lock:
    		find bPostLine where bPostLine.PostingLine_ID = bDDocPostLine.PostingLine_ID no-lock no-error.
    		if not available bPostLine then do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =
    			"Integrity Error. Postingline not available for DDocumentPostingLine " + vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + "Payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    								"DDocumentPostingLine_ID" + string(bDDocPostLine.DDocumentPostingLine_ID) + " PostingLine_ID: " + string(bDDocPostLine.PostingLine_ID)
    			   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    			assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    		/* let's also save the latest postingdate for this item to check the closingdate */
    		if bPostLine.PostingDate > vtLastPostingDate then do:
    			assign vtLastPostingDate = bPostLine.PostingDate.
    		/* accumulate the amounts */
    			vdCurrDebitLC = vdCurrDebitLC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitLC
    			vdCurrCreditLC = vdCurrCreditLC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditLC
    			vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitTC
    			vdCurrCreditTC = vdCurrCreditTC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditTC
    			vdCurrDebitCC = vdCurrDebitCC + bPostLine.PostingLineDebitCC
    			vdCurrCreditCC = vdCurrCreditCC + bPostLine.PostingLineCreditCC.
    	/* net the calculated balances, because that is also done in the payment postings */
    	if vdCurrDebitLC > vdCurrCreditLC then do:
    		assign vdCurrDebitLC = vdCurrDebitLC - vdCurrCreditLC
    			   vdCurrCreditLC = 0.
    	else do:
    		assign vdCurrCreditLC = vdCurrCreditLC - vdCurrDebitLC
    			   vdCurrDebitLC = 0.
    	if vdCurrDebitTC > vdCurrCreditTC then do:
    		assign vdCurrDebitTC = vdCurrDebitTC - vdCurrCreditTC
    			   vdCurrCreditTC = 0.
    	else do:
    		assign vdCurrCreditTC = vdCurrCreditTC - vdCurrDebitTC
    			   vdCurrDebitTC = 0.
    	if vdCurrDebitCC > vdCurrCreditCC then do:
    		assign vdCurrDebitCC = vdCurrDebitCC - vdCurrCreditCC
    			   vdCurrCreditCC = 0.
    	else do:
    		assign vdCurrCreditCC = vdCurrCreditCC - vdCurrDebitCC
    			   vdCurrDebitCC = 0.
    	/* we have now the complete balance of the item and we can check it */
    	if DDocumentIsOpen = true and
    	 (vdCurrDebitLC - vdCurrCreditLC) <> (DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitLC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditLC) then do:
            <M-6 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  bPostLine.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  bPostLine.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Detail inconsistency error. Payment is open. BC postings total should be equal to orginal BC.  " + "Payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    					" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitLC - vdCurrCreditLC) +
    					" In DDocument record: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitLC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditLC)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if DDocumentIsOpen = true and
    	 (vdCurrDebitTC - vdCurrCreditTC) <> (DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitTC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditTC) then do:
            <M-8 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  bPostLine.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  bPostLine.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Detail inconsistency error. Payment is open. TC postings total should be equal to orginal TC.  " + "Payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    					" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitTC - vdCurrCreditTC) +
    					" In DDocument record: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitTC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditTC)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if DDocumentIsOpen = true and
    	 (vdCurrDebitCC - vdCurrCreditCC) <> (DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitCC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditCC) then do:
            <M-92 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  bPostLine.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  bPostLine.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Detail inconsistency error. Payment is open. SC postings total should be equal to orginal SC.  " + "Payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    					" Calculated: " + string(vdCurrDebitCC - vdCurrCreditCC) +
    					" In DDocument record: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitCC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditCC)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if DDocument.DDocumentIsOpen = True and
    		DDocument.DDocumentClosingDate <> 12/31/9999 then do:
            <M-19 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  bPostLine.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  bPostLine.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Detail inconsistency error in Closing Date. Expected 12/31/9999 for OPEN status. " + "Payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    			" DDocumentIsOpen: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentIsOpen) +
    			" DDocumentClosingDate:" + string(DDocument.DDocumentClosingDate)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if DDocument.DDocumentIsOpen = False and
