field name | data type | mnd. | description |
Vat_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
Domain_ID | integer | yes | Domain |
VatCode | character(20) | yes | Tax Code |
VatDescription | character(40) | yes | Description |
VatInOut | character(20) | yes | Tax In/Out |
value list: | {&VATINOUT-OUTPUTS} | ||
VatTransactionType | character(20) | yes | Transaction Type |
value list: | {&VATTRANSACTIONTYPES} | ||
VatAVRType | character(20) | no | AVR Code |
VatIsActive | logical | yes | Active |
VatIsRetained | logical | yes | Retained |
VatIsAbsorbed | logical | yes | Absorbed |
VatPercentageLevel | character(20) | yes | Tax Percentage Level |
value list: | {&VATPERCENTAGELEVELS} | ||
VatIsGlobalTax | logical | yes | Global Tax |
VatInvoiceText | character(2000) | no | Tax Text on Invoice |
VatIsDelay | logical | no | Delay |
TxuTaxUsage | character(8) | no | Tax Usage |
tcDomainCode | character(8) | yes | Domain |
CustomShort0 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort1 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort2 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort3 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort4 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort5 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort6 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort7 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort8 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort9 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomCombo0 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo1 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo2 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo3 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo4 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo5 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo6 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo7 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo8 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo9 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomLong0 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomLong1 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomNote | character(2000) | no | Custom Note Field |
CustomDate0 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate1 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate2 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate3 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate4 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomInteger0 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger1 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger2 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger3 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger4 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
LastModifiedDate | date | no | Last Modified Date |
LastModifiedTime | integer | no | Last Modified Time |
LastModifiedUser | character(20) | no | Last Modified User |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | no | empty string |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |
field name | data type | mnd. | description |
VatRule_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
VatRuleBaseFull | character(20) | yes | Base/Full |
value list: | {&VATRULEBASES} | ||
VatRuleSequence | integer | yes | Sequence |
VatRuleDescription | character(40) | no | Description |
VatRuleIsPosting | logical | yes | Posting |
VatRuleRef1 | character(20) | yes | Reference 1 |
value list: | {&VATRULEREF-INITIAL-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-INITIAL} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-DISCOUNT-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-DISCOUNT} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-QUANTITY-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-QUANTITY} + chr(2) + "1":U + chr(2) + "1":U + chr(2) + "2":U + chr(2) + "2":U + chr(2) + "3":U + chr(2) + "3":U + chr(2) + "4":U + chr(2) + "4":U + chr(2) + "5":U + chr(2) + "5":U + chr(2) + "6":U + chr(2) + "6":U + chr(2) + "7":U + chr(2) + "7":U + chr(2) + "8":U + chr(2) + "8":U + chr(2) + "9":U + chr(2) + "9":U + chr(2) + "10":U + chr(2) + "10":U + chr(2) + "11":U + chr(2) + "11":U + chr(2) + "12":U + chr(2) + "12":U + chr(2) + "13":U + chr(2) + "13":U + chr(2) + "14":U + chr(2) + "14":U + chr(2) + "15":U + chr(2) + "15":U | ||
VatRuleOperator | character(1) | yes | Operator |
value list: | "+":U + chr(2) + "+":U + chr(2) + "-":U + chr(2) + "-":U + chr(2) + "*":U + chr(2) + "*":U + chr(2) + "/":U + chr(2) + "/":U + chr(2) + "=":U + chr(2) + "=":U | ||
VatRuleRef2 | character(20) | no | Reference 2 |
value list: | "":U + chr(2) + "":U + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-NONE-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-NONE} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-INITIAL-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-INITIAL} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-DISCOUNT-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-DISCOUNT} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-QUANTITY-TR} + chr(2) + {&VATRULEREF-QUANTITY} + chr(2) + "1":U + chr(2) + "1":U + chr(2) + "2":U + chr(2) + "2":U + chr(2) + "3":U + chr(2) + "3":U + chr(2) + "4":U + chr(2) + "4":U + chr(2) + "5":U + chr(2) + "5":U + chr(2) + "6":U + chr(2) + "6":U + chr(2) + "7":U + chr(2) + "7":U + chr(2) + "8":U + chr(2) + "8":U + chr(2) + "9":U + chr(2) + "9":U + chr(2) + "10":U + chr(2) + "10":U + chr(2) + "11":U + chr(2) + "11":U + chr(2) + "12":U + chr(2) + "12":U + chr(2) + "13":U + chr(2) + "13":U + chr(2) + "14":U + chr(2) + "14":U + chr(2) + "15":U + chr(2) + "15":U | ||
VatRuleValue | decimal(4) | no | Value |
VatRuleUsage | character(20) | yes | Usage |
value list: | {&VATRULEUSAGES} | ||
VatRuleRounding | character(20) | yes | Rounding |
value list: | {&VATRULEROUNDINGS} | ||
VatRuleMovementType | character(20) | no | Activity Type |
value list: | "":U + chr(2) + "":U + chr(2) + {&VATRULEMOVS} | ||
VatRuleIsPassBaseValue | logical | yes | Base Value |
VatRuleIsDelayed | logical | no | Delayed |
VatRuleDelayCorrection | integer | no | Delay Correction |
Vat_ID | integer | yes | Link to Vat |
InvoiceGLProfile_ID | integer | no | Invoice GL Profile |
CreditNoteGLProfile_ID | integer | no | CN GL Profile |
InvoiceVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Invoice Tax Group |
CreditNoteVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Credit Note Tax Group |
VoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
CreditVoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
AbsorbedInvoiceVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
AbsorbedCreditNVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
RetainVoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
RetainCVoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | no | Tax Group Code |
DelayedGLProfile_ID | integer | no | Delayed GL Profile |
VatPercent_ID | integer | no | Tax Percentage |
tcVatPercentCode | character(20) | no | Tax Percentage |
tcInvoiceVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | ivgc |
tcCreditNoteVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | cnvgc |
tcInvoiceGLProfileCode | character(20) | no | Invoice GL Profile |
tcDelayedGLProfileCode | character(20) | no | Delayed GL Profile |
tcPercentageFormula | character(20) | no | Percentage Formula |
tdBaseCreditTC | decimal(4) | no | Base |
tdBaseDebitTC | decimal(4) | no | Base |
tcGLDescription | character | no | GL Description |
tcGLCode | character | no | GL Account |
tcVoucherVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
tdVATCreditTC | decimal(4) | no | Tax |
tcCreditVoucherVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
tdVATDebitTC | decimal(4) | no | Tax |
tcCreditNoteGLProfileCode | character(20) | no | CreditNoteGLProfileCode |
tcAbsorbedInvVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
tcRetainedCVoucherVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
tcRetainedVoucherVatGroup | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
tcAbsorbedCreditNVatGroupCode | character(20) | no | Tax Group Code |
CustomShort0 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort1 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort2 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort3 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort4 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort5 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort6 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort7 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort8 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort9 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomCombo0 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo1 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo2 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo3 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo4 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo5 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo6 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo7 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo8 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo9 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomLong0 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomLong1 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomNote | character(2000) | no | Custom Note Field |
CustomDate0 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate1 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate2 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate3 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate4 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomInteger0 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger1 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger2 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger3 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger4 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
LastModifiedDate | date | no | Last Modified Date |
LastModifiedTime | integer | no | Last Modified Time |
LastModifiedUser | character(20) | no | Last Modified User |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | yes | = tVat.tc_Rowid |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |
field name | data type | description |
tiParentObject_ID | integer | |
tcLngCode | character | |
tcTranslationStringText | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_Status | character |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |