project QadFinancials > class TConCheck > method BankEntry


Bank entry validation check


ihTranslationHandleinputhandleTranslation Handle.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TConCheck.MainEntry

program code (program1/tconcheck.p)

/* ================================================================================= */
/* This is a support utility that checks if invoices linked tot the BankstateAlloc   */
/* are adjusted in the database                                                      */
/* We found customer installations where this was not the case when using CrossCy    */
/* Accounts                                                                          */
/* ================================================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus          = -98
       viSessionID             = iiSessionID
       ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.

define buffer bCompany for Company.
define buffer bPostingLine for PostingLine.

assign vdStartEtime               = etime(no)
       otConCheckLineDetStartDate = now
       oiConCheckLineDetStartTime = time
       oiErrorNumbers             = 0
       ocConCheckLineDetVersion   = icAppVersion + '.1'.

output stream sTechOut TO value(icFile) append.

put stream sTechOut unformatted ' 'skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '##### Banking Entry #####' skip.
PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted 'Version: ' ocConCheckLineDetVersion skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Validation Start At: '  string(now, '99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS') skip.

do on error undo, throw:
    if iiCompanyID = ? or 
       iiCompanyID = 0 
    then do:
       assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
       PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter CompanyID is null." skip. 
    if iiPeriodID = ? or 
       iiPeriodID = 0 
    then do:
       assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
       PUT STREAM sTechOut unformatted "**Error** Input parameter PeriodID is null." skip. 
    /* empty summary output first */
    empty temp-table tBankEntrySum.
    empty temp-table tBankEntrySumLine.        
    for each BankstateAlloc no-lock,
        first Bankstateline of BankstateAlloc no-lock,
        first Bankstate of Bankstateline
        where BankState.Period_ID = iiPeriodID and BankState.Company_ID = iiCompanyID no-lock,
        Company of Bankstate no-lock,        
        GL of Bankstate no-lock,
        first banknumber where ParentObject_ID = gl.gl_id no-lock:
        find first tBankEntrySumLine where 
            tBankEntrySumLine.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode and
            tBankEntrySumLine.tiBankStateLineId = BankStateLine.BankstateLine_id no-lock no-error.
        if not available tBankEntrySumLine
        then do:
            create tBankEntrySumLine.
            assign tBankEntrySumLine.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode
                   tBankEntrySumLine.tiBankStateLineId = BankStateLine.BankstateLine_id
                   tBankEntrySumLine.tlIsBankStateLineOk = yes.  
        /* ================================================= */
        /* AP Invoice                                        */
        /* ================================================= */
        if BankstateAlloc.cinvoice_id <> 0
        then do :
            find first cinvoice of BankstateAlloc no-lock no-error.
            if cinvoice.cinvoicetype = 'prepayment' then next.
            /* ============================================== */
            /* Check if we find a movement of the same amount */
            /* If not, we have a problem !                    */
            /* ============================================== */
            assign vlExactFound = no
                   vlFound      = no
                   vcKeyMov     = ''.
            for each cinvoicemovement of cinvoice no-lock where
                     cinvoicemovement.cinvoicemovementtype = 'movement',
                first PostingLine of CinvoiceMovement no-lock,
                first posting of postingline no-lock,
                first Journal of Posting no-lock,
                first bCompany of Posting no-lock,
                first Currency of PostingLine no-lock:
                find first tBankEntrySum where tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode and tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr = CurrencyCode no-error.
                if not available tBankEntrySum 
                then do:
                    create tBankEntrySum.
                    assign tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr = CurrencyCode
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEDirection = 'AP'
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLDesc = GL.GLDescription
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLNo = BankNumber.BankNumber
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tdTotalAmountDiff = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr = 0.                                        
                assign vlPostingFound = no.
                if(BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID = Posting.Posting_ID or BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID = PostingLine.CrossCompanyPosting_ID) 
                then do:
                    assign vlPostingFound = yes.
                else do:
                    for each bPostingLine of Posting no-lock where bPostingLine.crosscompanyposting_id = BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID:
                        assign vlPostingFound = yes.
                if vlPostingFound = yes
                then assign tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc   = tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc + bankstateallocamounttc
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting = tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting + postingline.postinglinedebittc + postingline.postinglinecredittc
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines         = tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines + 1.                      
                if BankState.BankStatePostingDate = Posting.PostingDate and
                   (postingline.postinglinedebittc = bankstateallocamounttc or
                    postingline.postinglinecredittc = bankstateallocamounttc)
                then assign vlExactFound  = yes
                            vcKeyMov      = bCompany.CompanyCode + "/" +
                                            string (Posting.PostingYear) + "/" +
        				                    Journal.JournalCode + "/" +
    					                    string (Posting.PostingVoucher).
                if (postingline.postinglinedebittc = bankstateallocamounttc or
                    postingline.postinglinecredittc = bankstateallocamounttc)
                then assign vlFound = yes
                            vcKeyMov      = bCompany.CompanyCode + "/" +
                                            string (Posting.PostingYear) + "/" +
        				                    Journal.JournalCode + "/" +
    					                    string (Posting.PostingVoucher).