    		DDocument.DDocumentClosingDate <> vtLastPostingDate then do:
            <M-59 run GetPostingLineKey
               (input  bPostLine.posting_id (iiPostingId), 
                input-output viErrorsFound (biErrorNumbers), 
                output vcJournalCodeTmp (ocJournalCode), 
                output vcPostingVoucherTmp (ocPostingVoucher), 
                input  bPostLine.postingline_id (iiPostingLineId), 
                output vlBothFound (olBothFound), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
            if vlBothFound = yes
                then assign vcKey = vcCompanyCodeLocal + " " + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),1,4,"CHARACTER") + "/" + substring(string(viSelectedYearPeriod,"999999"),5,2,"CHARACTER") + "/" + trim(vcJournalCodeTmp) + "/" + string(vcPostingVoucherTmp,"999999999") + "/" + string(PostingLine.PostingLineSequence). 
            else next.
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Detail inconsistency error in Closing Date. Expected " + string(vtLastPostingDate) +  " for closed payment: " + DDocument.DDocumentType + "/" + 
    						string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + "/" + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) +
    			" DDocumentIsOpen: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentIsOpen) +
    			" DDocumentClosingDate:" + string(DDocument.DDocumentClosingDate)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viDetailInconsistencyError = viDetailInconsistencyError + 1.
    end. /* for each postingline */ 
    empty temp-table tqGLCurrency.
    /* now check the GL Balance vs. Open Payments */
    for each DDocument where DDocumentClosingDate > period.periodenddate and
    		 DDocument.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID no-lock:
    	assign vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = no
    			vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "".
    	for each DDocumentPostingLine of DDocument no-lock, each postingline of DDocumentPostingLine no-lock by postingline.postingdate:
    		if postingline.postingdate <= period.periodenddate then do:
    			assign vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = yes
    				vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = DDocumentPostingLine.DDocumentStatus.
    		else leave.
    	if vlExistedAtPeriodEnd = no or
    	   vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "INITIAL" or
    	   vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "BOUNCED" or
    	   vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "PAID" or
    	   vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "VOID" or
    	   vcStatusAtPeriodEnd = "" then next.
    	find banknumber of DDocument no-lock no-error.                                           
    	if not available BankNumber then do:
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in DDocument.BankNumber! Missing banknumber: " + string(DDocument.BankNumber_ID) + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find bankpayformat where bankpayformat.bankpayformat_ID = banknumber.bankpayformat_ID no-lock no-error.                                            
    	if not available bankpayformat then do:
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in BankNumber.Bankpayformat! Missing bankpayformat: " + string(BankNumber.bankpayformat_ID) + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find bbank where bbank.banknumber_ID = bankpayformat.banknumber_ID no-lock no-error.     
    	if not available bBank then do:
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in BankPayFormat.BankNumber! Missing banknumber 2: " + string(bankpayformat.banknumber_ID) + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod)
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find gl where gl.gl_ID = bbank.parentobject_ID no-lock no-error.
    	if not available gl then do:
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in BankNumber.GL! GL: " + string(bbank.parentobject_ID) + " Parent type: " + bbank.bankNumberParentType + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) 
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find DDocumentstatus where DDocumentstatus.company_ID = DDocument.company_ID and DDocumentstatus.bankgl_ID = bbank.parentobject_ID and                       
    		DDocumentstatus.DDocumentStatusStatus = vcStatusAtPeriodEnd and           
    		DDocumentstatus.DDocumentstatusdoctype = DDocument.DDocumenttype no-lock no-error.
    	if not available DDocumentstatus then do:
    		create tqReport.
    		assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in DDocumentStatus! Missing status: " + vcStatusAtPeriodEnd + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Bank Account: " + GL.GLCode + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period: " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + GL.GLCode 
    					tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1.
    		assign viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find gl where gl.gl_ID = DDocumentstatus.gl_ID no-lock no-error.
       if not available gl 
       then do:
            create tqReport.
            assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in DDocumentstatus.GL! GL: " + string(DDocumentstatus.gl_ID) + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod)
                   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
                   viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.

