field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCurrency_ID | integer | Currency.Currency_ID | Record ID |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tcCurrencyDescription | character | Currency.CurrencyDescription | Currency Description |
tlCurrencyIsActive | logical | Currency.CurrencyIsActive | Active |
tiCurrencyNumberOfDecimals | integer | Currency.CurrencyNumberOfDecimals | Number of Decimals |
tiSysProperty_ID | integer | SysProperty.SysProperty_ID | Record ID |
tiSysPropertyBankFileBatchSize | integer | SysProperty.SysPropertyBankFileBatchSize | Incoming Bank Files Batch Size |
tcSysPropertyInvCertCertificate | character | SysProperty.SysPropertyInvCertCertificate | Certificate used for the Invoice Certification |
tcSysPropertyInvCertOpenSSLDir | character | SysProperty.SysPropertyInvCertOpenSSLDir | Open SSL Installation Directory |
tcSysPropertyInvCertPublicKey | character | SysProperty.SysPropertyInvCertPublicKey | Invoice Certificate Public Key |
tcSysPropertyInvCertVersion | character | SysProperty.SysPropertyInvCertVersion | Invoice Certificate Version |
tlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckCC | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsBudOLCheckCC | OL Check on Cost Center Budgets |
tlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckGL | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsBudOLCheckGL | OL Check on Budgets |
tlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckPrj | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsBudOLCheckPrj | OL Check on Project Budgets |
tlSysPropertyIsBudOverCh | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsBudOverCh | Check Budgets on Overlap |
tlSysPropertyIsBusRelDomRes | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsBusRelDomRes | Business Relations by Domain |
tlSysPropertyIsSpecCIApprove | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsSpecCIApprove | Specific SI Approval |
tlSysPropertyIsSpecCIApprVal | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsSpecCIApprVal | Enable Role Validations |
tlSysPropertyIsWithBudget | logical | SysProperty.SysPropertyIsWithBudget | Budget Enabled |
tiSysPropertyPaySelMaxBatchSize | integer | SysProperty.SysPropertyPaySelMaxBatchSize | Max Batch Size for Supplier Payment Selection Confirm |
tiSysPropertyPaySelMinBatchSize | integer | SysProperty.SysPropertyPaySelMinBatchSize | Min Batch Size for Supplier Payment Selection Confirm |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(SysProperty),rowid(Currency) |