            end. /* for each cinvoicemovement of cinvoice no-lock where */
            /* ============================================== */
            /* Report it                                      */
            /* ============================================== */
            if not vlExactFound and not vlFound
            then do:
                find first cinvoicemovement of CInvoice where 
                           cinvoicemovement.cinvoicemovementtype = 'INITIAL' no-lock no-error.
                find first PostingLine of  cinvoicemovement no-lock no-error.
                find first Posting of PostingLine no-lock no-error.
                find first Journal of Posting no-lock no-error.
                find first bCompany of Posting no-lock no-error.              
                assign vdTotCI = vdTotCI + bankstateallocamounttc.
                assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
                assign tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr = tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr + 1.
                assign tBankEntrySumLine.tlIsBankStateLineOk = no.
                put stream sTechOut unformatted
                    '> AP Invoice;'            
                    company.companycode '/' 
                    bankstate.bankstateyear '/' 
                    bankstate.bankstateNumber '/' 
                    bankstateline.bankstatelinenumber ';' 
                    BankState.BankStatePostingDate ';'
                    bankstatealloc.bankstateallocamounttc ';'
                    bcompany.companycode  '/'
                    posting.postingyearperiod '/'
                    journal.journalcode '/'
                    cinvoice.CInvoiceVoucher ';'
                    cinvoice.cinvoicereference ';'
                    vlExactFound ';'
                    vlFound ';'
                    (if Company.CompanyCode = bCompany.CompanyCode then ';' else 'CrossCy Trx;')
    		        vcKeyMov ';'
                assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
            end. /* if not vlExactFound and not vlFound */ 
        end. /* if BankstateAlloc.cinvoice_id <> 0 */
        /* ================================================= */
        /* AR Invoice                                        */
        /* ================================================= */
        if bankstatealloc.dinvoice_id <> 0
        then do :
            find first Dinvoice of Bankstatealloc no-lock no-error.
            if Dinvoice.Dinvoicetype = 'prepayment' then next.
            if Dinvoice.Dinvoicetype = 'DEDUCTION' then next.
            /* ============================================== */
            /* Check if we find a movement of the same amount */
            /* If not, we have a problem !                    */
            /* ============================================== */
            assign vlExactFound = no
                   vlFound      = no
                   vcKeyMov     = ''.
            for each Dinvoicemovement of Dinvoice no-lock where
                     Dinvoicemovement.Dinvoicemovementtype = 'movement',
                first PostingLine of DinvoiceMovement no-lock,
                first posting of postingline no-lock,
                first journal of posting no-lock,
                first bcompany of posting no-lock,
                first Currency of PostingLine no-lock:
                find first tBankEntrySum where tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode and tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr = CurrencyCode no-lock no-error.
                if not available tBankEntrySum 
                then do:
                    create tBankEntrySum.
                    assign tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr = CurrencyCode
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEDirection = 'AP'
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode = GL.GLCode
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLDesc = GL.GLDescription
                           tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLNo = BankNumber.BankNumber
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tdTotalAmountDiff = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines = 0
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr = 0.                                        
                assign vlPostingFound = no.
                if(BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID = Posting.Posting_ID or BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID = PostingLine.CrossCompanyPosting_ID) 
                then do:
                    assign vlPostingFound = yes.
                else do:
                    for each bPostingLine of Posting no-lock where bPostingLine.crosscompanyposting_id = BankStateAlloc.Posting_ID:
                        assign vlPostingFound = yes.
                if vlPostingFound = yes
                then assign tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc   = tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc + bankstateallocamounttc
                           tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting = tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting + postingline.postinglinedebittc + postingline.postinglinecredittc
                           tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines         = tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLines + 1. 
                if BankState.BankStatePostingDate = Posting.PostingDate and
                   (postingline.postinglinedebittc = bankstateallocamounttc or
                    postingline.postinglinecredittc = bankstateallocamounttc)
                then assign vlExactFound = yes
                            vcKeyMov      = bCompany.CompanyCode + "/" +
                                            string (Posting.PostingYear) + "/" +
        				                    Journal.JournalCode + "/" +
    					                    string (Posting.PostingVoucher).   
                if (postingline.postinglinedebittc = bankstateallocamounttc or
                    postingline.postinglinecredittc = bankstateallocamounttc)
                then assign vlFound = yes
                            vcKeyMov =  bCompany.CompanyCode + "/" +
                                        string (Posting.PostingYear) + "/" +
        				                Journal.JournalCode + "/" +
    					                string (Posting.PostingVoucher).                           
            end. /* for each Dinvoicemovement of Dinvoice no-lock where */
            /* ============================================== */
            /* Report it                                      */
            /* ============================================== */
            if not vlExactFound and not vlFound
            then do:
                assign vdTotDI = vdTotDI + bankstateallocamounttc.
                find first dinvoicemovement of DInvoice where 
                           dinvoicemovement.dinvoicemovementtype = 'INITIAL' no-lock no-error.
                find first PostingLine of  dinvoicemovement no-lock no-error.
                find first Posting of PostingLine no-lock no-error.
                find first Journal of Posting no-lock no-error.
                find first bCompany of Posting no-lock no-error.