       find currency where currency.currency_ID = DDocument.currency_ID no-lock no-error.
       if not available currency
       then do:
            create tqReport.
            assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Referential integrity error in DDocument.Currency! Currency: " + string(DDocument.currency_ID) + " Year: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentYear) + " Document type: " + DDocument.DDocumenttype + " Number: " + string(DDocument.DDocumentNumber) + " Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod)
                   tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 1
                   viErrorsFound = viErrorsFound + 1.
    	find tqGLCurrency where tqGLCurrency.tiGLID = ddocumentstatus.gl_ID and
    							tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID = ddocument.currency_ID no-error.
    	if not available tqGLCurrency then do:
    		create tqGLCurrency.
    		assign tqGLCurrency.tiGLID = ddocumentstatus.gl_ID
    				tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID = ddocument.currency_ID.
            for first bgl where bgl.gl_id = tqGLCurrency.tiGLID no-lock:
                assign tqGLCurrency.tcGLCode = bgl.glcode
                       tqGLCurrency.tcGLDescription = bgl.gldescription.
            for first currency where currency.currency_id = tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID no-lock:
                assign tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode = currency.currencycode.
    	assign tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC + DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitLC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditLC
    		tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC + DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitTC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditTC
    		tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC = tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC + DDocument.DDocumentOriginalDebitCC - DDocument.DDocumentOriginalCreditCC.
    for each tqGLCurrency,
    	each postinghist where postinghist.company_ID = Company.Company_ID and
    	         postingHist.GL_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiGLID and
    			 postinghist.Currency_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID and
    			 postinghistyearperiodfrom <= period.periodyearperiod and 
    			 postinghistyearperiodtill >= period.periodyearperiod no-lock:
    	assign tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitLC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditLC
    		   tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitTC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditTC
    	       tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC + PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceDebitCC - PostingHist.PostingHistBalanceCreditCC.
    for each tqGLCurrency:
    	find currency where currency.currency_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID no-lock no-error.
    	find gl where gl.gl_ID = tqGLCurrency.tiGLID no-lock no-error.
       if available currency then assign vcCurrencyCode = currency.currencycode.
       else assign vcCurrencyCode = "Missing":U.
       if available GL then assign vcGLCode = GL.GLCode.
       else assign vcGLCode = "Missing":U.
    	/* now we can compare the balances */
    	if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC then do:
    		find first QPostingLine where QPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and QPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and QPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
    		if available QPostingLine then do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.
    		else do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in BC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC then do:
    		find first QPostingLine where QPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and QPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and QPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
    		if available QPostingLine then do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.
    		else do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in TC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.
    	if tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC <> tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC then do:
    		find first QPostingLine where QPostingLine.GL_ID = GL.GL_ID and QPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod <= Period.PeriodYearPeriod and QPostingLine.Currency_ID = currency.currency_ID use-index GL no-lock no-error.
    		if available QPostingLine then do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Unprocessed Hitory Daemon queue causes inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.
    		else do:
    			create tqReport.
    			assign tqReport.tcReportText =	"Balance inconsistency error: Inconsistency between GL and payments sub-ledger! Entity: " + Company.CompanyCode + " Period " + string(Period.PeriodYearPeriod) + " GL Account: " + vcGLCode + " Currency: " + vcCurrencyCode +
    						" GL balance in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC) +
    						" payment sub-ledger in SC: " + string(tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC)
    						tqReport.tiErrorSeverity = 0.
    			assign viBalanceInconsistencyError = viBalanceInconsistencyError + 1.

