Query that returns some WHT-fields for a certain invoice.
Do not add joins onto this query.
Try to keep this result-set as small as possible to avoid performance-overhead
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiCInvoiceId | integer | CInvoice ID |
icWHTStatusDiffersFrom | character | Status that it can't be |
icWHTStatus | character | WHTStatus you want to filter on |
query condition
each WHT where
WHT.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
WHT.CInvoice_ID = iiCInvoiceId AND
WHT.WHTStatus <> icWHTStatusDiffersFrom AND
WHT.WHTStatus = icWHTStatus
query resultset tqWHTByCInvoice
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiWHT_ID | integer | WHT.WHT_ID | Record ID |
tiCInvoice_ID | integer | WHT.CInvoice_ID | Link to CInvoice |
tiCInvoiceWHT_ID | integer | WHT.CInvoiceWHT_ID | Link to CInvoiceWHT |
tiCompany_ID | integer | WHT.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tcWHTStatus | character | WHT.WHTStatus | WHT Status |
tdWHTAmtCreditCC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtCreditCC | WHT Amount Cr SC |
tdWHTAmtCreditLC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtCreditLC | WHT Amount Cr BC |
tdWHTAmtCreditTC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtCreditTC | WHT Amount Cr TC |
tdWHTAmtDebitCC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtDebitCC | WHT Amount Dr SC |
tdWHTAmtDebitLC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtDebitLC | WHT Amount Dr LC |
tdWHTAmtDebitTC | decimal | WHT.WHTAmtDebitTC | WHT Amount Dr TC |
Internal usage