                    oiErrorNumbers                        = oiErrorNumbers + 1
                    tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr       = tBankEntrySum.tiBETotalLinesErr + 1
                    tBankEntrySumLine.tlIsBankStateLineOk = no.
                put stream sTechOut unformatted
                    '> AR Invoice;'
                    company.companycode '/' 
                    bankstate.bankstateyear '/' 
                    bankstate.bankstateNumber '/' 
                    bankstateline.bankstatelinenumber ';' 
                    BankState.BankStatePostingDate ';'                
                    bankstatealloc.bankstateallocamounttc ';'
                    bcompany.companycode  '/'
                    posting.postingyearperiod '/'
                    journal.journalcode '/'
                    DInvoice.DinvoiceVoucher ';'
                    dinvoice.dinvoiceDItext ';'
                    vlExactFound ';'
                    vlFound ';'
                    (if Company.CompanyCode = bCompany.CompanyCode then ';' else 'CrossCy Trx;')                
    		        vcKeyMov ';'
                assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
            end. /* if not vlExactFound and not vlFound */    
        end. /* if bankstatealloc.dinvoice_id <> 0 */
    end. /* for each BankstateAlloc no-lock, */
end. /* Main_BLOCK */

if oiErrorNumbers > 0
then assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-FAILED}.
else if viCount > 0
then assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}.
else assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.

assign oiConCheckLineDetDuration = etime - vdStartEtime.