end. /* main_block */

if can-find(first tqReport) 
then assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
else assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.

/* print output */
for each tqReport use-index ErrorSeverityIndex:
    put stream sTechOut unformatted tqReport.tcReportText + "," + string(tqReport.tiErrorSeverity) skip.   
    assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.

assign oiConCheckLineDetDuration = etime - vdStartEtime.

/* to format the total duration time */
assign viMilliSecs = oiConCheckLineDetDuration.
assign viSecs = TRUNCATE (oiConCheckLineDetDuration / 1000, 0).
assign viMilliSecs = viMilliSecs mod 1000.
assign vcTotalTime = string(viSecs, 'HH:MM:SS')  +  '.'  +  string(viMilliSecs).

put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Duration: ' vcTotalTime  skip. 
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Result: ' ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '<Error Count:> ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '**********************************************************************' skip.

output stream sTechOut close.

put stream sSumOut unformatted ' ' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim({&CONCHECKLINEDETTYPE-ARGL-TR}) skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted '-------------------' skip.
put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-69'Execution Result':255(510391963)T-69#) + ': ' + ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.

if ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED} 
then do:     
    if viErrorsFound > 0
    then put stream sSumOut unformatted 
        trim(#T-9'Total number of referential integrity errors':150(916604167)T-9#)
        ': '
         viErrorsFound  skip.
    if viBalanceInconsistencyError > 0 
    then put stream sSumOut unformatted 
        trim(#T-4'Total number of balance inconsistency errors':100(282714224)T-4#)
        ': ' viBalanceInconsistencyError skip.
    if viDetailInconsistencyError > 0 
    then put stream sSumOut unformatted 
        trim(#T-58'Total number of detail inconsistency errors':150(665310851)T-58#)
        ': ' viDetailInconsistencyError skip.
    put stream sSumOut unformatted 
                        trim(#T-83'Please see details in the file':150(806040074)T-83#) ' ' icFile ')' skip.    
if can-find (first tqGLCurrency)
then do:
    for each tqGLCurrency break by tqGLCurrency.tiGLID
                                  by tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID:
        if first-of(tqGLCurrency.tiGLID)
        then do:
            assign vdGLBalanceLCPerGL = 0
                   vdGLBalanceCCPerGL = 0
                   vdSubBalanceCCPerGL = 0
                   vdSubBalanceLCPerGL = 0
                   vlDetailPrinted = no. 
            put stream sSumOut unformatted ' ' skip.
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-35'GL':20(199)T-35#)
                                           ': ':U 
                                           '    ':U
                                           '    ':U skip.
        assign vdGLBalanceLCPerGL = vdGLBalanceLCPerGL + tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC
               vdGLBalanceCCPerGL = vdGLBalanceCCPerGL + tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC
               vdSubBalanceLCPerGL = vdSubBalanceLCPerGL + tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC
               vdSubBalanceCCPerGL = vdSubBalanceCCPerGL + tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC.
        if tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC <> tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC or
           tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC <> tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC or
           tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC <> tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC
        then do: 
            assign vlDetailPrinted = yes.
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-60'Currency':20(220)T-60#) + 
                                            ': ':U + tqGLCurrency.tcCurrencyCode at 1
                                           trim(#T-848'GL Balance':20(1017)T-848#) + 
                                           '':U to 30
                                           trim(#T-892'Sub-ledger Balance':20(254104290)T-892#)  to 60
                                           trim(#T-38'Difference':20(4114)T-38#) to 90 skip.                                             
            <M-41 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
            <M-46 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
            assign vdDiff = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLTC - tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceTC.
            <M-12 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  tqGLCurrency.tiCurrencyID (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                                    
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-74'TC':3(4029)T-74#) at 1
                                           vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                           vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                           vcDiffFormat to 90 skip.
            <M-75 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
            <M-52 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
            assign vdDiff = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLLC - tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceLC .
            <M-33 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                         
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-11'BC':3(4030)T-11#) at 1 
                                           vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                           vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                           vcDiffFormat to 90 skip. 
            <M-42 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
            <M-367 run RoundAmount
               (input-output tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
            assign vdDiff = tqGLCurrency.tdBalanceGLCC - tqGLCurrency.tdSubBalanceCC.  
            <M-2 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                          
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-28'SC':12(3936)T-28#) at 1  
                                           vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                           vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                           vcDiffFormat to 90 skip. 
        if last-of(tqGLCurrency.tiGLID)
        then do:                                
            assign vdSumGLBalanceCC = vdSumGLBalanceCC + vdGLBalanceCCPerGL
                   vdSumGLBalanceLC = vdSumGLbalanceLC + vdGLBalanceLCPerGL
                   vdSumSubBalanceCC = vdSumSubBalanceCC + vdSubBalanceCCPerGL
                   vdSumSubBalanceLC = vdSumSubBalanceLC + vdSubBalanceLCPerGL. 
            if vlDetailPrinted  then put stream sSumOut unformatted ' ':U skip. 
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-62'All Currencies':50(837972044)T-62#) at 1
                                           trim(#T-773'GL Balance':20(1017)T-773#) to 30
                                           trim(#T-64'Sub-ledger Balance':20(254104290)T-64#) to 60
                                           trim(#T-16'Difference':20(4114)T-16#) to 90 skip. 
            <M-65 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdGLBalanceLCPerGL (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
            <M-73 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdSubBalanceLCPerGL (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
            assign vdDiff = vdGLBalanceLCPerGL - vdSubBalanceLCPerGL.
            <M-36 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                                                                              
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-90'BC':3(4030)T-90#) at 1
                                           vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                           vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                           vcDiffFormat to 90 skip. 
            <M-50 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdGLBalanceCCPerGL (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
            <M-71 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdSubBalanceCCPerGL (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
            assign vdDiff = vdGLBalanceCCPerGL - vdSubBalanceCCPerGL.
            <M-54 run RoundAmount
               (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
                input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
                input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
                output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                                    
            put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-72'SC':12(3936)T-72#) at 1
                                           vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                           vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                           vcDiffFormat to 90 skip.                                                  
    end. /* for each tBalanceByGLAP */
    put stream sSumOut unformatted ' ' skip.
    <M-15 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdSumGLBalanceLC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
    <M-39 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdSumSubBalanceLC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
    assign vdDiff = vdSumGLBalanceLC - vdSumSubBalanceLC.
    <M-91 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyLC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>    
    put stream sSumOut unformatted trim(#T-1'Total BC':50(330832880)T-1#) at 1
                                   vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                   vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                   vcDiffFormat to 90 skip. 
    <M-87 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdSumGLBalanceCC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcGLBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>   
    <M-21 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdSumSubBalanceCC (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcSubBalanceFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck> 
    assign vdDiff = vdSumGLBalanceCC - vdSumSubBalanceCC.
    <M-10 run RoundAmount
       (input-output vdDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  viCompanyCC (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  ? (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcDiffFormat (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>                                                
    put stream sSumOut unformatted #T-57'Total SC':50(601335079)T-57# at 1
                                   vcGLBalanceFormat to 30
                                   vcSubBalanceFormat to 60
                                   vcDiffFormat to 90 skip. 

put stream sSumOut unformatted "____________________________________________________________" skip.
output stream sSumOut close.

if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.