This method can be extended with code to execute when an instance of a business class is stopped.
Standard functionality in this method is
- Clean up instance data in the fcInstance table.
- Create or update a draft instance if applicable.
plus transaction handling
- Remove the instance from the transaction if it was added to a transaction in InitInstance.
- Abort the transaction if one was started from inside the business code.
This method is executed when :
- A business instance is stopped (release object + delete instance data)
(icDraftReference = "" + viCurrentDraftInstanceId = 0)
- A business instance is saved as a draft (release object + create draft)
(icDraftReference <> "")
- A draft instance is stopped (release object, delete copy of draft, release original draft)
(icDraftReference = "" + viCurrentDraftInstanceId <> 0)
This method is NOT run when a business instance is only closed (release object + keep instance data).
icDraftReference | input | character | Description for the draft instance. This parameter will have a value when creating a draft instance. |
icDraftFormName | input | character | This parameter will have a value when creating a draft instance. |
ilDraftIsShared | input | logical | This parameter will have a value when creating a draft instance. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/bwithholdingtax.p)
/* ====================================================================================== */
/* Strange construction on the WHT-numbering as not all calls for the same number are */
/* done in the same class: */
/* WHT Numbers are retrieved in BCInvoice, BBankEntry, BCDocument and BOpenItemAdjustment */
/* The possible release/store is done in these components as well. */
/* The Numbers are committed in BWithHoldingTax.PostSave */
/* ====================================================================================== */