/* to format the total duration time */
    viMilliSecs = oiConCheckLineDetDuration
    viSecs      = TRUNCATE (oiConCheckLineDetDuration / 1000, 0)
    viMilliSecs = viMilliSecs mod 1000
    vcTotalTime = string(viSecs, 'HH:MM:SS')  +  '.'  +  string(viMilliSecs).
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Duration: ' vcTotalTime skip. 
put stream sTechOut unformatted 'Execution Result: ' ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
put stream sTechOut  unformatted '<Error Count:> ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '**********************************************************************' skip.

output stream sTechOut close.

output stream sTechOut TO value(icSumFile) append. 

put stream sTechOut unformatted ' 'skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted trim(#T-98'Banking Entry':40(4731)T-98#) skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted '-------------' skip.
put stream sTechOut unformatted trim(#T-5'Execution Result':255(510391963)T-5#) + ': ' + ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.

if oiErrorNumbers > 0 
then do:
    put stream sTechOut unformatted 
                        trim(#T-41'Total number of errors':100(376712702)T-41#)
                        + ': ' + string(oiErrorNumbers) skip.
    put stream sTechOut unformatted '(' trim(#T-82'Please see details in the file':150(806040074)T-82#) ' ' icFile ')' skip.    

for each tBankEntrySum 
    break by tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode by tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr:
    assign tBankEntrySum.tdTotalAmountDiff = tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting - tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc.    
    if first-of(tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode)
    then do:
        assign viGLAllocatedTotal = 0
               viGLAllocatedTotalFail = 0.
        for each tBankEntrySumLine where tBankEntrySumLine.tcBEGLCode = tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode:
            assign viGLAllocatedTotal = viGLAllocatedTotal + 1.
            if tBankEntrySumLine.tlIsBankStateLineOk = no
            then assign viGLAllocatedTotalFail = viGLAllocatedTotalFail + 1.  

        put stream sTechOut unformatted ' 'skip.
        /* Bank Account: 1100 #GL description #Bank Account No */
        put stream sTechOut unformatted 
                                       trim(#T-76'Bank Account':30(888)T-76#) + 
                                       ': ' + string(tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLCode) at 1
                                       trim(#T-54'GL Description':40(1012)T-54#) + 
                                        ': ' + tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLDesc at 30
                                       trim(#T-26'Bank Account No':20(3942)T-26#) + 
                                        ': ' + tBankEntrySum.tcBEGLNo at 80 skip.                                
        /* Total Number of banking entry lines: # */
        put stream sTechOut unformatted trim(#T-55'Total number of banking entry lines':150(334579066)T-55#) + 
                                        ': ' + string(viGLAllocatedTotal) skip.
        /* Number of banking entry lines with inconsistency: # */
        put stream sTechOut unformatted trim(#T-45'Total number of banking entry lines with inconsistencies':150(515380374)T-45#) + 
                                        ': ' + string(viGLAllocatedTotalFail) skip.
        /* Currency | Total Amount Posted | Total Amount Allocated | Total Difference */
        put stream sTechOut unformatted 
                                        trim(#T-71'Currency':20(220)T-71#) at 1 
                                        trim(#T-93'Total Amount Posted':255(712663609)T-93#)  to 40 
                                        trim(#T-70'Total Amount Allocated':100(317822737)T-70#) to 75 
                                        trim(#T-7'Total Difference':100(98885305)T-7#) to 100                                  
    <M-31 run RoundAmount
       (input-output tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountPosting (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  ? (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcRoundAmount1 (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
    <M-88 run RoundAmount
       (input-output tBankEntrySum.tdBETotalAmountAlloc (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  ? (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcRoundAmount2 (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>
    <M-44 run RoundAmount
       (input-output tBankEntrySum.tdTotalAmountDiff (bdUnroundedAmount), 
        input  ? (iiCurrencyId), 
        input  tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr (icCurrencyCode), 
        output vcRoundAmount3 (ocFormatedAmount), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TConCheck>        
    put stream sTechOut unformatted tBankEntrySum.tcBECurr to 8
                                    vcRoundAmount1 to 40
                                    vcRoundAmount2 to 75
                                    vcRoundAmount3 to 100 skip.
end. /* for each tBankEntrySum */

put stream sTechOut unformatted "____________________________________________________________" skip.
output stream sTechOut close.

if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.